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Probation violation issue


Graham Purwatt

any lawyers or paralegals in the house? I need some advice.if so please pm me. I just failed my first probation drug test,40 days from sentencing and haven't smoked since i was put on probation.i'm getting railroaded into a violation when i didn't do anything wrong and i need advice on what steps to take.i plan on getting an independent test from a lab tommorrow but my po refuses to acknowledge that it could still be in my system from before sentencing. i was an all day,everyday smoker prior,i am slightly overweight, always had a slow metabolism and not very active because of a back injury.I HAVE NOT SMOKED FOR REAL since i began probation.thanks for any help guys

Graham Purwatt

thanks cannabunkerman.
and no truth,i don't think i should have,i was dumb enough to get into trouble,at some point its time to straighten up and do what is required.this shit sucks bad,all the hoops that i have to jump through but i got myself into it and i would deserve the crap i'm getting now if i would've smoked.somehow i think that would feel worse,feeling like i screwed myself instead. hopefully since i haven't i will find a leg to stand on,hopefully

One Love 731

Senior Member
I tested dirty 100+ days after smoking. The problem with a probation test is your dirty above 20 ng/ml although federal standard is 50 ng/ml recently down from 100 ng/ml. The cut off on the test is 10 ng/ml. You need to dispute the test and have them send it into a lab, the actual #'s will say allot. 1:ying:


ICMag Donor
I tested dirty 100+ days after smoking. The problem with a probation test is your dirty above 20 ng/ml although federal standard is 50 ng/ml recently down from 100 ng/ml. The cut off on the test is 10 ng/ml. You need to dispute the test and have them send it into a lab, the actual #'s will say allot. 1:ying:

Hair follicle or urine? If it's just from urine that would be a record....

Graham Purwatt

You need to dispute the test and have them send it into a lab, the actual #'s will say allot. 1:ying:
i am disputing it,it is to be sent to a lab. but my po has already stated that to him positive is positive and he is a probation officer, not a scientist.i get the feeling this is just a chance for him to violate me.


Active member
You shouldn't have gotten a piss test at 40 days......just another way to try an fuc someone is what that kind of shit boils down to.

Being that it was only 40 days this is about all you have to fight with.Speaking with your PO supervisor is about the only way to get things done on your behalf.....been there done that.But you got to be careful there too cause you don't want any backlash from your PO and it's a possibility by going to their supervisor.Stick with the sup and tell them you want retests done and for it to go to the lab.


Active member
Did 4 years of "supervised release" for the Feds after getting out. I got tested all the time but beat the tests using substitution method. However, I did get nailed for leaving the state and traveling across country. PO let me slide though. I actually didn't care if they violated me. Would rather have done another year inside than 4 years of supervised release. They act like they are doing you a favor, but it's just another way to keep you down.
Good luck with that. I know how you feel.

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