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Problems day 50 in flower, pics!




How long has this problem been going o n? 2-3 weeks
What STRAIN are you growing? New Purple Power, Nirvana Seeds
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) Seed
What is the age of your plants? 50 days flowering, 6-8 weeks veg
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? 50days+6-8weeks veg
How Tall are the plants? 3-4 ft
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? flower
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) semi-scrog using grow through supports
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) 3-5gal
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) FFOF/30-40% perlite
What Nutrient's are you using? FF Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, Cha-Ching in Flowering
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* 1/4tsp flowering nutes with each watering, generally water 1-1.5 gallons every 2-3 days, between the 3 New Purple Powers
How often are you feeding? 2-3 days
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients? 4-5 days before switching to 12/12
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"? 6.0
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? strips
How often are you watering? 2-3 days
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? Flushed drooping yellowing plant today with 8 gallons of filtered tap water ph was 6.5
What size bulb are you using? 400W HPS/400W MH
What is the distance to the canopy? 12-24in
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) 40%
What is the canopy temperature? 70-85
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)Day 80-87 Night 70
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) 6in valuline fan
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? no
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? moist
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? Filtered
Are you using water from a water softener?
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? Cut off bottom flowers today
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? no
Are plant's infected with pest's? no

The biggest plant out of the 3, is the one exhibiting the problems ie (slow flowering, "claw" yellow fan leaves. I think I over fertilized it with FF Cha-Ching which has some nitrogen in it. Can you tell me if this is showing signs of too much nitrogen? The other 2 NPP are doing OK. Although it is day 50 of flower and i don't see too many trichomes and the buds are still smallish, i think i may have burnt them a little too judging by the leaf tips.

Some of the yellow claw leaves have large brown areas.

I originally thought that I overwatered the drooping NPP. I let the soil dry for 5 days and it showed zero signs of improvement.

I flushed the claw-leaved NPP today with 8 gallons of filtered tap water at a ph of 6.5.

So is it too much N or what do you think? or not enough N? or another nute deficiency?

BTW don't mind how it looks in my grow tent right now, i've been adding and messing with plants all day so it's a bit of a mess

Drooping claw leaves

"healthy" npp still, very little trichomes for day 50 flowering

sick npp

stretchy, knots are from scrog

power skunk day 1 flower
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that's not because of too much nitrogen, leaves would be much darker green


I can't say for sure, I don't think you shoulda been feeding with every watering, I never do that unless I am using teas.

Do you water till there is runoff?


Yea i water until there is a runoff.

The reason that i chose to feed with every watering is that i feed in such small doses,
1/4tsp that i assumed the nutes were diluted enough to be ok. Plus it says its ok on the back of the nute directions,to do so. but what do i know, this is my first grow.


never believe the packaging or the hydro store guy, first thing I learned

are you adding anything like calmag or did you add dolomite lime to your dirt?


ya that 6.0 ph is kinda low, if you can find some dolomite lime and top dress with it and then water in well it should help with your ph and should add some stuff you need and are likely lacking.

your soil had some lime in it, but it is likely all gone long ago.


Yes they're deficiient in N, for the simple reason that it's all been used up and any that was there has now been washed out. There was probably never going to be enough N in that soil anyway, 30-40% perlite is too much, it's simply removing nutrients from the soil. You just don't need much more than 5-10% perlite if you must use it, if you water correctly you don't need any at all.

I also don't understand you watering every 2-3 days in those size pots. In 3-5 gal pots, if you're watering correctly, it should be about every 5-6 days, so I think you're not watering them correctly.

There's very little you can and should do. They've run out of N too early, but they're too close to harvest to start feeding.


tree&leaf said:
Yes they're deficiient in N, for the simple reason that it's all been used up and any that was there has now been washed out. There was probably never going to be enough N in that soil anyway, 30-40% perlite is too much, it's simply removing nutrients from the soil. You just don't need much more than 5-10% perlite if you must use it, if you water correctly you don't need any at all.

I also don't understand you watering every 2-3 days in those size pots. In 3-5 gal pots, if you're watering correctly, it should be about every 5-6 days, so I think you're not watering them correctly.

There's very little you can and should do. They've run out of N too early, but they're too close to harvest to start feeding.

the flowering nutes i've been using, open sesame to start flowering (5-45-19) and for the last 2 and a half weeks cha ching (9-50-10) have nitrogen in them and keep in mind if you are saying i'm watering to much, wouldn't that mean that they are getting too much nitrogen because i use nutes everytime i water?

how much nitrogen do they need?
so what you are telling me is there is nothing to be done to save them?
what would hurt then if i simply doubled my flower fert which has nitrogen over the last few weeks?
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dude, you want them to run out of nitrogen in flower

you need to add some lime to the top of your soil and water it in, don't double up nutes or anything else like that.

You are far into flower and you don't want to add a bunch of nitrogen this late anyways.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
85 is pretty ugly for a temp - it's not going to help. - And high temps make watering a BITCH.

Frankly _ I don't think they look terrible - I'm not sure a big flush was a good idea - hopefully they don't claw out again. - I would guestimate about 3 weeks from harvest,,, barring shock from recent events.

