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Prop 19 Results - It has been a long time coming but...

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the NO campaign had a messily $300k!!!!!

Maybe they knew you guys would do their job for them?

No need to say I am upset about this. I hope you guys are right about a better prop in 2012, but I really doubt it will come together. Too many people thinking it will just be a free-for-all. I now believe Cali won't ever legalize it. Maybe Colorado can make it happen. The thing that makes this a truly black day isn't just Cali's prop 19.

Arizona lost MMJ by 6000 votes (it seems)
Oregon lost mmj dispensaries 57 to 43%
South Dakota lost mmj 63 to 37

This is a really bad day for the MJ scene as a whole... nobody who is for MJ legalization won shit.

I doubt we will hear much about any of this at all in national news, where as a yes in any or all of these proposals would have produced a LOT of noise. Especially prop 19... all these measures passing would have been huge momentum.

I know a lot of you Cali growers took the high road on this and I for one thank you guys. Those who voted for status quo, I can't hate on you but I certainly won't say thanks. This is not good for the movement, but I think even the no votes understand that.

For those of you doing the dispensary grow thing, you should definitely brace yourselves. This has brought a lot of issues to the forefront, and I am guessing things may change for you guys. Thank goodness Cooley didn't (so it seems) get voted in. That is better for you guys. I wish you all the best of luck and if you do truly want legalization, please focus your efforts on something that will be acceptable to all so it can actually get voted in, and for God's sake PLEASE have a few lawyers look your shit over before you get it on the ballot... Lee's biggest mistake was loose and inconsistent wording. I'll say again I agreed with the intent of the prop almost 100% but it certainly could have been better written.

Good luck guys, I hope this all works out.



Active member
I don't live in CA but I hate to say I feel like the voters that voted against the bill for profit motives really should be ashamed of themselves, same to you non voters!!! The rest of the country needed CA to take the lead and show how the state would be helped by legalizing weed......Now we will continue to have MILLIONS OF PEOPLE LOCKED UP FOR NO GOOD REASON! How the fuck can our Government continue abusing its non violent and really non criminal citizens in such a manner!

forget about prop 19 it was more trouble than it was worth.... MARIJUANA IS ALREADY DECRIMINALIZED IN CALIFORNIA EFFECTIVE 1/1/11

Possesion of an ounce has been decriminalized in CA (no charges, no court, no record), by SB 1449. [effective 1/1].


The sad fact is I keep hearing "Just a few more years, Just a few more years"
I've been toking since '74 and been hearing that same saying the whole time.
Just how long is " Just a few more years"?


ruger 500
well i for one would like to know the age and how they voted,i dont believe that the for profit peeps overthrew this ,it was a bad bill , jack herror was and is right ,he has years to learn from and was not just some dumb ass ,it was his life ,dont be a sellout ,dont take the first thing that comes along,its hard to be patiant,be it does pay in hugh ways,and new bill will be written an richard lee wont be at the helm,nor will major corps. it will be by the people for the peolpe,please dont seperate your selves and not think colectivly ,this is the answer ,there is a much better way ,complete decimilazation of cannabus ,free the weed ,its best way not to lose your rights in the end,taxation is never the answer ,to freedom ,lets all smoke one for jack ,and get a new plan of attack ,we all here because of the plant ,


Well-known member
I was optimistic about this one passing despite years of experience that told me it wouldn't.

A bit gutted that once again, progress hasn't been made.


