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Problems with anxiety? Build-up of caffeine might be causing problems...



I have realized recently that I think most of my problems with anxiety in life might have been completely related to caffeine.

What I have realized is its not so much having a hit of caffeine that causes anxiety. Say, having a glass of green tea or whatever...

But there seems to be this slow, gradual build-up of something in the body, which over time just gives me more and more feelings of anxiety. Like a generalized anxiety disorder, with touches of social anxiety (probably because I end up feeling so jumpy that I start fearing interactions, etc)...

Its really insidious.

But if you are struggling with any types of anxiety, one easy thing to do is drop the amount of caffeine you intake a day, week by week, until you get to a level where you feel better.

Its actually really easy that way. This past 8 days I decided to quit cold turkey. Well, actually it was my 5th attempt to quit. Finally was able to go 8 days. But I realized that alot of my anxiety symptoms just sorta went away and vanished. And thats only 8 days. Its hard to notice sometimes the positive benefits, because they can be overshadowed by the nastyyyy withdrawals. Thats why its better to gradually just cut back on caffeine week by week until your not bothered anymore by your anxiety problems (whatever they may be)...

There is actually stuff on the web that talks about this "buildup" effect. It could be caused by different factors but it all comes back to how much caffeine you are using on a daily basis.

Here is one page that talks about some of this:

Although I'm not sure its as complicated as that... its an interesting page.

I just thought I would post this because... I've been experimenting with so many things for a long time... and its just came to my attention now that caffeine really truly seems to have a build-up effect. And I was the type of person that would only use chocolate and yerba mate (the so-called less hyper types of caffeine)...

Recently I was using bakers chocolate (which I found calming), but also drinking yerba mate in the morning...

But yes, over time I started having trouble simply going to sleep at a good time, or not wanting to sleep at all, and definitely not dreaming. Also my anxiety symptoms around people I noticed was getting worse and worse very slowly over time.

Its so slow that you never question caffeine. You just put it off to other factors. For me caffeine build-up causes me to be tense around people. So instead of realizing that I'm just tense because of some toxicity causing some anxiety neurosis...I instead think its something completely different, maybe a problem with me or something which just further compounds the problem. And this is just one of my symptoms.

I believe that there is a build-up of something in the body.

If you google you will learn that genetically, there are fast and slow metabolizers of caffeine. I know for certain I am a slow metabolizer that is one reason I have issues with it...

But I'd imagine a build-up of caffeine could even impact the fast-metabolizers... depending on how much caffeine they have.

To prevent some of these build-up problems, it may be as simple as taking days off caffeine usage. How many days off a week or every 2 weeks or whatever would have to be determined by the person.

But taking so called "green days" (days with only weed, for instance), maybe on the weekends even...without caffeine...might really lower anxiety/tension/irritability problems drastically!...and its actually really easy to do. easier than just quitting all caffeine entirely (since its SO domesticated)

Anyways... for me like I said, the build-up happens slowly it seems, over time...slow enough that honestly, I don't know what is wrong. Hopefully now that I've experimented with this enough I can remember to say... okay... you need to cut back on caffeine... you don't need to go on a SSRI or take a bunch of b-vitamins to get a sense of calm... better to cut out the actual -source- of the anxiety in the first place.

I was previously taking a bunch of B-vitamins, with zinc, magnesium etc... I noticed without those I was really nervous even more... but when I stopped caffeine I suddenly didn't need those anymore.

Going without caffeine completely is hard. It was only until the last few days that I started waking up with more energy... although I think I needed another week to really notice even more benefit. (i just ended my caffeine-free fast at 2 am, drank some green tea-thats why I'm up)...

One time I went without caffeine (all forms) for 8 months. During this time I probably never felt so good in my life. I was very focused, had tons of energy (not the spazzy kind of energy but real), slept GREAT. had great mind-altering dreams every night where I literally felt like I would escape to different dimensions (it was like tripping every night)...

Then again I also went to bed early and woke up early, and was outside in the sun doing physical labor, so I had other things working for me.


