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Project Re-Veg,Clone and Make feminized seeds


Active member
high Jack, good to hear you have achieved success with
the CS, i can't wait to start my own feminizing project.

anyway, 'my' wifi has been very sporadic over the last
week so i've been kind of out of touch so it really is
nice to see you doing so well.

peace, SOG


Cool, you made the CS work. Now, how long does it take for nanners to pop? It is an odd thing when trying to make something that you never want to happen occur on purpose. Almost like a whole new set of rules to learn.


Cool, you made the CS work. Now, how long does it take for nanners to pop? It is an odd thing when trying to make something that you never want to happen occur on purpose. Almost like a whole new set of rules to learn.

I don't know. There is the Health of the Clone issue I am trying to resolve simultaneously too.

Hey the thing about losing your Virginity at things is I tend to remember for life.

So the deal is, I figure, I keep spraying and keep feeding the soil and this molestation will go as planned.

Poor girl. She is rather big.

I have some new bad Photos. I think I need Glasses because I am not using the Auto Focus as well. hell maybe time to get a new camera. that poor Sony has been used.

The Grey on the Styrofoam plater-cover over the 2 gallon pot is the CS dripping off. Looks like great PPM.

The season here has been the absolute best year on record in my grow experience.

The Girls are over growing their space again but they are putting on buds while they are doing it.
Second Coming. Looking good.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
10/14? Wow... unless I'd seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it as to to my mind 14 hours light is the point at which flowering hormone is starting to be produced..

this was news to me

I veg 24/0...(provides a constant environment for my cuttings etc)

nice and interesting thread :)

edit - I use Flouros so not such a biggie, but I bet this short veg hour thing would be very useful for those trying to conserve on their lekky bill.. I'd like to see a side by side one day :)


by this what do you mean?

I have an Auto-flower strain putting on at the same time. Nice male and a female I can make feminized hybrids with.

I am learning about auto-flowering types. They have a huge disadvantage in establishing size in the time allowed.
This might introduce a large root system to the genetics.

You know when things converge then it's happening. Got to play the cards I have in hand.


10/14? Wow... unless I'd seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it as to to my mind 14 hours light is the point at which flowering hormone is starting to be produced..

this was news to me

I veg 24/0...(provides a constant environment for my cuttings etc)

nice and interesting thread :)

edit - I use Flouros so not such a biggie, but I bet this short veg hour thing would be very useful for those trying to conserve on their lekky bill.. I'd like to see a side by side one day :)

Some Strains yes. I am seeing that.

Some genetics can't take the 14 as veg and begin to flower. The Blue Dream I picked up here is heading that way so it has to be a Sativa thing.
Indica seems to be better able to handle 14 hour Veg days.
I think it is safe to say I run a cool garden as much as I can with 14 hour days. Probably Indica leaning breeder here.


There is an experiment I would and will be trying. How far down the line until auto isn't auto anymore? You will find out and we shall see.


There is an experiment I would and will be trying. How far down the line until auto isn't auto anymore? You will find out and we shall see.

I don't know what to expect.

The AF will hit a stable Indica-Dom plant so whatever weirdness will be will show and I hope to see it clearly when I grow it out.

Hell.. It's worth a moment of Pollinating and tagging a branch on each plant.

AF breeding is a different skill. I see that.


If I'm bothering you just say so... I think we both know how inquisitive I am......

No it's just I have been officially warned not to mention strains that are not related to vendors who advertise here.
My first reaction was to avoid inadvertent mentions of unapproved activities.

But Sour60 is a regular here so I think it is alright and Tiki-jo is a cross of two breeders that advertise here.

I can send you pictures in Email if you would like to see how it goes. I'm just not up on a new thread at the moment.

I mean, it's all happening this way right now so I'm just going with what i have. Things don't always time out correctly but these guys are happening right now.

Well the Pollen Mother is still growing. I saw one polen sac that looked like it could open normally. That is hopeful as I read sacs sometimes fail to open.
I wonder if continuing the CS is the way to keep the plant moving in one way. Blocking that function and causing pollen sacs to form?
I have decided to keep up the spraying since it seems to be what causes the pollen sacs and so stopping might confuse the plant and perhaps cause pollen sacs to not open?

