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Profiling postal packages.

Sounds like a good way to get rid of leaf or spent hash material. Pack it according to the guidelines and send it to cops, judges and prosecutors at random. Let them explain to the feds why they are trafficking in marihuana.

(Not responsible for people getting caught by the FBI for trying this :) )


I know a few people at UPS. I know for sure they bring in drug sniffing dogs occasionally for domestic packages as well as international. It's not all the time, but they sure do, do it once in a while.

8-10mm of steel can absorb the x-ray. from an old source but energy is energy right?

also EG&G is owned by Carlyle Group. :)

nice image.
Here's what i do, it works EVERYTIME! Go late at night, to any ghetto in America, find a hooker, take her to a hotel, so you wont have incriminating evidence at your house, and kill her and make a small incesion on her stomach. Wrap the weed up good, water tight. And insert it right in the middle of her large intestine...then ship that shit... tried and true, In the past 10 years, ive shipped over 750 packages this way.

none of that is true, but it should be in a movie. And, if i ever write or produce a movie, it will happen in that one. Let me know if you need a movie written or directed, or even produced, im probably not the man for the job, but that would not stop me from doing it, aslong as i make alot of money. Well off to church, then I have another package to ship...hopefully i dont run into another fiesty one, last time I got a tazer to me nuts...take care, and be safe out there, its a crazy world, and were right smack dab in the thick of it.

Froathy water....Oh, what a horror. Seacrest OUT!


blocking X-rays

blocking X-rays

Well technically if you want to block x-rays, you should use lead foil. But if they do X- ray your package and can't see what's in it no matter how hard they bake it, you can bet they are going to be nervous. Not about drugs, about radiological materials being hidden.

Regarding smell leakage, I think a better way would be to use a mason jar. Even better would be a seamless metal container and solder, braze or weld the top on.

Then douche the entire exterior with rubbing alcohol or brake cleaner or acetone. And do said douching far away from your home or any cannabis products and after you've scrubbed yourself in the shower.

Also, regarding vacuum sealers and plastic bags...You don't have vacuum in the bag, you are really just pulling air out. To have a vacuum you need a rigid container like a bell jar that can hold it's shape under 14.7 psi of atmospheric pressure, not a squishy plastic bag. SO the pressure in that "vacuum sealed bag" is still greater than the pressure inside the cargo hold of a plane. So you will get a positive pressure differential across your bag into the cargo hold of the plane when it ascends and smell seepage into the outer package which will then remain in the package once the plane lands. They do not pressurize planes to full sea level 14.7 psi pressure, maybe more like 12 psi. So in a sense the plane is sucking smell out of your package.

Drive your vaccum sealed package up to about 6000 feet of altitude and watch it magically puff back up...suprise! That's your package in the belly of a plane.

One way to create positive pressure flow tendency into your package would be to place your product in a mason jar, with the lid on loosely. Place in the oven at 300 degrees F for about 20 minutes. Then quickly screw the cap on. The hot air inside will shrink back and create a pressure differential of about 4 psi which will create a tendencey for inflow into your jar, even at jet cabin pressures.

The heat will also decarboxylate any THC acid.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
cashmunny said:
Also, regarding vacuum sealers and plastic bags...You don't have vacuum in the bag, you are really just pulling air out. To have a vacuum you need a rigid container like a bell jar that can hold it's shape under 14.7 psi of atmospheric pressure, not a squishy plastic bag. SO the pressure in that "vacuum sealed bag" is still greater than the pressure inside the cargo hold of a plane. So you will get a positive pressure differential across your bag into the cargo hold of the plane when it ascends and smell seepage into the outer package which will then remain in the package once the plane lands. They do not pressurize planes to full sea level 14.7 psi pressure, maybe more like 12 psi. So in a sense the plane is sucking smell out of your package.

Drive your vaccum sealed package up to about 6000 feet of altitude and watch it magically puff back up...suprise! That's your package in the belly of a plane.
I might have misunderstood the above (most likely), but not the latter.

I have personally taken loads (high quality machines, 30+ psi) through hours upon hours of 6000+ foot elevations and packages were always as original when unloaded. (Much of SW I-40 is anywhere from 5500-7000+ feet)

(The pressure issues could very well cause an increase in the OTR's (Oxygen Transmission Rates) of package, but, those are again dependent upon numerous factors.)

Driven such many times to stated elevations and never a change in packages upon inspection at destination. (Again, possibly misunderstanding the above....whether a change at the specific time unknown, packed deep and tight preventing any inspection, etc..)

(Rereading, think I did and see what your referring to.......see the point.....)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I think I misunderstood point above....but better/best machines and accompanying bags do have different specs....(cheaper/cheapest bags more failures in seal(s) and more easily punctured...and OTR's fairly high compared to the better stuff.....was a chart somewhere about bags and OTR's and materials and such....but, again, think I see, and think I missed the point of original post(er)....(opposite pressures creating vacuum increasing OTR's and, accordingly, the "scent cone" (of whatever referred to here and there....scent escaping from one container into external container creating a "pocket" of scent, etc....also happens in water from what I have heard......) Puffing up could very well happen real time....I wasn't looking at the time :smoke:....

