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Prepaid Legal or Lawyer on Retainer?

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medical green is the guy who plants 100 plants in his yard and represents himself in court pleading that what he does (breaking the law) isn't harmless/wrong... then sits in prison for 5-10 years because showing no remorse in american courts is your ticket to prison.

imagine this fool getting caught in Oklahoma making hash.


Active member
Firstly representing yourself in anything other than a minor violation is quite possibly the most retarded thing a person can do.

I mean sure if you are poor as hell and don't mind doing a few months in the clink represent yourself on minor possesion or something, but most of us are talking big time shit that makes the papers and whatnot.


How do you find these "Baller" lawyers that play golf with the judges and da? How do you find the best of the best.

To complicate it further I commit felonies in different towns/ jurisdictions. What then?

And another complication. Badass lawyer wants retainer. Do I give him a bundle of 20's out of the shoebox in my attic?

Headiez please reply, your info from what I can tell in other threads is pretty reliable.


just consider this.....

If you were not taught in law, in the early colonies, because freedom was so important, you would have probably been shot or run out of town, because if you don't contribute to liberty, you are a part of it's entropy.

If you choose to hire lawyers instead of learning law yourself, you probably deserve whatever sentence you get, however harsh it may be.

I know i'm being a hardass on some of you, but you have no backbone, and you don't stand for freedom or liberty, or lift a finger to defend it, so to some, you are worthless.

You must like prison

Just curious, how many felony charges have you defended pro se ?

You know Ted Bundy defended himself, and you know how well that went for him


Active member
that self righteous moral diatribe is all well and good.. but won't do much for u when u r locked in a cage hour after hour, day after day.. u may be right.. 99 times out of a 100 there is nothing a lawyer can do to prevent you conviction.. but for me, id pay my soul, and mortgage my firstborn to stay out of prison. u can act like an internet tough guy but if i ever got popped on a trafficking charge (again). Id pray that my case was the one percent where a good, motivated lawyer can find a hole in the governments case and get me off.. (which btw is what happened) 2 years, and fifteen or so court dates after my arrest.
its easy to boast about rights and freedoms, and conspiracies... and what not. but if they get my ass in the can, i'll grasp onto whatever straws i can..
one of my co defendent was not a very bright guy.. got a public defender... and copped a plea the first chance he had (he got sent away for 2 years for taking a drive with me, that's all he did, he was not involved, I just wanted company to make sure id stay awake).. because his shitty lawyer told him 2. myself and the other two cod's rode it out, and beat it.. scot free, the narcs violated my civil rights!!! gotta love liberal judges:)

I tell the story, just to put it out there that i speak from experience. I have had good lawyers, and bad ones.. been charged with 7 felonies, and never been convicted of anything.
the judicial system is a racket, like any other. buy in, pay your money... and hope for the best.. that is all you can do.. beyond that.. be safe and disciplined, and if ur nerves cant
take it.. get a desk job. just my two cents


Active member
Ah I can't decide whos posts are funnier!

Bulk man you are one funny dude who obviously has no idea about actual courts or maybe even the real world. Even if you convince a jury that the law is wrong, something that you don't get chance to do in court as you can't just rant on all day to the jury, this has no bearing on the outcome of the case. The judge does not ask for the jury's opinion on the laws but on your case and if you did it. Simple. Come join us back in reality, the world where things are how they are just because they are and not the world where everything is as you think it should be because it makes sense to you.

medical green I think you are even funnier that bulk! You seem to both do and don't condone defending yourself. Further I don't understand how this relates to the founding fathers or the colonies. They had a simplistic law system with none of todays many complexities. The crimes were also less complex than say growing pot which has many grey areas up for dispute. To win a case now requires much more than back then. Court is a very structured, formal proceeding now and what you are getting from a lawyer is lots of experience in how the defense should be conducted not just his own but that of colleages and past cases.

I consider chosing to use the services of a lawyer to be much more of an act of fighting for freedom that representing myself beacuase at the end of the trial I know which is going to stand me a better chance of staying free. You can feel free in a prison cell if you like but that ain't for me.



Capital G

you'd be asshole man if, you think you don't need a lawyer. i've been arrested twice and faced 20+ both times. first case had a decent lawyer got 11yrs, suspended sentence indefinite probation. after, a year of probation i decided that reporting to my po was getting in the way of my $ so, i stopped reporting. got caught in a atf sting a year later with coke, oxycontin, strawberry haze, and a large sum of $ that somehow ended up being only 1800 when i got to court(make sure they count your $ in front of you and give you a voucher). anyway, got a Great lawyer. Not guilty on all charges except for the herb a misdemeanor, 30 days time served.

you pay the lawyer, the lawyer breaks bread with prosecutor, the pa breaks bread with judge. everyone goes home happy. this is the system. get with it or go to jail. the only way around it is to take a jury trial but, you risk a guilty verdict where your sentence will be all of the time the charges carry not a reduced sentence that judges give out on guilty plea bargains.

prepaid legal....stop kidding yourself. a lawyers retainer fee can be paid the same way. most good lawyers don't fool around with prepaid legal and the best sure as hell don't.

moral of the story.....faced 20+yrs on two occasions+(good lawyer x great lawyer)=no jail time. PRICELESS!!!!!

i had to do 11 months in jail waiting for my last case to be resolved because, i couldn't get a bond due to the fact i stopped reporting to my po. flight risk....hell yeah!!!!
Ah I can't decide whos posts are funnier!

