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Project Re-Veg,Clone and Make feminized seeds

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Stone-cold sober right now, this is just what happens when you get engineers talking. (really bad jokes that nobody gets that is)

Also, 200th post yay!

p.s. can't wait to see how your silver colloid comes out, just be careful with it, you don't want to turn blue.

I can't wait for the cs experiment either.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
cool stuff!

JTG i owe you an apology, ive been slightly obtuse in demanding photo's of whole plants, i kind of forgot that you cant get the plants in and out (being planted in a bed) which would make the photos much harder to take :D




Update 7-7-2010

Update 7-7-2010

After 12 hours I am seeing the signs that the process is working.

Also my autofocus is not the ideal to shoot into a glass jar with water in it.

Makes me want a new camera.. But this Sony is a faithful friend so lets forgive and do our best here.

I'll let this go until after 7pm tonight California time.

I see the negative electrode has silver hanging off it. I see silver on the jar floor and I see the positive electrode has turned black.

What is happening is silver from the negative electrode is travelling towards the positive electrode.

I see I want to alternate the bars so that I have loss from both bars at a somewhat even use.

On the PPM meter.. It looks simple enough. The "Calibration" process seems simple enough. I'll get to that tonight as well.

Now to review the CS thread and find the recommended PPM of silver.
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cool stuff!

JTG i owe you an apology, ive been slightly obtuse in demanding photo's of whole plants, i kind of forgot that you cant get the plants in and out (being planted in a bed) which would make the photos much harder to take :D



Oh.. So I can cancel the therapy ? Cool.. I didn't like the psychiatrist anyway..

The box is genus for my situation but I have but one side access.

However I am using 3 Gallon containers for the clones that I hope will make seeds soon. I'll make sure the Girls do a full turn for you..:dancer: :rtfo:


I can't wait for the cs experiment either.

I hope I do well from the start but this is my first time and we all learn through our experiences.

It will be a while before I have mature clones to pollinate. Also i will be growing the two "Donor" clones in 1 gallon pots since they will be contaminated and need special handling.

The Mother clones are being started in the soil blocks. The hope is that, that soil mix will offer the nutrients the clones will need and also eliminate any root stress on the clones.
If these clones can distribute their roots in the blocks they will not have to spend time redoing the distribution of roots after a transplant.
That advantage will hopefully give the mothers a head start on growing large enough for seeding.

It's moving along High Country. So please keep an eye on this thread but these events are happening in real time.


Stone-cold sober right now, this is just what happens when you get engineers talking. (really bad jokes that nobody gets that is)

Also, 200th post yay!

p.s. can't wait to see how your silver colloid comes out, just be careful with it, you don't want to turn blue.

The humor we are sharing friends is the rule of square roots of numbers.
the square root is what times itself give the number. The Square Root of 4 is 2 because 2 * 2 is 4..

What was discovered some time ago is that in electronic circuits there is maths where we must take the square root of say -1 ( negative 1 ) so what times itself is a negative number? Nothing logical because we have learned in school that a negative times a negative is a positive value. It's a fundamental rule.
So we invented the Imaginary number.. So the square root of -4 ( negative 4 ) is 2i ( i is the imaginary number and is a factor in this context 2*i * 2*i = -4

Nerds having a chuckle is all here.. Nothing to see.. Move along LOL :thank you:


Jack, how are you going to apply the CS?

My friend this batch is a trial run but I have bought a cheep sprayer.

I thought about a fine gauge screen and an atomizer but that is in the fantasy realm.. Oh I'd do it.. I'm nutty enough to think about a particular sized partial and it's optimum distribution but it's death to the plant after i exploit it so .. I figure "Eh" let it be a cheep sprayer.

i did pick up a PET juice jug today..

Juice that is made with real juice.. Oh boy.. I may drink it or pour it on the BSFs

Patience is the order of the day here.. Live life while you have it. Be free before something takes the freedom away!