(I would think though the issue would be more with 20-30,000 feet, than 6,000 though.....cargo and cabin pressures and such and how they interact with seals not something I am well versed in surprisingly.....(shame, shame on me......I should be....:smoke:)

(Although I have seen the results of dual pressures in things in tires....ie: packed, then tires to appropriate psi...but results seemed to compress instead of draw....very unattractive results from such.....)


What I'm saying is that you will start off at sea level, everything looks great. And when you get back to sea level everything will look great. You'll never know that the package expanded at elevation.

Your package was packed at sea level. Vacuum sealers can't create a vacuum in a squishy bag. All you've done is suck 98% of the air out of the bag so there is less empty space. The air that is left is still at sea level atmospheric pressure though. If it weren't the bag would squish some more until external and internal pressures are the same. Now you put that in the cargo hold of a jet which is pressurized to something like the equivalent of 6-8 thousand feet. Thats about a drop of 3 psi. The pressure outside the bag is less than the inside. The bag can either poof up until the pressure is the same inside as outside. Or it can leak until the pressure is the same inside as outside. The first is probably fine, the second not so much. I'm sure both occur but to what degree, I can't say. The point is that you've created a pressure differential. And things flow down pressure gradients.

Now if you've sucked 98% of the air out of the bag, it's not going to blow up like the StaPuf marshmallow man. It may be hard to visually gauge the effect. The air inside the bag is only going to expand by a factor of about 15/12, about 25%. It's a matter of degree, but it will happen.

Now you return to sea level. Everything looks fine because the outside pressure is now the same as the pressure the bag was packed under. The bag has squished back to it's original size, you'd never know it had ever flown in the cargo hold of a jet.


Now in technicolor
I don't understand what proof there would have to be for the receiver to be prosecuted successfully. I have no control over who mails me what. May I poorly package a few ounces of skunk and mail it to my enemies intentionally?

I think the chance that the package will be stolen by postal workers or delivered successfully are much higher than the chance that it will be intercepted and spark an investigation.


it's all about how many times it happens.. cops keep record of packages delivered, if under investigation. names, addresses, etc.. from previous packages.. all play a role.


It is a big surprise to me if UPS is x-raying every package. I know for a fact that x-raying is NOT a requirement just for a package being put on a cargo plane. Now who knows what they have for x-ray equipment and when they may use it. I would expect it to be used similar to the dogs, when suspicion is aroused or for random checks.

As far as the vacuum sealing and altitude: the bag is what seals and maintains a barrier between the contents and the outside world. The pressure of the air outside the bag relative to inside the bag is what matters to the bags shape. Its properties may be compromised if broken (obvious) or stretched close to its limits. Reduce the pressure outside a bag enough (or increase the pressure inside) and it pops...


I have never been too impressed with vacuum bags. Plastic just seems a little too easy for air to pass through, even when sealed tight. Does anyone have any specific vacuum bag make/model favorites? I really like the idea of a soldered shut metal box. What is the best? Glass? Metal?


Active member
I have never been too impressed with vacuum bags. Plastic just seems a little too easy for air to pass through, even when sealed tight. Does anyone have any specific vacuum bag make/model favorites? I really like the idea of a soldered shut metal box. What is the best? Glass? Metal?

I just don't see how a dog COULD smell something that's inside a vacuum sealed bag.

What I think happens is the people sealing the bags get lazy. You MUST keep the final vacuum bag AWAY from the preparation. Meaning...bag everything up, have it ready for the final vacuum bag...and then take all that to another room, another house would be better, a clean house...and do the final sealing there, being careful when placing the bags into the vacuum bags not to let ANYTHING contaminate them. The person touching the bags of weed puts them in the vacuum bag held open by someone else who never touches the bags of weed.

Oh, and double/triple bagging before vacuum sealing...don't want anything poking through.


supposedly barry cooper got a narcotics officer and dog to vacuum seal with gloves, then dip in water or alcohol, then bag it again and dip .... he said the dog still hit on it.

who knows though


Active member
I just don't see how a dog COULD smell something that's inside a vacuum sealed bag.

What I think happens is the people sealing the bags get lazy. You MUST keep the final vacuum bag AWAY from the preparation. Meaning...bag everything up, have it ready for the final vacuum bag...and then take all that to another room, another house would be better, a clean house...and do the final sealing there, being careful when placing the bags into the vacuum bags not to let ANYTHING contaminate them. The person touching the bags of weed puts them in the vacuum bag held open by someone else who never touches the bags of weed.

Oh, and double/triple bagging before vacuum sealing...don't want anything poking through.

way I see it is...plastic is porous...even if it seals tight enough to keep the air out, I'm not willing to bet my freedom that a highly trained dog's nose can't pick up on an odor through a vac seal

Most important rule to keep in mind when dealing with this subject: it ain't if, it's when. Luck can only last so long...be safe


Active member
There are sealable baggies built for the job that emit no odour , ibjamming`s dead right , it`s not the bag but the traces on the bag that give the game away .

Morale of this story is if your name really is John Smith your fooked .

Stay green .

Indian Culture

Yes, by the sounds of it if your John Smith you better not have anything illegal in your home!!