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Prop 215 Housing in Humboldt, CA


Active member
Depending on the house I'll be bringing in some large dogs to help with the problem as well.

so you want a house that will basically KNOW you are growing in it, plus put a couple big dogs (landlords love those in apartments).

hate to burst your bubble but theres a reason the masses are saying its a stupid idea.


your dead on brother. cali is not like it used to be. prices have fallen like a rock. every fucking one is growing here. it starting to not be fun anymore. ive been thinking about moving for some time now....

From the people I've talked to, and what I've read online, people are getting 3200 a pound from dispensaries if the quality is good enough. Is that a bad estimate?

If you leave Cali are you going to another medical state?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
From the people I've talked to, and what I've read online, people are getting 3200 a pound from dispensaries if the quality is good enough. Is that a bad estimate?

If you leave Cali are you going to another medical state?

thats the thing, there are 425,869 people in Califonia that grow better weed then you. they will get those prices and better. right now, your lucky to get 28, lucky. unless you already have a good relationship with the club, or have some uber fucking pot....

not sure if im going to move to a medical state, probably ......


Registered Non-Conformist
krunchbubble has it spot on...

You gotta 'Nail it' every time. Or else, it doesn't work. If that isn't the Classic Definition of Pressure, I don't know what is... lol.

Or you can flaunt all reason, and grow unusually high amounts of Medicine... Takes a lot of Cojones. More than I got. It is a huge gamble all around. With High costs.

I know I go deep, but that is what I do. Write.... So, forgive..!
thanx in advance.


Some telling examples....

3 years ago, I was looking to move to another house in the area. Ended up staying here...

I called and spoke to the Landlord who politely asked me flat out, if I was hoping to grow Pot. I said yes, a Medical Grow only.

Her reply was, and this was 3 years ago, mind you, " I have had 74 calls in the first day of the ad. 70 were from people from out-of-state who thought that I would be totally happy with pot growers renting my house." She was rather discouraged. Nor did She want to rent to me, although She was polite. Her last renters had Trashed the place. Grew and left the Detritus inside and out. Left numerous shells of old Cars strewn everywhere. Had all sorts of noisy Dogs to scare people away. Ruined the neighborhood, according to her ( and ruined the Medical Marijuana Movement in one small way, as well, IMHO ) . So she was very guarded at that point.

3200 is OK, again, if you NAIL it every time. Any holdups. Power failures more than a couple days. Falling trees on your Power lines (happened to me - off for 5 days - on generator.) F-ups. Security probs, Generator breakdowns during outages, breaks or vacations, people f-ing it up, when you think you can safely leave it with them for 2 weeks. It is then hard to catch up.

Try to get a job with a Meaningful wage... Then throw up your hands and say. DoH..!

Electricity is expensive. Unless you Nail it, 3200 barely covers costs.... Dealing with Clubs is usually a PITA> Capriciously deciding what pot to buy. Sometimes it is based on standards unknowable to the Common Human.

The Drive down 101 is called the "Gauntlet," for Good reason.

The Hotel, gas, food and other costs add up.

Other than all that, it is a piece of Cake....!

But, go ahead. Give it a shot. We all wish you well... Truly.

Some Landlords know that a Pot Grower may be the best chance of getting the rent paid. There are little or No Straight Jobs worth performing in the Emerald Triangle anymore.

Many, many people have came and left, with the same dream. Especially of late. many are moving on. The Grow Stores being the only ones who profit from the whole excerise.

One freak living in your neighborhood, and it's all over. Either they blab, they rip, or they tell someone else to rip. Never had this happen to me, but no one comes here..... It is not much of a life to be so private.

Odds are that there will be at least one freak who knows what you are doing.

Dude, there are folks still terrified of Devil Worshippers here. 99% White people... No diversity. Beehive hairdoos, and Mullets. Can you hear the Damn 'Dueling Banjos' Theme...? How about the random rifle shots at all hours during Late September... I sure can. That is what you are dealing with......

Some people have no other things to do, but monitor the quiet nabe. Or one Oldster Landowner, who bought his hime on the backs of many trees harvested, years ago... Who cannot deal with the fact of Cannabis being produced nearby. Even if one is a great neighbor.

