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Promix recycling question


Active member
I've looked around the recycling forum for any amendments required for this method and i haven't come up with much.

Some say amend with lime, some say you should be fine.

That being said....This is my mix.

Promix BX 1tbsp/gal powdered lime 6/2/2 promix/ewc/perlite.
Amend that with 1/2/1/1 tbsp/gal blood/bone/kelp/greensand.

After a 70-80 day strain has been harvested, Should i re-amend with b/b/k/gs?

Anyone have experience recycling LCs??

Thank you very much!!!

- SubN



you should add those things back in. i also would add some worm castings to my mix. but that is basically exactly the mix I used for 1-2 years. so that makes somewhere around 10 runs recycled.



Active member
excellent, that clears it up. If there's some residual organic material still left in the soil, do you think it wise to do 75% on the amending?

How bout lime, add that back too?

Thanks John!!

- SubN


Active member
greensand and bone meal break down slowly especially greensand. i myself only add those back every other time.if i vegged longer than i probably would add back everytime.


senior member
In would precede with caution on adding more soil amendments. My first two attempts ended rather miserably. I first re-amended at the original rates, then I added lime. Both batches ended up on my veggie garden, where they did fine. Now I run my used soil through the compost pile, and I treat that finished compost as hot soil, so when figuring amendments I leave out my compost since I consider it already hot....anyway it works for me.....scrappy

mad librettist

Active member
you can always add something balanced and gentle - biotone.

when recycling a peat mix you want some texture amendments on hand like perlite, turface, pumice/scoria, rice hulls, etc...

as the peat breaks down the mix is gonna get dense, and you need to account for that.

mad librettist

Active member
Get garden tone, its cheap and now has the biotone microbes.

Espoma is stingy with the spores so for myco use a seperate product.