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Profiling postal packages.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I send "care packages" fairly regularly and never had any problems. It's typically a 1/4 oz or less, maybe up to 1/2 oz. I package in multiple layers of plastic bags and Saran wrap, wiping down the outside of each layer with alcohol to make sure there's no residue from my hands (which I clean with alcohol after I seal the first layer). Never had an obvious smell outside the package, although I'm sure a dog would detect it. For 1/4 oz or less, I sandwich between 2 CDs/DVDs, tape it together securely, and slide it into a small, padded envelope. For larger amounts, I've taken apart a VHS tape, stuffed it in there, and put the tape case back together. I figure either way, it would look pretty normal in an X-ray. I also don't think they take the time to check envelopes too closely, as they really couldn't hold any significant amount. And I use a fake (not mine), but real (someone's), return address. Works for me.


lover of all things hashlike
on the note of cover items destroying packaging, i once sent some seeds inside of a strong pen. the pen was pushed through the packaging at some point during transit and thus my contact received an empty envelope.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
are you ever worried that the things you pack it with will provide enough force if crushed, to pop open your bag?
With several layers of plastic with no air inside, and then padding around that, I think it would take being run over by the mail truck to break open anything I've sent. Of course, nothing is foolproof, and there is always a possibility no matter how small. The only absolutely sure way to make sure no one tampers with your package and its contents remain intact is to hand deliver it, which has its own risks. The best we can do is be careful, minimize risks, and don't do anything you feel uncomfortable about. There are no guarantees when committing a crime.


Active member
and I've seen all over this thread that you're supposed to use the USPS and not fed ex or similar because they're private organizations and can open any package for any reason. but at the same time, they're private organizations, are they required by law to look for suspicious packages and rifle through your shit?


Well-known member
I can tell you from experience... Don't use private shippers or USPS overnight. USPS overnight contracts private shippers like UPS sometimes. I send everything USPS priority. I wear gloves through the whole proccess, use my worst enemies return addy and drop in the nearest box to that address. I use a sealer & w Mylar or reflectix (block IR) and spread Vaseline over the sealed bag to throw off odor. I have a buddy that sends pounds & racks of rooted cuts across the country for years without incident. Seeds are easy.. Throw em in a newspaper page in a jiffy padded envelope. Clone couriers are awesome for small amounts, but you have to seal in a black bag. I make em out of blk/wht poly and wrap the Mylar around it with a static sensitive sticker on it and throw a junked circuit board in it with bubble wrap.


Active member
I also use Priority Mail, or Express Mail if requested. I send quantities of one ounce or less in small glass jars; baby food jars and spice jars are perfect. I wrap them in aluminum foil, triple-seal with ziploc baggies, and then put the works in a small cardboard box or tea tin. This gets the baggie treatment as well, plus a shitload of tape. Been doing this for three years without trouble.


I can tell you from experience... Don't use private shippers or USPS overnight. USPS overnight contracts private shippers like UPS sometimes. I send everything USPS priority. I wear gloves through the whole proccess, use my worst enemies return addy and drop in the nearest box to that address. I use a sealer & w Mylar or reflectix (block IR) and spread Vaseline over the sealed bag to throw off odor. I have a buddy that sends pounds & racks of rooted cuts across the country for years without incident. Seeds are easy.. Throw em in a newspaper page in a jiffy padded envelope. Clone couriers are awesome for small amounts, but you have to seal in a black bag. I make em out of blk/wht poly and wrap the Mylar around it with a static sensitive sticker on it and throw a junked circuit board in it with bubble wrap.

Nice, I use the Vaseline method as well, simple saran wrap + petroleum jelly works wonders for odor control. No vaccum sealer neccessary.

I'm reluctant to switch from FedEx overnight as it's been working without a hitch for many months. Obviosuly USPS still does parcel interdiction and makes a conscious effort to profile packages. Julian has stated that the charges will be Federal if caught...IME FedEx won't get involved in prosecuting with smaller amounts...

Who has info regarding what happens when USPS package is seized? You say USPS overnight is too hot and they contract private carriers anyway? Seems like I'm still better off with FedEx overnight... the less time it spends in the hands of postal workers and the less hubs it hits the better...

Open Eyes

Whoa, long read for yanks but since i am a limey i can skip right to the end and say this must be a long read lol. I am thankful and glad that i no longer have to deal with that crap.


Active member
buddy at UPS in SF said he never saw a dog or drug interdiction team in all the years he worked there.
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X-ray shows up all organics very well, all drugs are organic, the machine highlights it in green.

Other hazardous substances (volatiles) show up in red.

X-ray proof bags are actually not x-ray proof, they protect sensitive electronics from damage but still allow things to be seen.


Active member
maybe I don't know as much as I thought about xray machines, but I think they use xray machines that are different from the cartoons or those xray spex you ordered out of the back of boys life
maybe I don't know as much as I thought about xray machines, but I think they use xray machines that are different from the cartoons or those xray spex you ordered out of the back of boys life
Are you being sarcastic?

I have used an x-ray machine and in the testing a packet of parsley was used to simulate cannabis and other organic material, the software in the x-rays processing unit highlights it.
It didn't matter where it was hidden or what else was in the package, bag or clothing, it showed up just as clearly.

There are many wavelengths within the x-ray range of the electromagnetic spectrum and some are absorbed by organic material more than others, the software looks for those subtle differences and adds colour to the displayed image to highlight it.

They don't use the old fluorescent screens for x-ray any more, it is done with a CCD camera that is sensitive to x-rays instead of light and a CRT or LCD display to show the image, this also makes it very sensitive.



They used flourecent screens to covert the xrays into visible light and then the cameras conveyed them to the end users. Now they direct detectors (crytals) that convert the xrays to a digital image.

A 35 veteran year xray service engineer still doing service ....


Ripped since 1965
Anybody not using a vacuum sealer is still in the stone age of packing pot. anybody sending a OZ or less in a package is in the stone age of mailing. 1 OZ into the coffee bean grinder and then evenly placed into a 5&1/4"X 7&1/4 vacuum bag and sealed- it comes out as flat as a quarter and slip this into a normal birthday card from wallyworld or anywhere else- they measure 5&1/2X7&1/2. One stamp and away it goes thru usps. This method works well when the cops are watching EVERY package coming to you. Flat letters don't show up on their radar like packages do. 4 letters=QP


I can tell you if your trying to Fedex a zip or 2 of something like grape ape with a 90$ sealer it aint gonna make it, not every time at least, And it really sucks to lose something like that.

definately do not use food saver bags. use heavy mylar and test the seal to make sure you cant pull it apart.