Time to smoke up for all that could have been.
well i for one would like to know the age and how they voted,i dont believe that the for profit peeps overthrew this ,it was a bad bill , jack herror was and is right ,he has years to learn from and was not just some dumb ass ,it was his life ,dont be a sellout ,dont take the first thing that comes along,its hard to be patiant,be it does pay in hugh ways,and new bill will be written an richard lee wont be at the helm,nor will major corps. it will be by the people for the peolpe,please dont seperate your selves and not think colectivly ,this is the answer ,there is a much better way ,complete decimilazation of cannabus ,free the weed ,its best way not to lose your rights in the end,taxation is never the answer ,to freedom ,lets all smoke one for jack ,and get a new plan of attack ,we all here because of the plant ,


well i for one would like to know the age and how they voted,i dont believe that the for profit peeps overthrew this ,it was a bad bill , jack herror was and is right ,he has years to learn from and was not just some dumb ass ,it was his life ,dont be a sellout ,dont take the first thing that comes along,its hard to be patiant,be it does pay in hugh ways,and new bill will be written an richard lee wont be at the helm,nor will major corps. it will be by the people for the peolpe,please dont seperate your selves and not think colectivly ,this is the answer ,there is a much better way ,complete decimilazation of cannabus ,free the weed ,its best way not to lose your rights in the end,taxation is never the answer ,to freedom ,lets all smoke one for jack ,and get a new plan of attack ,we all here because of the plant ,

While I agree 100% that ideally it should be be legal and not taxed, in reality I don't see it happening given the sad state of the USA.

Alcohol and tobacco products are legal but heavily taxed.

So you think there is a good chance that a plant that would be popular for recreational use would not be taxed to the max if it was legal? I just don't see the logic in that even remotely being possible here in the USA.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I can't believe they VOTED "NO" !!!!!!!

I can't believe they VOTED "NO" !!!!!!!

WHat the hell??? of all the things we could have changed and greed kept it here. I'm not saying I would have wanted the Gov. in this as "NO way I would have wanted that" but damn it seems like we are going back by not legalizing this shit!!!!! IMVHO... Bring another bill then legalize it and take the Gov out of the game but stop greedy fucks from playing with ppl's lives aswell in this medical cannabis game !! peace out Headband707:thank you:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Steve Cooley is about to be declared the loser, defeated by kamala harris.......

so, the election worked out perfectly, prop 19 voted down and the most kick back AG is the top cop........

let the flaming begin.........:tiphat:


New member
To me, prop 19 looked like an attempt to pull the wool over California's eyes.
Here is my reasoning:
# Every person 18 years of age or older who knowingly sells or gives away marijuana to someone older than the age of 14 but younger than 18, shall be imprisoned in the state prison for a period of three, four, or five years.
# Every person 21 years of age or older who knowingly sells or gives away marijuana to someone older than the age of 18 but younger than 21, shall be imprisoned in county jail for up to six months and fined up to $1,000 per offense.
# Any person who is licensed, permitted, or authorized to sell marijuana, who knowingly sells or gives away marijuana to someone under the age of 21 results in them being banned from owning, operating, or being employed by a licensed marijuana establishment for one year.
If you are familiar with small business and government regulation practices, you would know that there are sting operations that take place all the time, where the state sends in a person who is 17 years old that looks 25 years old and goes to a cashier to buy cigs. If the cashier sells the cigs to the person without ID, the small business gets fined thousands of dollars. This happens all the time, not because cashiers are all lazy or stupid, just because they do it so often that a few slip ups are bound to happen, especially of the 17 year old looks convincingly "of age".

To me, it looks like the law would be abused, sting operations would send 20 year old guys who look like they are 25+ to small pot shops, catch them selling herb to someone under 20, and shut them down for a year.

Additionally, the 3-7 year jail time sentences are outrageous.

Prop 19 was poorly and suspiciously worded, and it is a shame that there was so much hype over it. This is not the time to give up, if you give up, you are giving up on all of the people who are incarcerated and their lives ruined for no reason. A new bill should be written, one that ACTUALLY protects people's rights, instead of imposing HARSHER penalties. It feels like there was a lot of support of prop19 simply because it was summed up as a "pot legalization" bill, but really under the surface it would be abused by the courts to take down small pot growers and put more people in jail for a long, long time.

