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Problem With Snoring


Active member
So yea, i need a bit of help.

Anyone know what I should do because my snoring i guess is getting pretty bad. I woke up this morning and my girlfriend wasnt in bed, she was downstairs sleeping on the couch. when i asked her what was wrong, she said she's sick of me snoring in her ear, night after night. at first she was very nice about it, she'd rub my back to wake me up and tell me to turn over and sleep on my stomach, that worked untill i would fall asleep and eventually turn back over on my back and start snoring again. Now lets just say that she's not as nice about it anymore, its ruining our sleeping patterns, and its not what we are used to. now iv been fighting this now for almost 6 months, and iv tried those nose strips, it got to the point where id have 3 of those strips on my nose, id be able to breath like a champ through my nose, but didnt help the snoring.
if anyone is out there that has or is in the same situation, i could really use some help



Tape a drawing pin to the shoulderblade that's nearest her and whenever you roll over in the night you'll rouse slightly and then turn back. Annoying but guaranteed to stop you snoring. Failing that use tape to hold your nose open, people seem to rate that.


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Well, my dad is the loudest snorer I've ever heard, and he tried everything. He was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, and he now uses a machine that is basically an air pump attached to your nostrils, and he sleeps with it on his face every night. I snore pretty loud, but my girlfriend says it helps her sleep. Works for me! :wave:


I know someone who had a severe snoring problem. His wife was ready to file for divorce because she would sleep in a separate bedroom and still could not sleep due to his loud snoring. He never believed her until she tape recorded it and played it back to him. He was astounded!

After making an appointment with a medical specialist, he found out that his constricted airway (nose and throat) was causing high blood pressue due to the stress on his heart. It also caused him to be tired and moody during the day.

He was overweight, which caused some of the problem (fatty tissue), but also his tongue was thicker than normal for his mouth and he had a deviated septum (nasal passage).

He was told either to wear a strange device during sleep (which was awkward and uncomfortable) or have surgery to correct the problems. He chose the $3700 painful surgery and it solved most of his snoring.

Still he had some snoring. He was further diagnosed to have an allergy that caused flem to build up in his throat at night. Now he is taking medication to counter the allergy and still has to lose about 40 pounds.

Total cost to him without insurance because it wasn't covered on his policy: $9,000.

Good luck with your relationship and your wallet.



Custom User Title
Barry Flavour said:
He was told either to wear a strange device during sleep (which was awkward and uncomfortable) or have surgery to correct the problems. He chose the $3700 painful surgery and it solved most of his snoring.
I think the machine is covered by my dad's insurance.
Moderate to severe Sleep Apnea is usually treated with a C-PAP (continous positive airway pressure). C-PAP is a machine that blows air into your nose via a nose mask, keeping the airway open and unobstructed. For more severe apnea, there is a Bi-level (Bi-PAP) machine. The Bi-level machine is different in that it blows air at two different pressures. When a person inhales, the pressure is higher and in exhaling, the pressure is lower. Your sleep doctor will "prescribe" your pressure and a home healthcare company will set it up and provide training in its use and maintenance.

the Rock

Active member
I had the surgery 8 years ago(deviated septum and throat lasering=pain) but it worked. they (insurance co.) wanted me to wear the mask but it was so damn claustrophobic I was freaked out totally. Now they have a less obtrusive air intake device (smaller mask or noseplugs?) but I would reccomend the surgery, you are in pain for minimum 3 weeks= my motto= no pain no gain. plus you will lose at least 25lbs after the throat surgery ,to painful to eat or barely swallow NP-NG


cant stop wont stop
MMZRetro85 said:
it got to the point where id have 3 of those strips on my nose

dude thats the funniest shit ive heard in a minute.. im sorry but hahaa aaah damn..

wish i could help ya.. i did see this comercial for some mouth piece type a shit that actuallys' suppose to open up some shit in your esophegas or what ever.. they claim .. ahh fuck it probably a scam like every thing else medical related on the comercial market these days..


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
"Loud snoring can lead to a lack of sleep for more than the offending snorer. Now one Texas doctor says he can solve the problem for many people with a simple five-minute procedure.

For Ann Roberts, almost no night was a good night due to her husband Henry's sleep apnea.

His condition, which caused high blood pressure, anxiety and constant sluggishness for him, also caused loud snoring that left his wife with little or no sleep.

After unsuccessfully trying several expensive gadgets to curb his snoring, the couple next decided to meet with Dr. Craig Schwimmer to discuss the Pillar Procedure.

Schwimmer, who was once a highly-respected head and neck surgeon, is now a snoring guru who performs 25 percent of the Pillar Procedures worldwide.

In about five minutes, Schwimmer placed several small plastic pillars into Henry's uvula to provide support to his soft palate.

The result is greater structural support that keeps the uvula from obstructing the airway, thereby reducing his snoring.

Henry said he hasn't snored one night since having the procedure and that he would have paid 10 times the $2,000 cost because it has led to such better overall health.

Henry added that the five minutes spent with Schwimmer were five minutes that changed his life forever.

"I think it's easily 100 percent better," said Henry.

Henry isn't alone in his success, either.

Fitness guru Larry North's snoring also left him feeling sluggish and less fit than a fitness expert should feel.

However, North was skeptical that the procedure would be so simple.

"A lot of times when doctors tell you, 'It won't hurt,' or, 'It's not that big of an inconvenience,' or, 'You'll be back to work,' I tend not to believe them," North said. "This has been really easy."

After a couple of numbing shots, the pillars are injected into the soft palate, and very soon after the patient is discharged.

"We realized that if you simply informed people that there were options that were more convenient, made more sense in their lives, they would respond," said Schwimmer.

Henry and Ann did respond, and the result was the elimination of an annoying sound that has made both of their lives much healthier."

I seen this on the news not to long ago.
Sleeping on your stomach keeps you from snoring. An easy way to stay on your stomach is to sew a pocket into the back of an old T-shirt, and sew a tennis ball into it.
Awkward, yeah, but it'll keep you from rolling onto your back.


Smoke up your Girlfriend up with some powerful indica before she goes to bed, so her ass will be in a deep sleep before you go to sleep, so in that why she soo dead asleep, she can't hear your snoring lol.


Active member


go make sure you don't have sleep apnea. it causes you to stop breathing and slightly wake without knowing it and take a deep gasp for air. my mom has it too.

a lot of people snore without sleep apnea so i wouldn't worry about that unless you always have trouble sleeping.


Hey Retro, I'd see a Doctor,for sure,maybe two to get a second oppinion.
My GF son snores like a bear , he was diagnosed with sleep apnea(hes 25),and has one of them breathing machines,but doesn't use it much as its a hassle.
But definitly see a Dr. first.
Good luck getting that straightened out,you gotta do something to keep the little lady happy.

Storm Crow

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