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price range for cuttings in australia?


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
take a run up to Nimbin Hemp Embassy, maybe there's some heads there might be into it


I know a lot of people and this was way back when No One had indica gear in oz and an oz was 5-600 for the Tight Orange hair Nuggs that no one had seen before and two cones Clubbed you and had you wanting some more asap.
It was worth the Big 5 in the day as faster turnaround paid off.
Now everyman and his Dog has got elites better then you & they have swap Meets. No fool just got in early. Before the gold Rush.


I know a lot of people and this was way back when No One had indica gear in oz and an oz was 5-600 for the Tight Orange hair Nuggs that no one had seen before and two cones Clubbed you and had you wanting some more asap.
It was worth the Big 5 in the day as faster turnaround paid off.
Now everyman and his Dog has got elites better then you & they have swap Meets. No fool just got in early. Before the gold Rush.

I have never paid more than $250 for an oz
5-600 an oz are you serious really
i call bullshit

i think its great everyone has elites, good on them
the more people grow the less leg work i have to do
to find a decent bag


I have never paid more than $250 for an oz
5-600 an oz are you serious really
i call bullshit

i think its great everyone has elites, good on them
the more people grow the less leg work i have to do
to find a decent bag

Could be selling to some high roller lawyers ect....wouldn't doubt it for a second . Just need someone who has the right circle of friends could charge $5-600 an OZ for some top quality bud. We wouldn't pay more than $300 but thats because most of us on here have friends to get it off.

hard rain

I have never paid more than $250 for an oz
5-600 an oz are you serious really
i call bullshit

i think its great everyone has elites, good on them
the more people grow the less leg work i have to do
to find a decent bag
I can remember a drought in Sydney in the eighties (cant remember the exact year) where pot was so scarce that it went for $450 an ounce. This was at a time when almost on one grew indoors.


Active member
500 bucks?... thats outrageous.. im from melbourne fellas.. and from what i can gather/my experience in the dope game we supposedly are one of the more expensive cities for bud... i wouldn't pay more than 240 an ounce... most expensive thats ever been offered was 260 and i laughed in the guys face, i know what bud should cost so im not gonna pay over it.. its already too expensive as it is... however, when i was over in byron bay for schoolies along time ago they were trying to sell ounces of hydro for like 350 which i found absurd... few years ago in adelaide was hanging with my ex neighbours who grew/ were connected and we were geting ounces of quality for 200... reading this thread makes me think the melb situation aint so bad.. im guessing greed has definately become a factor throughout australia now.. people selling sub par bud at inflationist prices.. if only things could be done right then everyone could gain without greed taking over.


New member
i can rmember mid 90s
paying 1000$ for 10 clones of nl .#5
thats the most ive payed
there was a crew doin em for 25$ or 4 fa 100$ a while back
im wary who i share with for the fact they may end up in the hands of those that are charging,but do share with a select group ranging from qld to nsw..
awaiting a shiva skunk thats been doint he rounds for a good 9 years i believe
all the best


Active member
I have never paid more than $250 for an oz
5-600 an oz are you serious really
i call bullshit

i think its great everyone has elites, good on them
the more people grow the less leg work i have to do
to find a decent bag

sounds like you are a local squiggles,

agree $250 is the price you pay here for hydro maby more for halfs or if it goes through a few hands. I wouldnt buy above 300 tops but from time to time i get stuck ad have to fork out top dollar for quite poorly grown full of who knows what hydro.

Dont see alot of bush these days unless i grow it myself or go for a drive down south. Hydro is going up in price as in the $25 weight years ago that bought you 2 to 2.2g now 1.5 to 1.2g and sneeky fooks want $30 for as low as 1g open homes normally run by how do i say this without being rascist Ahh non Aussi born or natives they run a much higher risk though.

I hope to bring back some of good OD strains be it fully unknowns or crossed with something i know. Speed use has really dried up here which could bring back the days of old bikies growing good and big OD

I share my cuts through a middle person:whistling: Im not so keen on the ideal now ive seen how far its spread in a short time. Samples that come pack are few and far and can be full of PGRs like the last i was given. so i have think there going to the wrong people and forsure into the hands of the local groups i wanted to distance myself from, squiggles im sure you know what i mean here in perth..