Bulk man you are one funny dude who obviously has no idea about actual courts or maybe even the real world. Even if you convince a jury that the law is wrong, something that you don't get chance to do in court as you can't just rant on all day to the jury, this has no bearing on the outcome of the case. The judge does not ask for the jury's opinion on the laws but on your case and if you did it. Simple. Come join us back in reality, the world where things are how they are just because they are and not the world where everything is as you think it should be because it makes sense to you.

medical green I think you are even funnier that bulk! You seem to both do and don't condone defending yourself. Further I don't understand how this relates to the founding fathers or the colonies. They had a simplistic law system with none of todays many complexities. The crimes were also less complex than say growing pot which has many grey areas up for dispute. To win a case now requires much more than back then. Court is a very structured, formal proceeding now and what you are getting from a lawyer is lots of experience in how the defense should be conducted not just his own but that of colleages and past cases.

I consider chosing to use the services of a lawyer to be much more of an act of fighting for freedom that representing myself beacuase at the end of the trial I know which is going to stand me a better chance of staying free. You can feel free in a prison cell if you like but that ain't for me.



They sure have you fooled pretty good, Mello. Crimes were no less complex back then. Laws were not that much simpler back then.

The main difference between then and now, is that, back then, the founding fathers and many revolutionaries had a 4 year college degree worth of education by the time they graduated high school. Now, people have a 4th grade education after 4 years in college.

Also, because of that simple fact, the juries are far more stupider than they were back then. Back in the old days a jury could tell pretty quick which way was up, and which was down, nowadays you'll be lucky if you can get a jury that can tell their ass from a hold in the ground.

Still, I would rather represent myself, because when it comes to the jury pool, I would be able to question the potential jurors myself, with my own questions and I could remove my own choices for bias, and keep the ones I felt were neutral, at least. You don't have those options when hiring a liar.

When using a liar, you are not in court, you are not allowed to ask questions, you are not allowed to do or say anything. When representing yourself, everything they do, must get past your mind, your conscience and your approval, or they have problems. They have to get you to go along with everything they do. That is not always possible or easy for them, when you represent yourself, but when hiring a liar, they just bypass you completely, and the other member of the masonic brotherhood, the Bar, [your lawyer] passes you along straight to the prosecutor, and eventually you end up at the bench, or bank, paying your dues to their association, which is really just a dog and pony show, with real good actors and actresses, acting like authority.

What's truly awesome about knowing law fairly well, is the fact that it empowers you, and you don't appear as such a wimp in front of your girlfriends and the general public. It's truly funny sometimes, when I see the biggest strongest, most intimidating people in life flex their muscle everywhere they go, but when they get in front of a judge, or prosecutor they become cowards and chickenshits.

Learning law is not a bad thing. Until you do, and you feel proficient at it, and confident, I would not encourage you to represent yourself, especially if it's serious. You should start with small issues like traffic offenses first. Just practice in the courtroom, asking questions. Read and learn about the rules of court, and most important, find and study legal definitions and their meaning, and interpretations. Most of law is semantics, and that is how it always has been.

Back during the great depression, they passed a law saying you could not sell chickens. People made a living selling chickens. Entire cities went without food and starved to death. End of story.

That's not what happened at all. The smart folks who were legal minded, started selling chicken feed and giving away a free chicken with every purchase. If they were too scared to go to court to fight it, they would have truly been the chickens themselves.

Many of you are those chicken farmers who starved. Many of you are the chickens.



Freedom Fighter
Back during the great depression, they passed a law saying you could not sell chickens. People made a living selling chickens. Entire cities went without food and starved to death. End of story.

That's not what happened at all. The smart folks who were legal minded, started selling chicken feed and giving away a free chicken with every purchase. If they were too scared to go to court to fight it, they would have truly been the chickens themselves.

Many of you are those chicken farmers who starved. Many of you are the chickens.


Here is what I believe you are talking about...it involved 1 company, and it was overturned by SCOTUS--:tiphat:

The Live Poultry Code, written and promulgated by the Roosevelt administration in 1934, was a part of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), a law passed by Congress to regulate companies as a means to combat the Great Depression. Section 3 of NIRA gave the president authority to approve such "codes of unfair competition." Roosevelt's poultry code fixed the maximum number of hours a poultry employee could work, imposed a minimum wage for poultry employees, and banned certain methods of "unfair competition."

Schechter Poultry Corporation, the defendant in the case, purchased live poultry from commissioners in New York City and Philadelphia and sold slaughtered poultry to retailers and butchers in Brooklyn. Schechter was charged by the U.S. government with violating the poultry code by selling "unfit chickens," illegally selling chickens on an individual basis, avoiding inspections by local poultry regulators, falsifying records of poultry sold, and selling poultry to nonlicensed purchasers. Schechter was convicted in a federal district court, lost an appeal to the circuit court, and appealed to the Supreme Court, which reviewed the case in 1935.


shut the fuck up Donny
How do you find these "Baller" lawyers that play golf with the judges and da? How do you find the best of the best.