My next experiment is to only eat chocolate as my sole form of caffeine. Bakers chocolate (which is 100% cacao)

I am logging all aspects of my behavior and seeing if the bakers chocolate effects me negatively over time. I want to test to see if maybe the chocolate doesn't affect me similarly although I think it will.

Then if I start noticing negative symptoms I will cut back to see what dose I can still have a day, without getting some of that toxic build-up effect.

Basically, at what dose can I have where my body will metabolize the dosage so I don't keep building it up in my body over time...

What I think happens in some people... is although you might only have a few cups of green tea a day... "some" of that green tea doesn't fully get metabolized...so the next day you are actually not just drinking 2 cups of green tea... but say...2.1 cups of green tea...etc etc...

Over time, depending on your metabolism etc etc...you might be going 24/7 with something like 3 cups of green tea metabolites in your system at all times... which will affect your sleep completely... and they say that it only takes a few days of bad sleep to start giving any normal person symptoms of mental disorder...
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This might account for my ridiculously increasing paranoia towards end of last year / early this year that culminated in me ripping everything down b/c i saw a helicopter that day and a sketchy guy walking around in the parking lot. I don't know if this is exactly a correlation but it's an interesting theory...and caffeine DOES put people on edge. I only drink organic starbucks once or twice on the weekends - you too sweaty in the summer when you're wired. Plus it makes going to sleep a real bitch, which is why I'd say no caffeine after noon!! Glad you managed to quit it, hope you keep feeling better.



Resident pissy old man
If you do a study on CBD(cannabidiol), you will find that it is anti-anxiety. CBD causes new neurons to be formed in the hippocampus of the brain and that relieves anxiety and may treat schizophrenia and possibly even bipolar disease.
thanks for sharing.

You stated your feeling better etc without caffiene.

Why not get rid of caffiene all-together?

I think I probably need to quit caffiene!!


Skylined, it seems your caffeine intake is pretty low, if just on weekends. The book Caffeine Blues talks about how stress or caffeine alone are one thing...but the combination of stress AND caffeine are incredible...

Pops yes I know about CBD. Its just... I like to know how to get rid of drug-induced anxiety without adding more drugs to band-aid it.

Yukino - Yes quitting caffeine altogether would be good, but I do like the taste of tea, or some chocolate. So instead of just totally abstaining, I'll just let myself enjoy it in little amounts. I find that..sounds weird...but having a beer in the morning sometimes makes me feel pretty good in place of caffeine... plus I know it won't build up in my system. I metabolize alcohol way faster than caffeine.


Woah...great info, never thought of that.

Im sure this explains my recent teeth clenching...and proficient obscenity use! f#(k! I never used to drink coffee, but since a friend of mine gave me his french-press, Ive been going through a pound a week...For awhile it was giving me acid-reflux, so i just started taking zantac ,tums etc...coffee AND pills...it was regular french disco! Ive heard cream and sugar can be the cause rather than the coffee's own acidity but im sure its just my body telling me "enough".

Time to switch back to peppermint tea! Celestial Seasonings: brace yourself.

Just a stimulant like the rest...gotta slow down sometime ~! ~ Goat
Goat said:
Woah...great info, never thought of that.

Im sure this explains my recent teeth clenching...and proficient obscenity use! f#(k! I never used to drink coffee, but since a friend of mine gave me his french-press, Ive been going through a pound a week...For awhile it was giving me acid-reflux, so i just started taking zantac ,tums etc...coffee AND pills...it was regular french disco! Ive heard cream and sugar can be the cause rather than the coffee's own acidity but im sure its just my body telling me "enough".

Time to switch back to peppermint tea! Celestial Seasonings: brace yourself.

Just a stimulant like the rest...gotta slow down sometime ~! ~ Goat

Will make some of us nuts, when otherwise we are not cussing.

You gotta check out the acid free coffee or quit.

That will be easier on a sensitive stomach.
Yukino - Yes quitting caffeine altogether would be good, but I do like the taste of tea, or some chocolate. So instead of just totally abstaining, I'll just let myself enjoy it in little amounts. I find that..sounds weird...but having a beer in the morning sometimes makes me feel pretty good in place of caffeine... plus I know it won't build up in my system. I metabolize alcohol way faster than caffeine.

thanks for sharing. I know the feeding. Know I should quit.