Did you have a suggestion? Are you doing as this goes on?




BSF.. it does smell good..

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I have to look into where I can get the silver and other bits and pieces. I also have to go over all the CS threads again. But this is turning into a very interesting read. I've got plenty of mother plants I could use it on. I like to see someone trying something for the first time, certainly makes it easier for the rest of us, good on ya Jack.


I have to look into where I can get the silver and other bits and pieces. I also have to go over all the CS threads again. But this is turning into a very interesting read. I've got plenty of mother plants I could use it on. I like to see someone trying something for the first time, certainly makes it easier for the rest of us, good on ya Jack.

No bragging.. It's my turn. Share the love along the way.. We never know when our (toe tag) number is up.

i will endeavour to create a strain that is enjoyable. That is all I can do.. Well that and contribute to organic soil.

I see GHS forum has a thread on "the Doctor" remake.. That''s a release i would take a chance on for sure!


Update 7-7-2010

Update 7-7-2010

It has been 24 hours and the water is a green tea - brown. It reminds me of Green tea but a little on the dirty side.

I tested and without stirring the solution i read up to 57 PPM but other areas read low 20's once I “swished” the water around I had an average of 30 PPM..

The Calibration wasn't all that clear and i had to think about it that when it stops flashing it's done.
Well that part doesn't seem to make sense as how does the unit “Know?”
The PPM reading it starts with and the reading it ends on seems to be temperature related according to the calibration solution packet.

I admit i am totally Green on the PPM meter but it does give me a general idea on the solutions PPM even if i don't have it exactly on the mark.

So this 9V 500ma is not powerful enough to make a 50 PPM in 24hrs. So I can use this unit but i think to get a true 50 PPM with this unit under these electrical pressure conditions i best do 48 and slosh it a couple of times in the 48.

I read that once there is a conductive solution in the water then getting to 50 PPM is easier and from seeing the low PPM areas in the water I understand. There were parts that didn't conduct. So the thing is to swish the water slightly after say 12 hours to distribute the silver and make the distilled water conduct more electricity.

Now I understand the Air bubble aspect. The Air moves the liquid and creates a uniform solution but that seems extreme but without any “mixing” I see that there will be concentrations of silver in some areas of the water and lack of concentration in different parts of the water when it has just sat for 24 hours.

Now remember reading how I wanted to do a burn in? Well it happened! I have two clean silver bars. Oh they feel lighter but they look excellent after a good brushing and they have the “Sound” pure silver now... They didn't have the sound of pure silver before.
I was correct to do this..
After a good scrub with cleanser they look better than when i started out with them.

So there it is.. i will go longer and i will swish the water around a couple times when i am ready to do an actual CS solution but the “Clean Bars” are the thing.. This “Burn in” is the right step forward!

I feel confident now. A longer time for this transformer and a swish will give me a potent PPM next time!

Good thing I practised first!
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I just used rubbing alcohol to clean them up a bit. Once you plug it in you'll see results overnight. Yes,it was a 9v power adapter. Did it in a clear Tupperware container with a lid in which I poked two holes in to hang the wires through the lid in order to suspend the coins in the distilled water at whatever that certain distance from each other is.

what was the rating? I just did a 500 ma and maybe I needed to burn off the external to get to pure but I read 30 PPM after 24.. Is your adapter rated more than 500 ma?


Now this makes me curious to know whether it would be better to use more amperage or more voltage.

On one hand since the added silver particles in the water over time increase the water's conductivity and allow the process to work faster (per your previous statements) it would sound like the electrical potential is a limiting factor and increasing voltage would increase the rate. But the amount of current passing through must also play a role in the amount of ions that can be produced at a given time. I also wonder if increasing the voltage might cause more ions to bond with the anode since it will have a greater 'pull' on them, thus decreasing the effect.