I'm pretty high here - 6000' above sea level,, - (PLUS what your were thinking.) As I remember, when I grew NPP, it was about 12 weeks in flower - I think I went ten and regretted an early chop. I usually do moslty cloudy and a few amber trics - you may be diffeerent,,,,


The yellowing looks like it starts at the bottom and is working up - nuttin wrong there. You may not be dialed in, but overall I'd start pH adjusted tap water pretty soon and let them keep going. They will continue to look worse and worse - it's usually part of the plan - they absorb nutes and usable goodies from leaves before the shut them off and dries them up. If it's happening slowly andgradually - id say it's normal - quickly - it's an issue that need to be fixed. Dosen't look real fast.
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Non Conformist
After looking over the info yuv given, I see couple of things that have brought you ta where you are now. You have vegged in this soil for 6-8 weeks and never gave them any grow nutes. FFOF is good for about a 3-4 weeks with vegging plants, after that you need ta be feeding them. I would also suggest you start with small pots and work yer way up transplanting as the plants grow..... I see that you started feeding flower nutes 4-5 days before switching to 12-12. You need ta be feeding with a grow nute till the stretch has about stopped. Around 2 weeks into flower. This will insure that they have enough N to last all the way through flower. These plants look like they have just about ran outta N..... The flower nutes yer using all have really high nutrient values. You can bet using them that often will build up salts in yer soil. This will drop yer PH. Although the microherd, humus, and crushed oyster shell will buffer alot of this, it can still get ta be to much for it. A PH of 6.0 is not too bad tho..... The claw affect is coming from them bein overwatered. Notice the plants with less biomass have the affect more. Those are big deep pots, so I would suggest that you use the "lifting method" to tell when they need water. When the pot gets lite, water, not jus when they get dry on top...... I think it's about too late to do much for these girls, but don't look at it as loss. You learned alot from this, and yer jus gonna get better at it everytime! Good luck in the future! Take care... BC


RockyMountainHi said:
85 is pretty ugly for a temp - it's not going to help. - And high temps make watering a BITCH.

Frankly _ I don't think they look terrible - I'm not sure a big flush was a good idea - hopefully they don't claw out again. - I would guestimate about 3 weeks from harvest,,, barring shock from recent events.

I'm pretty high here - 6000' above sea level,, - (PLUS what your were thinking.) As I remember, when I grew NPP, it was about 12 weeks in flower - I think I went ten and regretted an early chop. I usually do moslty cloudy and a few amber trics - you may be diffeerent,,,,


The yellowing looks like it starts at the bottom and is working up - nuttin wrong there.

I was kind of thinking along the same lines with you, that these look like they are going to go longer than the advertised 8 weeks, maybe even longer...i'll wait them out..and add some lime and take some pics and see how it goes..2 of the plants look fairly good, minus the burnt tips..so hopefully i'll see some more trichs and bud mass over the next few weeks

i'm going to get that ph up to 6.5 and see how they do


greengorillaz said:
off gassing, perhaps.

it's funny you say that, as the poles/frame of the tent are the off-gassing hydrohut frame poles. I got rid of the hydrohut canvas liner and made my own liner of panda film. my problems went away with yellowing..until now lol
You'll get it figured out considering the boat load of wisdom found here. I know it's frustrating as hell not knowing what the fuck is wrong. I have a real simple method I learned 20 years ago and it has yet to fail me. KISS! keep it simple simon.


ya, icmag has been great so far..with all the wisdom here it's amazing i managed to screw up!!

edit: added 2-4 tbsp on dolomite lime and mixed it into the top of pots, gave them a tiny bit of water to mix it in...will update with pics in a few
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Non Conformist
Somethin ta think about.

Somethin ta think about.

I don't mean ta be a Debby Downer here, but by the time that lime breaks down and works, yer plants are gonna be done. I would get some Big bloom to finish them off with. It's more or less a premade tea made of worm castings and bat guano. It's very mild but fast a acting. Lots of micro-critters in it to over come the stress yer plants are goin through. It will baby them through the rest of their lives. Plants love this stuff!......Next go around cut yer soil the same way with prelite, and make a ton of holes in the bottoms of yer pots. This way any excess water is not held by the soil, it's like a sponge, holding jus the right amount of water and air. Plus the plants roots and microherd -love- the air! Also try using grow big if yer gonna veg longer than a month, then switch to big bloom and tiger bloom. Keeping it as simple as possible till ya get em dailed in. I've started many folks this way locally. The plants were happy all the way through, and yeiled very nice ta boot. It's -very- simple, every other water is big bloom. Every third to fourth water add some tiger bloom along with the big bloom. That's it! You never have to worry about big bloom building up in yer soil, it's good for it! I've grown all kinds of different ways over the years, and I'm tellin ya it jus don't get any easier than this. I never have to add lime or other amendments to the soil, it's all in there. Feeding with these nutes will give them the balance of nutrients they need in the correct ratios. That's -very- important for happy plants. Just tryin ta help, the rest is up to you. BC
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