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Problems with site, using Mozilla Firefox

I've been having issues with Mozilla's Firefox browser and IC. I know it's IC because it only happens when surfing, directing to and loading up ICMag. For example, just now my browser crashed 3 times before I could come here. The weird thing is that this didn't happen before when I first joined IC. It is something recent that has been happening over the past week.

While this isn't the end of the world (just restart the browser!) it can get to be annoying. Is anybody else having this problem? Is it just me? Anybody know what I can do, if the error is on my end, to resolve this issue?

Mozilla Firefox
WinXP Professional w/SP2 (currently updated)
Zonealarm Firewall
Last edited:
i have firefox and it made an error right now..i didn't think much of it since compared to IE this hardly ever happens. I'm also running a router with firewall.


Active member
post your website related problems in the 'website support' section.

Green Lantern is the site's webmaster, and a real nice fella...i'm sure he can help with your troubles.

he is quite busy i would imagine...hang in there!

welcome to icmag!! :wave:


its the magus genetics banner, someones working on it as we speak i think, its in flash 8 i think. pb
perfectbitches said:
its the magus genetics banner, someones working on it as we speak i think, its in flash 8 i think. pb
That very well could be it. I haven't updated flash in a long time.

Sorry bout posting this in the wrong forum. :bashhead:

Could any mods move it for me? Thanks all. I gotta run and get my learn on. I'll update flash as soon as I get back and see if that helps.


perfectbitches said:
its the magus genetics banner, someones working on it as we speak i think, its in flash 8 i think. pb

I think you are on to something! I remember seeing that banner this morning, right before I had to restart my firefox. Doesn't lock up or anything. Any links you click on, do not open. Restart does fix it but you loose all those (MANY) tabs you had open! Not able to find a magus banner now to test the flash update.

Decided to give you guys an update. I updated flash to 8.0 and installed shockwave. I clicked back and forth until I encountered the Magus ad, and everything is go. Thanks all for the help!


theres quite a few threads about that screwy banner and they say they have it fixed but they don't
something is buggered up when a banner causes a browser to crash
i know i know update your flash
thing is you shouldn't have to
it should work properly with common browsers that are in general use without updateing anything
just my opinion
nothing more



sonic said:
Dogstool, you need to get a fucking life.

It has already been said by the ADMINISTRATOR that the banners are being downgraded to Flash version 5. This will be done within a day or so.

Until then, crawl back in your hole.

hey cupcake
you think that maybe i didn't read that?
maybe because i kept getting crashed
maybe because i was actually out living life?
and? wtf? are you supposed to be anyway?
maybe you need to get out more
untill then, crawl back in your own damn hole

btw thx to whomever is making the adjustment/downgrade



sonic said:
You're welcome.

ok that made sense
i was wondering why dr frankenstein was getting so anal with me
in fairness
if you never created that monster we could have bypassed this whole discussion
and saved a whole lot of folks greif
thank you for fixing it
btw your comment about getting a life and crawl back into your hole?
not only was it unwarrented but speaks volumes about yourself and the calibre of your work
enjoy your weekend



i had to look
that car wreck thing ya know
regardless of all the other crappolla
have a good weekend for real
i am



Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
I have the same issue. I just wanted to share with all of you. I frequently have FF crash for no reason upon loading the site or loading a page with other Tabs open. Dont know if it makes a difference to have more then 1 tab open at a time. Its easyer on the comp with 2 tabs instead of 2 windows.