If you are serious about getting cannabis legalized, write a better law, and get signatures on a petition. I don't live in Cali / Colorado but I believe these two states have the highest chance of passing the first true legalization legislation. Prop 19 "needed 433,971 valid petition signatures, and the initiative proponents submitted 694,248 signatures". And prop 19 was poorly worded. 3,297,590 people voted YES on Prop19, you think it would be hard to get another 700k signatures on a bill that actually promised something for the future? Get involved in your government... politicians want you to give up so they can take control and make money. You have the right to speak your mind and get legislation passed, and our country has not yet gone downhill that much that you will not be able to change things with overwhelming public support. YES! A REAL legalization bill can get overwhelming public support.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Get Up Stand Up!

Get Up Stand Up!

WOW.. Feels like all the air going out of a big balloon. So sad.. Next Round..
We MUST BE UNITED! The opposition totally counted on our inability to unite and get organized. We must put aside our petty differences. The majority of voters were older. Where were those young voters who bitch about the government and don't even vote?
Its all good and we are independent rebels but we must come together in 2012 and come up with something able to pass. Its not freedom to regulate something to death. Its not freedom to be told when, where and how. Its not just the marijuana issue. We have given up far too many of our everyday rights as human beings. Our government doesn't work any more and it needs to be done. We need to start over and create a better place on this planet.
The way I see it:

1. The State really could have used the money. I don't like paying more taxes than "necessary" either, but fuck, we NEED the money! Our schools, parks, roads and shit are FUCKED. If they don't get our money through a cannabis tax, they'll get it some other way. Might as well make weed legal in the process.

2. This was an opportunity for TRUE entrepreneurs to make legitimate businesses out of cannabis cultivation. It's not even just about legalizing growing/smoking. It's about having hookah lounges, coffee shops, liquor stores and other small businesses. Wal-Mart isn't going to just start monopolizing weed. Large corporations are beholden to middle-America and stock holders. This was a chance for some smart growers on the hustle to do what the Phillip-Morris and Anheuser-Busch founders did back in the day. All that opportunity for marijuana entrepreneurship just went out the window.

3. To the growers who voted no: You are so selfish, it is amazing. You run a business and you don't want to pay taxes for it? No shit. Neither does anyone else who owns a small business. Fact of the matter is, our economy NEEDS it. Stop thinking about yourself. You're not noble for providing "medicine" because any benefit it may provide is severely outweighed by the fact that it is you non-taxpayers who are making life shitty for the rest of us. None of you better complain about illegal immigrants in our country, because you don't contribute any more than them.

4. Marijuana prohibition is stupid and it doesn't work. It has never worked and it wastes our money on enforcement. However, the most important part of this bill wasn't the legalization. It was saying to the rest of the WORLD: "Marijuana is not the devil. It is a useful, profitable, harmless plant that many smart, successful and happy people enjoy." All you "No" voters say fuck the government controlling us, but you JUST voted for them to REMAIN controlling us. The point is, it was a STEP in the right direction as opposed to staying put. This time, it was a 5 x 5 plot of land. Had it voted through and made our state money, maybe we could have upped the square footage and made tweaks to it on the next ballot. This result was incredibly short sighted.

I didn't read the whole thread, and these are just my opinions (not pointed at anyone in particular). If you get all butt hurt over what I said, that's on you. We're in shitty times and selfishness is/was NOT the answer.


Active member
To me, prop 19 looked like an attempt to pull the wool over California's eyes.
Here is my reasoning:

If you are familiar with small business and government regulation practices, you would know that there are sting operations that take place all the time, where the state sends in a person who is 17 years old that looks 25 years old and goes to a cashier to buy cigs. If the cashier sells the cigs to the person without ID, the small business gets fined thousands of dollars. This happens all the time, not because cashiers are all lazy or stupid, just because they do it so often that a few slip ups are bound to happen, especially of the 17 year old looks convincingly "of age".

Wanna know what else happens all the time? The state sends an informant to go buy weed off of a guy that sells it (age not a difference). After the dude sells it, an army squad made up of civilians raids this sellers home (cause he cant have a storefront), and sends him to live in a cage for awhile, until he gets out and then has to pay back some more...(mostly in the form of jobs that don't pay well, inability to secure loans, and possible loss of parental rights)

Which is the better, more fair scenario?