Since you're already experimenting, if you had some free time I'd be curious to see you take some 9v batteries and do this with some in series and some in parallel to see which works better (maybe short 12h timed tests). And for more fun, comparing the a 9v battery rig to a higher current 9v power brick to see the effects of higher current at the same voltage.

mmmm... science.

And another thought, since you have two coins you could do two of these at once and use some other metal object as your anode and simply electroplate it.


Now this makes me curious to know whether it would be better to use more amperage or more voltage.

Well the 9V seems fine. It's more ma's or more time.
Those bars had some kind of grey coating or finish on the main graphics. Now that the grey finish has come off the silver is bare.
Now that they are stripped bare I'll bet the next batch will be better.

On one hand since the added silver particles in the water over time increase the water's conductivity and allow the process to work faster (per your previous statements) it would sound like the electrical potential is a limiting factor and increasing voltage would increase the rate. But the amount of current passing through must also play a role in the amount of ions that can be produced at a given time. I also wonder if increasing the voltage might cause more ions to bond with the anode since it will have a greater 'pull' on them, thus decreasing the effect.

From what I understand Voltage is likened to pressure and Current ( amps ) is likened to flow.
So at 9V pressure the 500 ma is the flow rate. Naturally if we need X total amount of flow to get to 50 PPM, like a garden hose, we must wait a specific amount of time to have a total amount of flow.
If it was 1000ma then the time might be half the time to get the same amount of electron flow.

Since you're already experimenting, if you had some free time I'd be curious to see you take some 9v batteries and do this with some in series and some in parallel to see which works better (maybe short 12h timed tests). And for more fun, comparing the a 9v battery rig to a higher current 9v power brick to see the effects of higher current at the same voltage.

mmmm... science.

And another thought, since you have two coins you could do two of these at once and use some other metal object as your anode and simply electroplate it.

Perhaps I can run another batch with these clean coins and swish the water around to distribute the silver throughout the water?
Then I could take that and spike the water of a third batch with a little of the second.
I am considering the first batch "Dirty."

Okay then I will set up for a second run starting from scratch and then do a third that is spiked with some of the previous silver solution.

I'll try to do a PPM every 12 at least to see where I am at with the second and third.


Update 7-8-2010 Second CS Batch

Update 7-8-2010 Second CS Batch

Okay I have it started at 7:30 am California time.

I took a few more shots as well.
The Glass of the Jar seems stained? All I did was rinse so there may be some residue.

Lets see how "electrically" clean silver does in fresh water.



12:30 pm 5 hours in.. Stirred well and it's about 12 PPM atm.

I have a PPM Meter Question: How often do we need to calibrate a Hanna Primo?

I mean I spilled the pack of solution so if I need to do it regular I need to find a new pack.


Cathode Link

Anode Link

I learned something today i didn't know.
I understood the anode and cathode concepts in a polarized electrical device and with our use of direct current our CS generator is a polarized electrical device.
But the anode and cathode are not fixed. Interesting. I am one who had only half the truth on how electricity flows.

It's not as simple as one direction or another. If one is, for example, charging a battery, the polarity of the terminals is the opposite of when the battery is discharging if I am reading the anode and cathode Wikipedia links right.

So when energy is flowing into our CS generator it flows into our anode or positive wire side ( red clip in this case ) and out the cathode or negative wire side ( black clip in this case ). Both silver bars are called electrodes.

So the silver bar attached to the red clip is the anode and the silver bar attached to the black clip is the cathode in our device while the power is applied.

There are other aspects and it may make interesting reading if the reader wants to read more on how the process of making CS works.


Yes, from my understanding anode and cathode have to do with the flow of the electricity and nothing else.

This is exactly how electroplating and anodizing work, just in one the material is deposited on the anode, and the other it goes on the cathode.


Very interesting stuff, I am glad you are so thorough and take the time to explain everything (even your jokes hahaha). The concept of feminized seeds appeals to me because of my limited space and need for a certain level of secrecy. I am sure this will work well for you, I'll be saving this thread for some time down the road.

Good Growin, Jack