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Preserving RO Water



Just bought an RO unit. It makes 1 Gallon/hour. I bought it mainly for my hydro res., but I've got a couple of outside plants I use it on also. My question is -- How long can I keep it around without using it ? I make enough for my res. change, and use the rest throughout the week for watering, and topping off. When I top off my res. I add H2O2 (I use H2O2 daily). The output from the unit fills a sealed plastic trashcan. My concern is stuff growing in it while it sets. Should this be a concern ? Would a daily shot of H2O2 help preserve it from contamination ? Am I worried about nothing ?

Thanks for your help -- Alex.


If your container is light-proof, or in an area where it doesn't get light, algae won't be a problem. Adding H2O2 will certainly help.

If you are running water for later use, adding 1-2 drops of chlorine per gallon will help keep bacteria from growing; just don't add the chlorine less than 24 hours before you use it (it should evaporate out of the water in 24 hours if the container isn't sealed).

Some people keep an airstone in the storage container to keep the water from getting stagnant. I don't, but my RO unit runs about 4 gallons an hour so I don't need to keep it around for more than 3-4 days.


Thanks Ambre -- I just got over a bad about with Pythium (didn't have anything to do with this), and I'm taking all precautions. It is in a lightproof container, and Bleach scares me, so I think I'll use H2O2.

Love your pics -- Captu4ik.


I have the wonderful pain of having to buy my ro water. I usually have the water around for 2 - 3 weeks, and have had zero problems with it just sitting in the 5 gallon containers.


Basement Garden Gnome
Mine runs into a 55 Gal Food Grade Drum.
The water has Very little of anything that could contaminate it. The trouble comes from outside the storage unit, spores and so forth. Water wont keep for ever unsealed.
But R.O. water is close to being sterile. Keep the storage unit covered and if used in a week or two should be no problem and sounds like you'd use it all up with in a week.



Thanks alot, I guess I'm just a little nervous after all my problems with Pythium ! Alex...


Sounds like you really like yours Sin. I may have to check into them R/O units.


Im with Sin... i use a drum also.... If i have some Watering to do that day.... i just turn on the unit Earlier in the day.... fill my drum up to the amount i think im going to need.