I'll check it out. I'd need a controlled spraying of two plants to see if stopping once we see pollen sacs form causes the pollen sacs to not develop fully and deploy the pollen.

It's all new stuff for me.. Cool.


Update 9-2-`2010

Update 9-2-`2010

Ahh looks like success. I hope the pollen sacs bulk up.

So what I did was use 30 PPM twice a day from the start and 50 PPM once a day for the last 5~7 days.

How this program works different or not I don't know.

I have my Pollen mother out so the Sour60 Male can do some love making with the TJ-K and next the TJ-S gets some pollen.
Then it will be about getting everyone else knocked up with pollen mother.

Fingers crossed. There is time for everyone.


Update 9-8-2010

Update 9-8-2010

I believe the main stretch is over and both females ( TJK & TJS ) are now putting energy into flowers.

I am watching the Pollen-Mother and it looks like it is possible that the pollen sacs will open on their own. If not at least they are growing large enough to be worthy of being opened by hand.
If pollen-mother can open all her sacs then all my dreams of making seeds will come true.

I am actually working on being able to handle some garden down time if need be.

Any way.. Here are a few photos of the general state of things in the box.
It's back to a jungle in there and remember I have cut these girls down 5 or more times. I mean flat topped a foot or foot and a half off the top of these plants. Simply amazing how much growth vigor they have.

Scents are starting to dominate and I can smell the Juicy fruit lightly expressing itself this early on.

The last shot is of a clone in a cup challenge but you can see the density of the growth. I had to top a few but mostly the guestimate of stretch was real close to perfect.
I am working an organic grow. The rules were when the clone goes in the cup it has to go under 12/12 so it is hanging out with the girls.

I think I will read up on picking a sac and manually opening it so I can get a start on the feminized seeds.

It's exciting to be making feminized seeds again and this time knowing what I was doing! The first was a chance grow when my skill set was very basic over 10 years ago and it did produce a lot of feminized seeds that lasted 6 years of growing.
Having valid seed stock on hand is my goal.

So on the list to receive are 1 Tiki-jo Kush Pheno ( for a mix blend of traits ) 1 Tiki-jo Sweet pheno, Iced Grapefruit ( Female Seeds Gear ) and one Sour60 female ( just to see what happens ).

So it is looking good. Fingers are crossed for a smooth few weeks.

I'll update after I reread the CS thread to see how opening sacs is treated and I start applying pollen.


Those sacs look more like a male plant than nanners from herming. They should open on their own. Looks like an excellent application of CS from my screen.


Those sacs look more like a male plant than nanners from herming. They should open on their own. Looks like an excellent application of CS from my screen.

All the reading I have done suggests I need to wait more and they will open by themselves.
I'll make the point of the first sac opening the end of CS spraying or when this last bottle is gone whichever comes first.

I forgot about the CS brewing on a batch and it went 3 days and man did I ever make one bar thin in the middle. Guess that one will be the Negative electrode for a while.

Other than that there are a couple of big girls who would love to get knocked up in there and one Iced Grapefruit from Female Seeds that decided to join the party.

All ready.. All willing and all able. Looks good but it will be a little while longer before the pollen opens.

Just mixed up some brew to feed everyone and tested it on the male Sour60's here and they didn't have a problem. I am still Gun-Shy after a Blue Dream clone curled up and died when no one else had any ill effects from the same brew? So back to testing on unsuspecting victims first..

Even the 16oz cup challenge clone is looking good in there although she isn't getting all the light I would like for her to get. Oh Well..

I have a feeling on the Pollen-Mother that I may see a sac open today or tomorrow by the looks of things and that I can expect a steady supply from the looks of developing buds. Yes it is growing mostly pollen sacs and some are large enough and look similar to normals male sacs. Others are medium sized and there are new smaller sacs forming in tight bud clusters.

So I'll update as i see things and hopefully by November there will be several thousand feminized seeds I can store or share. We shall see.