Active member
Hi all, interesting read, Am trying to grow some old seeds from good stock but germination isnt happening......bummer. I use to clone all my own stock back then and gave to friends who wanted some but have not been able to grow for some time now, living arangements not suitable, but am now looking to grow "micro".


Ps, smokin now for cronic lower back pain and hate the inconsistencies with bought stuff
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Donald Mallard

el duck
I have never paid more than $250 for an oz
5-600 an oz are you serious really
i call bullshit

i think its great everyone has elites, good on them
the more people grow the less leg work i have to do
to find a decent bag

Prices like that drove me to grow indoors , yes they were that xxxy and more .. I guess it was inbetween the imported hash and herb that used to reach the shores and the hydroponic herb ..

I still yarn with old fellas up north who used to grow rubbish and sell it for heaps ,, until the indoor came around and ruined their business , they didnt even prune their herb back then .

Now everyone has had to lift their game a bit i should think .

Clones are worth as much as your willing to pay , or buy some seeds and search till u find something equally as good , they all come from seed after all ...


New member
Fark, I remember that superskunk. Blew my head off more than once. tight nugs wth a lemony scent. Anyone still growing it? or is super silver haze too goode?


Always.You would not believe all the hairy moments that SS clone has lived through over the last 15 years or so but shes worth millions.She for all the scoffers @500bux. Grill it.


I have never paid more than $250 for an oz
5-600 an oz are you serious really
i call bullshit

i think its great everyone has elites, good on them
the more people grow the less leg work i have to do
to find a decent bag

I remember when oz's were $400 plus in Melb. It was about 15 yrs ago.

$250 has been the av. price for a long time now, maybee 10 years. But starting a few years ago there is often not much availiable during Dec, Jan, Feb, and it seems prices have crept up a little in that time

I've been buying herb for over 18 years in Melb, started buying when i was about 14 or 15 years old. Back then it was all either imported "buddha" - compressed brown blocks, a quarter was almost as small as a matchbox, or imported hash, or aussie grown outdoor sativa's of average potency (It used to get us ripped as though), probably grown mostly from seeds out of imported weed. I was young then, and didn't have any good connections, so i'm sure there was better stuff out there. I remember at one stage you could only get hash for awhile. People used to talk about red stamp and gold stamp lebanese hash, but i never saw any of that shit. We got some "putty hash" one time, that stuff was SO potent for a yougster!

When i was about 17, skunk started appearing. At first people were selling it for $30 a gram, and other weed for the usual $25 (these days the norm is 2 g's for $30 or 4 for $50). I reckon the next roughly 5 years (1994-1999) were the best years i have seen in Melb for herb. Plenty of prime, super stinky, Skunk and Northern Lights, probably all from Sensi Seeds stock.

These days it seems to me that 90% plus, of what is availiable in Melb is what the yanks call "beasters" - big hard nuggets, that look really good through the bag, but when you open it there is not much, if any, smell of weed to it, no trichomes sparkling on it, and it barely gets you stoned.

Thankfully i rarely have to buy herb these days, i grow my own, and the bagseed i grow (some of it from those same beasters, but mostly from good weed) produces herb that is much better than what i can buy most of the time. I have bought some sick strains in the last few months though, so no more bagseed for me!

If anyone else has similar memories about Melbourne back then, post here or PM me, we should all be online friends.


Active member
i remember paying $350 a oz 14years ago for sensi super skunk that a bloke grew after visiting amsterdam and she was the bomb,funny how oz are $300 at the max now and the overall of the strains grown now are off this planet,and that bloke gets clones off me now ,funny world


Double it and add ten.
Yeah it was expensive but didnt it take off.
mate used to have folks coming around 1am jonesin for it.
That`s the way to get somewhere.Living Large of the proceeds.
They only get some and the other living the high life without limits.