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preparing for 30 acre 2013 outdoor grow


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
All need your help;

I am preparing for the 2013 outdoor grow and have an opportunity (possibly) to have access to 30 acres here in the 831 with included indoor warehouse as well.

I have a few questions for you more "seasoned" pro's;

1) If I have 50 200 gallon smarties will 58 yards of custom soil be enough?

2) Does anyone have a preferred soil vendor in the NorCal or even Santa Cruz area that delivers and can pre-mix a nice organic soil mix?

3) I am a little fuzzy on the cages to support the plants, is a simple 4x4 rabbit wire fencing sufficiant?

4) I am still planning on running 2x2 poles and hortilux to cover and support the buds in late stage, any comments or suggestions?

5) With organic soils do you suggest "top dressing" still? I plan on using a lot of compost tea's and will have my own tea maker on site.

Any other suggestions are welcome..please be gentle!:tiphat:


Yeah 58 yards will be enough. If your soil is rich enough you don't need to feed. LOTS of N! If not top dress will work but liquid fertigation will work better. Better to have extra, you'll find a way to use it.

I have a question for you, What type if light deprivation unit is that in your sig pic?


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Thanks Brain...preciate the comments.

That light dep unit is a friends in Norcal (eastern chico area) on 80 acres, that was just for the early money crop to pay the ALL HOT GIRL trim crew for the main crop...over 200 units, took a month to trim it all lol!


I dont like the 4x4 rabbit fencing at all. Its a bitch to work around especally when harvesting. I use the 6x6 cattle fencing.

58yd³ = 10067US gal dry. 200US gal dry x 50 = 10,000US gal dry. So yes that is about exactly enough.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Ok got quotes 50 - 200 gallon Smarties =$1,657.00
58 yards of Sunland Natural Organic mix delivered $3,000.00
So roughly totaled; $5,000.00 not counting top dressing or compost tea machine.

Meeting with owner of property today to finalize the deal, thanks for all the input probably have more questions as I move forward.

I have about 15 - 19 strains to choose from, leaning to the following; Blue Dream (10 week strain), Cherry Pie, Cherry AK -47, StrawberryChemD, OG Kush x UK Cheese.......maybe some purples like Blue Dragon or???


I believe sunland supply is in watsonville
they will deliver

opps just seen your post above.

I vote BlueDragon. I would love to get a cut of this . My buddy use to grow it about 10yrs ago until he lost to cut . He said he got it from Humbolt . It was good smoke


Ok got quotes 50 - 200 gallon Smarties =$1,657.00
58 yards of Sunland Natural Organic mix delivered $3,000.00
So roughly totaled; $5,000.00 not counting top dressing or compost tea machine.

Meeting with owner of property today to finalize the deal, thanks for all the input probably have more questions as I move forward.

I have about 15 - 19 strains to choose from, leaning to the following; Blue Dream (10 week strain), Cherry Pie, Cherry AK -47, StrawberryChemD, OG Kush x UK Cheese.......maybe some purples like Blue Dragon or???
Holy shit those pots are expensive. Why not just rent a backhoe?
Depending on what part of SC your in I would grow something on the mold resistant side, But I also would assume you are above the fog line...

You are planning on running hps/hid lighting above each plant in the late stage? is this in a GH? or are you just wanting to supplement light if it turns out to be a crappy season ender?

I hope all the best for you


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
OK NEW plan 30 acres blew the fuck up

OK NEW plan 30 acres blew the fuck up

OK all my plans just changed, I have been talking to about 3 different parties the one I started this thread on had 30 acres in Corralitos area....2 others had greenhouses. 1 of the GH's fell through (It was in Chico and just to far to be adequate ALTHOUGH it was amost perfect and over 34,000 square feet, 2) The 30 acre site just blew up, not going to happen, looks like ONE partner was negotiating without the permission of the OTHER partner...(sigh...stoner's)..ok moving on I had a third meeting with a guy who has 150 acres on a ridge line in Big Sur....simply beautiful, site has a completely remodeled 2700 sq foot house with 3,000 square foot deck and 1900 COVERED deck for entertaining and no one living in it. He is building a BRAND NEW 6,000 square foot greenhouse by one of the preeminent greenhouse contractors for all the Salinas valley, this contractor is just finishing up a 10 acre (YES 10 ACRES) greenhouse in Nevada for a Chinese Multi-National corp getting into providing chinese herbs in a BIG way in the US.

OK so he also has 100 4 x 4 holes ready to go, over 2 miles of 8' deer fencing, two locked gates, private road 5 miles to the grow.

It is not final but the job would be a monthly stipend ($4k) per mos, living quarters (the house) and a piece of the monthly production from the greenhouse and the Outdoor operation, he runs two collectives and 2 delivery services so we have plenty of scripts.....needless to say the numbers are kinda crazy and I won't lie to you guys, I am a bit over-whelmed but going to step up my game.

Basically it's "plug and play".....so here we go...I go and view the actual site tomorrow or Wednesday..this is like a dream.....I cannot believe it.

If I do this I won't be doing much posting as I will up to my armpits in work but will try to start a thread in the Growing in a Greenhouse area.

More later......(knees shaking):dance013:


If its not your own grow, dont do it, it will never be worth the risk and time invested if youre only getting paid a wage to run someone elses site. find a place where they will let you do your thing for a cut off the back end. 9 out of ten times when a person offers me a bad ass house or location to grow, they are either in the midst of foreclosure and loosing the property or they want to see how you run it and then strong arm you off the spot once theyve seen how big you blew it up, then they fail miserably and ask you back, a shitty cycle to avoid at all costs. In all my experiences, it really sucks to grow on a property you dont own. whom ever does own it is usually all up in your ass about every little move you make, tree branch you cut, coming and going to often, not stealth enough(paranoia), how much water or electricity or generators youre using, the list goes on...and on...and on...if you have no other way to come up and do your own thing then i guess do it but i would try my hardest to find a spot i could run and make every decision on my own. An outdoor grow takes an extreme amount of commitment, dedication, time and money. if you really want to do it, commit, and you will be rewarded, but dont waste your time or someones elses if its not going to be your life all day everyday for at least the next year minimum. :2cents:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Things are moving forward with the Big Sur operation so I won't be posting anymore here until I have something more solid and can get up some pics..no need to comment.

I want to thank those that helped with great idea's on the 30 acre opportunity, it just had (2) partner/owners who were not on the same page and I am still looking at other properties, today (in the massive rain) I am looking at a 10K square foot greenhouse out in Larkin Valley.


New member
hey mega yields. newish member here and i keep seeing you post in a lot of threads ive been checking out. looks like we are in the same neck of the woods. been in santa cruz my whole life. cant wait to hear more about wat u got going on this summer. id love to see wats up with some of the bigger grows around here. u up in boulder creek?