In one house I lived in, every home nearby called either LEO, my Landlord, or both... except one... The Bikers across the way who were also growing. I was Medical, so nothing happened. But things were a little different a few years ago, believe it or not.. You just NEVER know. The Authorities will maybe take your equipment, but not arrest you. They know how costly that alone is.

People who live nearby do NOT like to see many BIG dogs, or hear them barking at every skunk or stray cat. Just another tip off to what is going on..

Medical or not. People get 'funny.' Dramatically so. Not haha funny.

Blue Dot

your dead on brother. cali is not like it used to be. prices have fallen like a rock. every fucking one is growing here. it starting to not be fun anymore. ive been thinking about moving for some time now....

Wait, what?

Do you mean it's not "fun" anymore or not "profitable" because if you equate those two as the same then maybe that's where the problem in cali lies.


Registered Non-Conformist
Nice, Blue Dot... these are not problems - but challenges.... Cost to benefit ratios.. One has to put grub on the table..... And there is a totally stagnant, depressed economy up North of Santa Rosa...

However, Such as it is, No State is any better Yet. Much harder elsewhere... All the difficluties that CA has had to go through are years ahead of other states.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Wait, what?

Do you mean it's not "fun" anymore or not "profitable" because if you equate those two as the same then maybe that's where the problem in cali lies.

how about both not fun and not as profitable? so, THATS where the problem in cali lies, fuck you nailed it, WAY TO GO! :jerkit:


Registered Non-Conformist
Blue Dot, I think Krunch still enjoys the growing part...! I know I do.. Discourse is appreciated though.

The Challenges are the costs.... Most people have no idea of the numerous and gigantic curve balls one is tossed. The many hats one has to Don. Not to mention dealing with a depressed economy...

I am here to debunk some of the common misconceptions of the Medical Growing Life. It is just my opinion. Not localism.


Can't ya read the signs.. NOT FOR RENT TO "GROWERS" - It's at the point that if you're supposed to be here doin things you are!


your dead on brother. cali is not like it used to be. prices have fallen like a rock. every fucking one is growing here. it starting to not be fun anymore. ive been thinking about moving for some time now....

You should look into the east coast, there are several medical states out here (including DC); Maine, Rhode Island, and DC are all set to have dispensaries soon (I think NJ too). $5k a bow is pretty common depending on where you're at. I've seen it fluctuate between $4k and $6k on average, with exceptions of course. Sometimes you find it cheaper, especially when buying in bulk but even wholesale prices dont really dip under $4k. And of course I'm talking about top shelf primo chronic. Call it medical (if it looks and smokes like medical) and you'll add like $500-$1000 a pound. Just something to think about if you actually are planning on leaving... shit wanna trade places? :D

lol @ blue dot


Registered Non-Conformist
Many long-time growers are leaving. As long as those with Low skills growing-wise keep producing tons of mediocre buds, and selling them for pennies. That's all they are worth, yes. But that is not the point.

Except for a couple notable exceptions, regarding Indoor, The Clubs are Capricious, buyers moody... And all in all, usually not well run. Top-Shelf medicine is rare. Clones diseased, infested, or not really rooted yet. They have a maximum of what they will pay for Bud, and that applies to Top-Shelf, perhaps lower-yielders. Thus, Mids become the norm. Occasionally, great strains, grown quick, no cure, dried under dehumidifiers, instead of slower. With Medium Quality, and diseases.

If you don;t kiss their Buttox, they don;t want to deal with you.

The glut has become normal, but this year, it may not stop. TIme or a break. Let this crap shake out. Perhaps a different state is better, now....

It's OK, I could use a timeout from the Country Music, loud guzzling fat-person trucks, hairy women, and smelly redneck/hippies. All in all, with the Economy Circling the Bowl, there is a desperate vibe setting up for the Summer... It is not something I am interested in again, up here.

I will watch from afar. Store my Shit. Viewing the scene from either a tropical beach, getting my colour back, surfing each day... Then visit family. Ending up either somewhere a bit more Civilized in the prop 215 area, or in Spain or AMS, being an artist for a while..

Nothing to do and all day to do it (except tending the girls) is not doing it anymore..@!! nyuk nyuk

But, good luck to the rest of ya... Sincerely....

I just hope that mediocrity does not become the norm. Because, even if one saves money in the growing.... (not much all told) if people said NO to Substandard Medicine - these Lazy, IMHO, growers would have to improve.
What I think may happen is MORE buds pulled early, and not processed with as much care.

