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Problem with DWC cloner, root or fungus?


Hey all. Im having a bit of trouble with my cuttings since a while ago.
For starters the resevoir in the picture contains 6 gals of water, 35 cutts and 2 air pumps, each one feeding one 40 cm or 16" air curtain.
I use tap water and then adjust ph. Most cuttings root normally but a few showed the same problem. Arround some cuttings stem appears some kind of gel or a sticky stuff, that looks like kind of algae or fungus. I really dont know what is it but i think its present in the water. My friend also makes his cutts this way and he bought a huge air pump thinking that was lack of air, but he stills has more of this than me.
This is giving us some worrying abut cause it can mess the whole cutting process.
The water temperature is 24ºc to 25ºc (75-77ºF) and since this is happening im changing the water each 5 days but i still have some casualties (10%)
Ill leave a pic, but with all this information shouldnt be neccesary.

¿¿ Do anyone arround know what is this stuff messing my cutts?? i read that hydrogen peroxide might help but i also read that peroxide can kill new roots, so i really dont know what to do.

Any input is preciated, peace


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If you live near a store that sells RO get it! If not ordinary bottled water will do!

Clean your Rez and everything else with high strength javex...then rinse (dont use your tap water) it as best you can. Then add the RO or bottled water.....five gallons is about two bux!

If you have new clones use them!

Your temps are high,lower them if you can...Been told clones can take those temps though!

If you don't have new clones consider the peroxide or other remedy.

Another simple solution may be to lower water height as the roots grow!

Hopefully others will chime in as as have not cloned yet myself...will be trying a bubbler too


RO water is not a solution cause no one sells it in this country, so cheap or not, its not available.
I always clean reservoir, tubing and air curtains nice but with tap water, i havent other source
Take a clone or two that are infected and place them in a mini bubbler and try some experimenting with any suggested cures.

Could it be just the temperature of the water.....is it your roots below the waterline..or is it just the stems above the waterline that are jelled covered?


the temp is not the problem cause it was lower 2 months ago and the same thing.....
it is a DWC cloner, the stem is under water also roots.....


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I've never been able to root naked stems but, I can tell you that 75-77ºF is the ideal temp for rooting.

If the trouble is something that exists now but did not exist when you started, my first move would be to sterilize everything with a 5% bleach solution and a good rinse. Because I could never get naked cuts to root, I combined the bubbler with my old fashioned rockwool clone tray, seen here. Using rockwool, gel and Hormex, I haven't lost a single cut in over ten years


Active member
Change the res as frequently as possible this is a pretty common issue with dwc.

Physan 20 will solve your issues but I suspect that you won't be able to get your hands on some very easily based on your post.

While H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) will kill roots when it is concentrated, properly diluted it will not damage them and will kill most other biotic matter.

With 35% H2O2 I use 2ml per gallon all the time and 5ml per gallon in a separate container for direct dipping of the root mass in extreme cases.

With 3% H2O2 (what is most commonly available at pharmacies) that would be 23ml per gallon.

Like with any new product or methodology, do some testers first and work your way up in dosage starting low.

Once that layer of slime forms around your clone stem, the chances that it will root greatly decrease as it acts as a barrier preventing proper water and nutrient flow. I wash them off under running water each res change until they show roots.

Good luck and keep it green!


I've got the same problem with my bucket cloner, I lose 10-20% everytime to this slime. From what I've read its most likely algae, strange tho how it doesn't affect all the clones.

First I notice a clear slime on the lower portion of the stem, then it turns to mush. After a few days the clone falls over, probably starved.

I think its in the tap water as well. I've found that if I don't ph it I have a higher success rate for some reason, maybe the algae prefers an acidic environment? I've tried using a aquarium heater and found it to be worse, I think the algae thrives in the warmer water.

For now I've just accepted the 80% success rate, Its not the end of the world.


Well finally some answers popped and i realize that this isnt only my problem.....

Actually stonetech, i also think this is something that is present in the tap water, some kind of algae that sticks to stems and starts thriving and living arround them.

I thought that might be good to boil the water a few minutes to kill algae. but would be a pain in the ass cause i need to boil 5 times my pan full of water, but then i would have to wait hours to cool it down, so it would take me more than 6 hours to make it.......

If this algae keeps growing takes stem to completely rot, and fully covered by this dense thing. I found a simple way to check cutts stems, i take the cutting out, hold it with my hand and put it in a 7-8 oz glass full of water. When i do this i do it with a bulb on, so i can see thru glass and its noticeable that a sword of algae is attached to stem (just a bit) i shake it strongly inside the glass and the algae sets free and stays in the water. This may sound stupid but its easier, takes me arround 25 mins. I change the water from glass each 5 cutts. some cutts has nothing (totally clean), others has some of this crap.
Ill keep changing water each 5 days, cleaning everything properly and checking steams each 2 days. After all its not much job considering what is at stakes
peace :thank you:

PD: if someone has worked with DWC cloning and has a dose from hydrogen peroxide that wont mess new roots please post it....
Laswaltz has given you the answer,if your worried go half strength or even quarter strength!
I have a friend that adds both javex and soap to his Rez for soil plants through out the whole grow.

Search hydrogen peroxide on IC I believe there's whole threads devoted to it!


ICMag Donor
hi ministro
there is a thread on here somewhere where earth worm compost is added to the res
i.ve had a quick carn,t find it but i have used it and it works