We all live on this planet, so we potheads need to contribute if there is to be an open economy that is supported by the rest of society...


New member
Wanna know what else happens all the time? The state sends an informant to go buy weed off of a guy that sells it (age not a difference). After the dude sells it, an army squad made up of civilians raids this sellers home (cause he cant have a storefront), and sends him to live in a cage for awhile, until he gets out and then has to pay back some more...(mostly in the form of jobs that don't pay well, inability to secure loans, and possible loss of parental rights)

Which is the better, more fair scenario?
Under prop19, the state would send an informant, and that informant would be 20 years old or younger in all cases. The scenario is exactly the same as you described -- the vendor ends up going to jail, fined, etc. I think neither scenario is more fair or "better". This is why a more open, new law should be proposed, without these ridiculous penalties and consequences.

I would agree, contribution and support are required of us. If a poorly worded bill such as prop19 can get 46.2% of voter support even with these horrible oversights, imagine what % a well-written and fair legalization bill would get.


Active member
Vendors would have still gone to jail under prop 19. Because in most locales, vending would have still been illegal. The only thing prop 19 would have done good for it the small closet grower would have had a little peace... But those types... hardly are in jail as it is. Granted anyone being in jail over weed, or any drug for that matter, is too much. But Prop 19 wasn't the way to get there...


half cat half man half baked
Are the medicinal marijuana chemicals just CBD and CBN? Does THC have any medical uses apart from the alleged 'anti-depressant' effect? If THC doesnt have medicinal uses then what the US government would eventually do it make medical patients grow/use only low THC, high CBN & CBD weed which is basically industrial hemp...(?)

I know i wouldnt want to smoke weed that doesnt get me high..

You might want to do some research before you run your mouth like you know shit.

There is no alleged anti-depressant effects. THC is a thoroughly proven Serotonin-1A agonist which means, it is an anti-depressant/anxiety. Do some homework and it should be obvious that 5HTP1a plays a critical role in our psychology physiology. CBD, cannabidiolmodulates THC so it also is a 5HTP1a agonist. CBN or Cannabinol has an affinity for an entirely different class of neurotransmitters that exist naturally in the brain which have only been discovered because of cannabis sativa. It modulates inhibitory neurotransmitters of the GABAenergic system which means its anti-anxiety effects are unique from THC and CBD. It also plays a role (as does THC & CBN) with liver, digestive, heart, and various functions in the central nervous system.

The United Sates is not a true democracy, but it is when it comes to changing laws. The government isn't going to do shit unless it benefits them. Locking up non-violent criminals and keeping its citizens dependent on big-pharma is what our privatized government wants. They are above the law and don't have to piss in a cup to get a job like the rest of us so what do they care? They just want more money like the majority of individuals who advocated for voting no on proposition 19.

Proposition 19 wasn't about the right to get high. It was about sending a message to the world about the truth of cannabis and facilitating change.

I'm with Krunch....Time to celebrate!!:jump:
Fuck yeah, celebrate. You get richer while millions will be arrested and have their lives ruined and their quality of life lowered. Shame on you.

terry the trich

Active member
The tax money made from marijuana would most probably be spent by the government to buy new toys (weapons etc) to kill more muslims. Bush made a fortune selling tanks and weapons to himself to do exactly that in aghanistan and iraq after he demolished 7 buildings in new york in 1 day.

The big boys and their war games.. They suck.. I doubt they would spend the money to fix local problems. Look at new orleans..

Nobody is buying dvd players and that sort of shite because everyones already got them.. Thats why the economy is bad... People just arent buying stuff, and the tax money from the people is being wasted on the fake wars and big boys toys.



EDIT: Thankyou catman for enlightening me on the THC/CBD/CBN, thats some good information. Cheers, and i wasnt meaning to sound like a big head lol.


I'm not from Cali, but i do know one thing. My kids would rather have a broke dad and no worries about guarding the "family secret", than the money and a dad in jail.

Better luck next time Cali..
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