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Prop. 19 approval could decrease marijuana costs, increase consumption, report says


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Prop. 19 approval could decrease marijuana costs, increase consumption, report says
July 7, 2010 | 10:25 am

The cost of marijuana would drop as much as 80% and consumption would rise if Californians vote for Proposition 19, the legalization measure on the November ballot, researchers at Rand’s Drug Policy Research Center have concluded in a detailed analysis of the issue.

The Santa Monica-based, nonprofit research institute predicted the cost of marijuana, which runs between $300 and $450 per ounce, could plunge to about $38 by eliminating the expense of compensating suppliers for the challenges of operating in the black market.

The researchers were not certain how much that decline in price might spur use, but noted that one typical estimate is that a 10% drop in price increases use by about 3%. Other factors, such as the elimination of legal risks, could also increase usage between 5% and 50%.

The report noted that it was impossible to predict tax revenues from the initiative, which leaves that decision up to individual cities and counties. Based on a statewide $50 per ounce tax proposed in a legalization bill introduced by Sen. Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco), the report said state tax revenues could range from $650 million to $1.49 billion.

“California voters and legislators face considerable uncertainty because it is very difficult to estimate how much more marijuana will be consumed in the state or how the change will affect tax revenues, criminal-justice costs and healthcare costs,” the study concludes. The 54-page report, with 14 pages of footnotes, is called “Altered State?” and was paid for by Rand.

The researchers noted that projections for marijuana use and tax revenues hinge on estimates of use, prices, how use changes with price, taxes imposed and evaded, and numerous other factors. The report is peppered with caveats about the assumptions researchers had to make.

To calculate the price drop, researchers looked at the cost of growing marijuana in a 1,500-square-foot house. The researchers concluded that the wages paid to employees who tend the crop would slip from as much as $25 per hour to no more than $10, just a little above what nursery laborers earn. They also suggested growers would have easier access to labor-saving automation, savings from growing on a larger scale and minimal risk of arrest and forfeiture.

If the per-ounce cost dropped to $38 and the Ammiano bill’s $50 per ounce excise tax passed, taxes would account for more than half the cost of the state’s marijuana, an observation likely to inflame marijuana idealists who see it as a natural weed that ought to be treated like an herb.

The report notes that Ammiano’s proposed tax is about 10 times the rate of state tobacco taxes. That high tax creates an incentive for tax evasion that is more financially rewarding than smuggling marijuana from Mexico to California and it could also encourage smokers to turn to the highest-potency marijuana to get more bang for their buck, the researchers concluded.

Researchers also looked at the estimates of the cost of enforcing marijuana laws in California, which ranged from $200 million to $1.9 billion, and put it at “probably less than $300 million.” They also conclude that it is not possible to determine whether increased use would lead to more drugged driving accidents and to more use of harder drugs, such as cocaine, saying the research is inconclusive.

-- John Hoeffel


Throbbing Member
saying the research is inconclusive.
Then why say that rates will increase??? Did they increase in Portugal after legalization?? Or Amsterdam??

an observation likely to inflame marijuana idealists who see it as a natural weed that ought to be treated like an herb
What products sold in this country are NOT taxed???


Active member
I would never stoop to an ad hominem attack. However, I will poison the well by pointing out that the RAND Corporation was founded and still primarily funded by the federal government.


And thanks for pointing that out.

Funding for this paper was provided by RAND's Investment in People and Ideas program, which combines philanthropic contributions from individuals, foundations, and privatesector firms with earnings from RAND's endowment and operations to support research on issues that reach beyond the scope of traditional client sponsorship. This research was conducted under the auspices of the RAND Drug Policy Research Center, a joint endeavor of RAND Health and RAND Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment.

This product is part of the RAND Corporation occasional paper series. RAND occasional papers may include an informed perspective on a timely policy issue, a discussion of new research methodologies, essays, a paper presented at a conference, or a summary of work in progress. All RAND occasional papers undergo rigorous peer review to help ensure that they meet high standards for research quality and objectivity.

This research in the public interest was supported by RAND, using discretionary funds made possible by the generosity of RAND's donors, the fees earned on client-funded research, and independent research and development (IR&D) funds provided by the Department of Defense.


Active member
Then why say that rates will increase??? Did they increase in Portugal after legalization?? Or Amsterdam??

What products sold in this country are NOT taxed???

In the way that aminiano wants to tax weed, almost nothing... alcohol and cigs maybe. But a $50/ounce tax on weed would blow away even the taxes on cigs...


I have been commenting around the web..


Perhaps the price of "Brick Weed" or other field cannabis will drop but then it isn't quality California Cannabis is it?

Also many of California's counties will be Dry Counties meaning no cannabis businesses will be allowed if counties choose to blanket ban cannabis business per prop 19 legal wording so the black market will still thrive in much of California.

Also we forget the 99 plant limit the Federal Government has in place. I believe it is a serious felony... morePerhaps the price of "Brick Weed" or other field cannabis will drop but then it isn't quality California Cannabis is it?

Also many of California's counties will be Dry Counties meaning no cannabis businesses will be allowed if counties choose to blanket ban cannabis business per prop 19 legal wording so the black market will still thrive in much of California.

Also we forget the 99 plant limit the Federal Government has in place. I believe it is a serious felony to grow more that 99 plants so combined; Dry counties, limited production and a continued black market demand. I doubt prices for "Fine Cannabis" will be as low as $70 an ounce.

After all it takes skill and dedication to produce produce fit for humans.
We should be testing the produce that is sold too..


A video.. http://www.fox40.com/news/headlines/ktxl-news-potpricesdropping,0,2142588.story I'll watch it in a bit.

We need to realize this "media Event" Rand has put out is a Counter to the NAACP support and a failed attack on the NAACP by some group of religious people that I think they are a group of Black Men.. I haven't given the complainers against the NAACP much of my time.


This report has been spun both ways.. One way is to suggest that Cartels will be a loss for profits and that should happen. The other spin direction is to suggest that if we do this we all go to hell.. We will be high and happy but we will go to hell.


The video is Political Warfare!

Yellow Journalism.

So it's getting dirty. I assume the 50/50 poll and the NAACP are the triggers..

Does everyone see how important a voter registration drive is now?

We may need to start a "Voter-Buddy" system where we each make sure one other person goes to vote with us. that means every voter gets another linked to them and thus a chain will form!

This is not a slam Dunk! Rand is not a drug policy study group for the most part and as Vta points out Rand is a spokesman for the Federal Government.

It is what it is..

The real task is reaching the Hispanic community. They are going to vote No!