Only the Grow Stores and the Pot Docs really win in that scenario.


Many long-time growers are leaving. As long as those with Low skills growing-wise keep producing tons of mediocre buds, and selling them for pennies. That's all they are worth, yes. But that is not the point.

Except for a couple notable exceptions, regarding Indoor, The Clubs are Capricious, buyers moody... And all in all, usually not well run. Top-Shelf medicine is rare. Clones diseased, infested, or not really rooted yet. They have a maximum of what they will pay for Bud, and that applies to Top-Shelf, perhaps lower-yielders. Thus, Mids become the norm. Occasionally, great strains, grown quick, no cure, dried under dehumidifiers, instead of slower. With Medium Quality, and diseases.

If you don;t kiss their Buttox, they don;t want to deal with you.

The glut has become normal, but this year, it may not stop. TIme or a break. Let this crap shake out. Perhaps a different state is better, now....

It's OK, I could use a timeout from the Country Music, loud guzzling fat-person trucks, hairy women, and smelly redneck/hippies. All in all, with the Economy Circling the Bowl, there is a desperate vibe setting up for the Summer... It is not something I am interested in again, up here.

I will watch from afar. Store my Shit. Viewing the scene from either a tropical beach, getting my colour back, surfing each day... Then visit family. Ending up either somewhere a bit more Civilized in the prop 215 area, or in Spain or AMS, being an artist for a while..

Nothing to do and all day to do it (except tending the girls) is not doing it anymore..@!! nyuk nyuk

But, good luck to the rest of ya... Sincerely....

I just hope that mediocrity does not become the norm. Because, even if one saves money in the growing.... (not much all told) if people said NO to Substandard Medicine - these Lazy, IMHO, growers would have to improve.
What I think may happen is MORE buds pulled early, and not processed with as much care.

Only the Grow Stores and the Pot Docs really win in that scenario.

best . post. ever.


Overkill is under-rated.
I grew up in Humboldt, now I live 4 hours south of it, but I'll tell you:

Landlords in Norcal are better at finding grow ops/growers than cops, you will NOT outsmart them. Hard to grow anything with monthly inspections, which are becoming more common daily.

Prices HAVE plummeted, I have friends up there still sitting on last years harvests, as the herb must be A grade or better to be worth a damn thing, let alone transporting pounds of it south.

Avoid the 707 area code unless you want to spend a bunch of money on a complete failure.

KB said it very well, you don't grow better weed than the guys that have been doing it for years, or even decades. Their weed will ALWAYS sell before yours, and for more money.

SOmeone above said move to the East Coast, I agree, go where prices are better and there aren't a million other growers vying to move product. If I didn't live in Norcal my entire life and have a ton of connections I wouldn't even consider moving here.

Put another way, the downtown streets of Eureka are littered with sleeping bums, many of them failed growers. Want to be one of them?


Registered Non-Conformist
Between the High Rents, low Recovery costs to patients of late, and the Utilities, Plus whatever else. It costs about 1.5-2# of Highest grade to do a run..... The rest is yours.... Not much, for the risk, hassle, and everything else. Because ALL The funds GO up front, for a supposed future. One that is By No Means Guaranteed.


Thanks for keeping the thread alive, guys. I appreciate the info, even if it wasn't as hopeful as what I wanted.

I'm still looking at Humboldt, but I'm looking at California and Colorado as well.


Overkill is under-rated.
I know it sucks to hear man, but we are telling you all this in an effort to spare you a good deal of pain and frustration. Most of us seasoned guys are feeling the pinch, and we don't want anyone else to get their hopes up in vain. Anything south of San Francisco and you should be fine in California, norcal is not a warm place most of the year anyway, find a place with good weather year-round, and a place where you can find work. Learn to live off your wages, and grow to save for a house or small business. Good luck man!
i completely dis agree with everyone on this thread i would say go for it, unloading product even it has to be done on the black market should not keep you from moving if you cant get medical to buy it the next state over thats not someone will buy it there. out here on the east coast we are prosecuted to the fullest extent for makin meds. i say go for it move out there and try and move your meds back this way. I am looking to move to a medical state soon too and i am thinking cali but somewhere closer to LA. I want to do it so can pursue my hobby in a legal manner and maybe make a living doing it. i say go for it