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probation drug testing.

thanks for all the advice....
i bought the belt, and some test strips last night, and let me tell you...that belt is SLICK.
my PO would have to be giving me head to see something was up.... just a small clear tube that i can hold right under my junk...
im just going to stay clean until after my next meeting...scope out the bathroom area a little better for more reassurance...
i guess the only thing i would have to be worried about is temp...but those heat packs should work great....i just dont know how to get replacement ones...the handwarmers they sell at sporting goods stores get like 150F.....the ones that come with the kit must be made to only get 100F?
theres still a doubt in the back of my mind that says...."what if she catches you?"
she never searches me or anything like that...just stands outside the door...
but then again, what if she shows up at my house and wants some piss?
lots to think about...
im am getting sick of this K2 crap.
man i got like a dozen big ass mason jars full of this years harvest just screaming my name...
how do i know there isnt someone watching me on the other side of the mirror in the bathroom? i would have to agree that the mirror is probably there for people who do get supervised the PO just stands behind them and looks in the mirror...but how do i know for sure? just seems fishy im not supervised, she doesnt search me...etc...
has anyone had experience with 1-way mirrors at PO offices?


hi, im on probation until june 14 and im a heavy smoker so i sneak in piss, to keep the piss warm i have a clean friend pee in a small hand moisturizer bottle. i take a sock and cut it ion half i fill it with rice then sew it like a pad. i put the ag in the microwave for 1 min and the bag of rice stays warm enough for at least an hour in my experience
hi, im on probation until june 14 and im a heavy smoker so i sneak in piss, to keep the piss warm i have a clean friend pee in a small hand moisturizer bottle. i take a sock and cut it ion half i fill it with rice then sew it like a pad. i put the ag in the microwave for 1 min and the bag of rice stays warm enough for at least an hour in my experience

so, your not supervised either? im just trying to gather information about probation drug testing to calm my nerves about this shit.....


haven't had to go through this shit myself, hope i never do
but i read 1 poster's story about this, it was interesting
he just tanked up on water, lots of water, nothing more
his urine was pretty much like water, and tests like it
they tell him you've diluted your urine, next time you better not
next time he does the same thing, PO gives him the shit, accusing him of diluting
he just says, 'i drink a lot water, i lead a healthy life style'
so they bitch at him, but apparently they couldn't really stop him from drinking water
he got processed out of the program, they seemed to have gotten tired of dealing with him

Thats the exact way I got out of piss tests years ago..


Active member
Dilution wont work,its tested for!And too much water IS dilution,in a lab body urine would be clear i know,but no one here is pissin clear.Detox drinks are overpriced bottles of sugar,water,creatine,and b12 for color,ya can make your own easy enuf and save loads but detox drinks are a last ditch in my book,If ya absolutely gotta pass a urine test,synthetic is the only way.
MOST departments now a days are usin the swab in the mouth,thats the new test to beat,there are a couple products on the market (mouthwash's) That will kill the swab as well as shampoos for a hair test.Imo,the swab is the future,soon urine test will be obsolite.
Best bet on probo is just come up for air until ya done,pissin clean until ya off is the only way really.Easier in the long run too than all this bullshit!!Good luck:wave:


ya I know dilution does not work, more or less they just get tired of me and just let me go.... lucky i guess...lol


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
that is not a two way mirror....

years ago, i used to sell fake urine and all that shit. i remember that the only way that can look at your dong, while you test, is if you already failed a drug test.....
that is not a two way mirror....
thanks for the re-assurance...
years ago, i used to sell fake urine and all that shit. i remember that the only way that can look at your dong, while you test, is if you already failed a drug test.....
i failed the first one....thought i was clean after 60 days, guess i wasnt


as stated to much water will cause an automatic failure at least in my area. they say if it's that diluted you have something to hide. i took a urine test once a month supervised and after two years the man refused to give me another he said he knew my damn dong better than his own and he never wanted to see it again, even when my time came up in front of another p.o. and she insisted he take a cup and a test panel and test me, he told her the same thing. best way to pass is stay clean or go synthetic most unsupervised tests the p.o. will not walk into the room so just be calm and do the deed if using the synthetic route acting nervous or shady will get you checked out. believe me i did this for six long years!!!


if u decide to abstaimn.. drink loads of coffe and water the weeks leading up too it.
IF u decide to abstain.. given what everybody in herer has to say about the matter id probably go for it.. bbut i aint tellin u too best uf luck bro


Active member
Is your piss sent off or done on site with the little kits?


Did not fail any.

But if i'm gonna say something it might as well be some thing with some common sense to it.

Take a break bro! Let your body re-coupe and when it's that time again to get your head straight you will be BLASTED bro.

What ever you choose be careful .

i have been abstaining...in the last 5 months i smoked 4 times.....right after my last meeting..
ive just been strongly considering subsitution because my tests are unsupervised, my friend did the subsitution method at the same place i go, and he's black, (i live in backwards-hickville, USA)
Is your piss sent off or done on site with the little kits?
done on-site, dips a thingy into the cup.....

i bought a couple at-home tests yesterday....
i screwed the first one up by dipping it too far into the "sample" so it read positive...
i drank about 40oz of water, pissed once, then used my second piss after the water to test myself and it came back negative! so i think im in the clear...my urine was still kinda yellow too, and i didnt use any vitamins.....
ive got one more test, im gonna try with the first piss o' the day...i guess if that comes back negative, im really in the clear then....
at my current metabolism(not good, i run 2 miles every other day, and im 6'0" and weigh 250 lbs, so im not skinny) i guess i can safely smoke for a week following my test, then use the remaining 3 weeks to clean out....
or i could quit being a pussy and just use the substitution method...
i started this thread to find out i guess.

this is the way i see it, i have 2 options...

option 1:
smoke a week after every test, and be clean by the next one.
(this seems the safest, unless they show up at my house and ask for a sample, but they never do that from what i hear)
option 2:
grow a pair, start using the whizz belt i bought...but there are many factors that could lead to my demise with this route, temperature not being right, she could randomly decide to search me and feel my beltline, she could decide to observe me, the bathroom mirror could be a 1-way.....
damnit i hate probation...
this country is so fucking backwards....
why didnt i just move to california when i had the chance....

thats where i stand.


Active member
Your last test/first piss of the day will be POS if you have not drank a substantial amount of water before hand...the water deal is kinda a "time frame" thing in order to work.

When i was still on paper your pants had to be dropped because someone got caught usin the whizzanator.

Have you asked your self that if you get caught is all this shit worth it?Not tryin to be ya daddy or nothin bro just tossin that out there.

I know here where i'm at most of the time as long as all your $ is paid and they have had no issues with you you can get off paper early.i know a few peeps that have done only half there time.Mabey you should check into that too.
i have checked into that, and ive already met all the conditions of my probations....i might be off in spring....
took a test off the first piss of the day, was a very faint line, but a line none the less....
im probably just going to make sure im nice and diluted for good measure...
i guess the fake-piss will just be for an emergency if that happens..
i can handle only smoking 1 week out of the month, remaining 3 weeks i just smoke k2...

Have you asked your self that if you get caught is all this shit worth it?Not tryin to be ya daddy or nothin bro just tossin that out there.
that is the main reason im not doing that...and probably why ill just stick to smoking one week a month...


if that clearing out method works for you then try the substitution method and if u do get caught go back to clearing your system proir to testing

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