My new fix has been matcha green tea. Gets me wired up, no bad effects on stomach.

Green tea is also supposed to be good for you.

Does it get you guys wired?

I get amped


I've been caffeine free for three days! My anxiety is better and im def less irritable. I sleep really deep too.

Yukino, green tea is great. Have you ever had any "traditional medicinals" brand tea? They have homeopathic teas and flavored teas, both are quality tea.

Thanks EatCannabisRaw!
- Goat!

twisted treez

sugar and yeast cause alot of problems expecially in kids, if you stop them cold turkey and take a homeopathic med called ,,, attention focus powder.. you would be able to see the route of the problem, and im not talking out my ass, i have seen the results amazing


Pops said:
If you do a study on CBD(cannabidiol), you will find that it is anti-anxiety. CBD causes new neurons to be formed in the hippocampus of the brain and that relieves anxiety and may treat schizophrenia and possibly even bipolar disease.

I find it helps my bipolar

I am down to one medicine - Cannabis

before it was

depakote nightly
zypreka daily
xanax as needed
effexor daily
eskalith daily

it was killing me fast and I was far less functional


Just adding my 2 cents about caffeine. I have been totally off of caffeine (coffee and soda) for eight months. It has made a huge difference in my level of anxiety and my ablity to sleep soundly. Unfortunately it hasn't effected my blood pressure, but maybe that will come with continued caffeine abstinence.

hard rain

I drink way too much strong black espresso. Thanks for sharing this. I may look at giving up or at least cutting back a lot.


Good Post

I quit caffeine about 4 months ago.

Reasons were:

-Caffeine gives me adrenaline dumps/anxiety

-Reduces my appetite, then i eat less, then i get cranky/anxious

-Made cannibus less enjoyable with the adrenaline dumps

-Bad cravings for caffeine, especially after a meal.

-Harder to sleep when i had been drinking caffeine in the day.

-Bad gut rot

The day i quit caffeine, i had a big coffee that made me feel light headed, poor circulation in my hands, gave me zero appetite, cold sweats, and i just felt like shit. I had to ask myself "why am i doing this to myself?"

I'm glad i quit. Although i will have the occasional coffee every couple weeks(which makes me feel like shit)


Ive been caffeine free for 11 days and its going great. Its cut my anxiety down considerably. A friend told me his DR. said citric acid can also lead to anxiety problems...-Goat!


When I was about 12 years old, i believe i had a caffine overdose.

I thought coffee was benign and harmless, and i drank about 6-8 cups with a body weight of about 150lbs. give or take.

I felt fine for the first 1-3 hours. Then i had to lay on my bed because my heart was beating fast, and possibly palpitating.

The walls turned grey, and i felt like there were bugs on me. Little black dots appearedon the walls and i began to mistake them for bugs.

It went away after about 2 hours, and i think it may have traumatized me a bit.

1-2 cups of coffee every day wont hurt you.

But 3x-10x the normal dose may fuck you up. especially if you are young and sensitive to fear.

Coffee can be a serious drug.

I have never had anything close to this unpleasant with weed. Besides some coughing fits, and light paranoia on occasion... herb is harmless.
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Nice thread.I just drove a truck and caterpillar log skidder to New Mexico from Mass and had no cofee the whole nasty hot ride.I feel soo much better but it could be my sourroundings are more peacefull.I'm moving back no matter what happens, east coast life was running me into the ground.I've got to fly back and wrap up some loose ends but I've got the land and the fire to be a med grower here.I just hope I can stay off the caffiene and stay cool while I do this.I always knew in the back of my mind how coffee was fueling my anxiety but I couldn't quit, then one day several weeks ago I bailed my grow on the east coast and came back home.I still crave a cup of coffee and I'm in Sante Fe right now mulling about and man this city was made for coffee!!My stash in the hills was fine after 2yrs underground.I hope I can do this with no java.Lilly. :joint: :joint:

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