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Preventatives - Pests and Disease


Well-known member
I'm starting an indoor grow soon and I'll be taking clones off of outdoor plants. I also just recently procured some clones from a local delivery service. I'd like to know how to make sure these are clean of pests and what preventative measures to take against things like mold and rot.

What temps and humidity should my flowering chamber be during the 12/12 cycle? Also what can be done to insure that pests never get a solid hold in the room? Sprays are one thing but I'm certain my garden will be safer and cleaner if measures are in place before problems arise, I'd like to know where to start.

Thank you IC


Keep everything clean and ventilated. Anyways there are many tutorials on this forum to answer your questions. Can't be that lazy man...


Well-known member
I typed in preventatives and other words I thought might work but the search engine didn't yield anything useful.. Not tryna be lazy just don't really know where to look as I didn't see any threads that looked like they covered this specifically except in the outdoor section..

Neo 420

Active member
ok...I will take a stab at this...

Pest and disease prevention is best done by creating and maintaining healthy plants. Keeping a clean room and equipment is only a piece to the puzzle. Myself I have moved over to the organics crowd and I am learning via many methods to increase sugar output, promote SAR's, thicker stronger stalks, ets..etc. Pest, diseases, spores, bad shit and the like will always come around somehow. But if you follow standard clean room practices (changing clothes when around other gardens, filters, disinfect every cycle, check daily for insects or PM, etc)and maintain healthy plants you will remain pest and disease free or at least be more prepared for a outbreak.


Keep everything clean. I agree with tom on the no pest strips. A real tight space for quarantine and a weekly neem oil spray for 3 weeks should cure all forms of insects. As far as mold and rot is concerned you have to watch your humidity. Once they're out of quarantine air flow is key.

bad gas

NAPA floor dry P/N 8822 in media and top dressing.

Lavender foliar spray every 3 days.

Don't go cheap building your environment.

Don't overwater or overfeed.


Well-known member
Is Lavender the name of a brand or do you mean like a Lavender tea from Lavender flowers/leaves? Thank you all for the responses.. I wonder if any of you could point me in the direction of an IC link that goes over room temps/humidity ranges that are healthy for Cannabis in detail... Fuck me if I'm being lazy or stupid but I can't find a basic room stats thread anywhere.. Or maybe just a how-to on using the damn search engine.

Thanks again <3


Active member
Were I to get clones and cuttings from strangers and the outdoors....

First you need a quarantine area... WELL AWAY from your grow area.

First I'd foliar spray with Azatrol (Never using Azamax again) or Neem. Azatrol at 5ml/gallon and I'd add detergent drops until the liquid spread on the leaves instead of beading up and then I'd add a cap-full of 91% isopropyl alcohol per quart.
Spray every exposed part of the plant... don't get the drippings into the soil or medium you're using. It'll kill roots.

Then I'd mix up a 2-3ml/gallon batch of azatrol and feed it to the root zone.

3-4 days later I'd spray with Eagle 20.

Day 6 and day 9 and day 13 I'd spray them with the azatrol or neem again. Give them a 5 day rest and then spray every 3-4 days again for a week or so.

That should cover "MOST" of the problems. I'd look for specifics on what growers in your area are dealing with as well.

(Edit: AND THEN... I would veg it for a month and take clones. Doubt I'd flower that plant out for 6 months or longer... icky)

Cannabis likes 72F for flower... a LOT. 30-40% humidity.

They can tolerate higher temps during veg and like higher humidity during that time... personally my plants have never gotten higher than 30%... ever. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
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Well-known member
^ 5 star post. Thanks.. I hate havin to ask these basic ass questions, been a minute since I've done anything indoor and tryna go over the basics... Not like I had a mastery of it before or anything but I was able to pull off some dank, sure it'll be even sicker this time around :)


Active member
^ 5 star post. Thanks.. I hate havin to ask these basic ass questions, been a minute since I've done anything indoor and tryna go over the basics... Not like I had a mastery of it before or anything but I was able to pull off some dank, sure it'll be even sicker this time around :)

Thanks... :)

Just make damn sure you're not spraying anything in flower except plain water. No systemic treatments after the first day of flower.

Go get em! :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
kil them all

kil them all

I would have a room where I could hang a no pest strip and give each clone 72 hours in it.Long live dichlorvous


Were I to get clones and cuttings from strangers and the outdoors....

First you need a quarantine area... WELL AWAY from your grow area.

First I'd foliar spray with Azatrol (Never using Azamax again) or Neem. Azatrol at 5ml/gallon and I'd add detergent drops until the liquid spread on the leaves instead of beading up and then I'd add a cap-full of 91% isopropyl alcohol per quart.
Spray every exposed part of the plant... don't get the drippings into the soil or medium you're using. It'll kill roots.

Then I'd mix up a 2-3ml/gallon batch of azatrol and feed it to the root zone.

3-4 days later I'd spray with Eagle 20.

Day 6 and day 9 and day 13 I'd spray them with the azatrol or neem again. Give them a 5 day rest and then spray every 3-4 days again for a week or so.

That should cover "MOST" of the problems. I'd look for specifics on what growers in your area are dealing with as well.

Cannabis likes 72F for flower... a LOT. 30-40% humidity.

They can tolerate higher temps during veg and like higher humidity during that time... personally my plants have never gotten higher than 30%... ever. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Ive noticed your concern with Azamax, but I just noticed noticed you use Eagle20... Really dude?


Active member
On Topic...

I've since discovered that azamax/azatrol/aza-sol does not break down well in all indoor situations. Not interested in treating vegging plants with those types of products anymore.

I'll treat vegging mums that I'll be taking clones from, after a month. I won't treat clones anymore as I'm way too sensitive for that.

YMMV. I've found that it increases muscle tension and (in higher doses or longer exposure) causes gastrointestinal issues.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
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No one is perfect.
This is why I don't bring clones in anymore.
I'm done with clones after getting PM earlier this year.
You gotta be awesome (sarcasm) to spread your disease around town. lol.