To complicate it further I commit felonies in different towns/ jurisdictions. What then?

And another complication. Badass lawyer wants retainer. Do I give him a bundle of 20's out of the shoebox in my attic?

Headiez please reply, your info from what I can tell in other threads is pretty reliable.

Really depends on your location and situation but some of the research you can do is the same regardless.

In terms of initial research www.avvo.com is a great resource. People who have hired the lawyers post reviews on them, and you can also see the lawyers credentials and past info. Finding one that used to be a DA in your area is a big plus. That happens all the time.

If you are in or near a urban area it is much easier because the baller lawyers have reputations that preceded them. You'll notice in Hollywood for example, all the celebs tend to hire the same group of lawyers.

I think that research is key. How much you do and how intense it gets is up to you. I went balls to the wall with it when I was doing serious growing.

In terms of retainer payment, they don't care. Cash in a shoebox is fine. Remember you are paying them to rep you so if they did have a problem with it, a baller lawyer is gonna tell you to convert it to money orders or some shit.

You want someone you can be honest with. When I had my collective there were multiple times when the lawyer was like "hold up, you cant word shit like that, thats illegal, word it like this."


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
one of my favorite sayings.....

money cant KEEP you out of prison.......
but money can GET you out of prison.....


And you better believe that^^^^

There are lawyers who specialize in what they do,in every major city and usually licensed in a Tri-State area.

Sniffin' one out shouldn't be all that difficult :ying:
I'm the bad guy because I want to empower people, instead of helping them become better sheeple. Fuck off slaves!

Anyone who wants to be free, can stand up for themselves in court.

When you were a kid, was it easier to have your parents show up at the playground to stand up to the bullies?

Or did you do it yourself?



Active member
I hear what you are saying MG and at a fundamental (maybe even sorta grassroots-ish) level, what you are saying makes sense. Its similar to the battle we are fighting today regarding this very plant - it makes no sense whatsoever to throw people in jail because of it period. And your point of, people should be able to adequately represent themselves in a court of law because justice is blind, and well if you are innocent then by God you are innocent.

But this is America. Sadly an industry has been built around this. We have more lawyers in the USA than pretty much any other country in the world.
These are the same lawyers that are prosecuting and defending the people in which make up our highest prison population per capita.
These are the same lawyers that are sitting on the bench as the judge who sentences you.
These are the same lawyers that are now the Senators and Delegates that craft (or decraft) these fucked up laws that help keep the criminal element alive so they can continue to prosper.

So yes, we are the sheeple and they have taken the control from us making us dependent on them to save us from what they initially created.

The most fucked up part about all of this, is it makes me understand a little more as to WHY some of these terrorist orgs (domestic and abroad) feel the way they do towards us. It in no way shape or form makes me sympathize with these cocksuckers, but it does make me see why they hate us they way they do.

Good discussion though and lots of valid points! I have since told the MLM Pre-paid folks to kiss my balls now as well as a couple of lawyers that I reached out to. (Hell, one of them lives across the street from me)
medical green has never spent time in an American court system or American prison. I heard the prison system in UK was like the Hilton compared to America.
I'm the bad guy because I want to empower people, instead of helping them become better sheeple. Fuck off slaves!

Anyone who wants to be free, can stand up for themselves in court.

When you were a kid, was it easier to have your parents show up at the playground to stand up to the bullies?

Or did you do it yourself?


I believe you are a very well-intentioned person, and you even give off an aroma of being an educated person. Alas, you expose yourself as having a middle class or lower income, have no friends "in the system" in the United States, have no idea how the game is played in real life (TM), and have no experience in large grows in the United States. You throw around meaningful words like "freedom" and "slaves" etc, but I don't think you understand what those words mean; you use them like new-age buzz words from a libertarian forum or something.

Freedom means plowing your wife's backdoor three hours after getting popped with 10+ pounds, thanks to the work of your expensive, shady, dishonest and utterly disingenuous Jewish lawyer, who spoke to his former fuck-buddy who knows the Judge, who spoke to the DA's office who spoke to so and so, and ultimately had you released for peanut bond.

You can "keep it real" and shout about how free you are from your shackles, bro. I'm sure you can quote Chomsky like a mofo. But I'd rather be at home.

This country has long been finished in terms of any moral compass or true sense of "justice." Either play the game or get played by it. Your perspective is admirable but embarrassingly naive, and will lead to a predictably miserable life with middle class or lower wages. Capitalism and globalism is the world, like it or not. I personally do not like it, but I accept it as my reality. I think you should consider the same. The fight has already been lost. Stop giving advice that will help people wind up in prison.


I've never been convicted of marijuana possession or growing, but i have had troubles with the law recently. I strongly recommend anyone involved in the system to find a good lawyer. I have run into a lawyer that i paid THOUSANDS of dollars for that had no interest in saving my hide from jail, there are some lawyers out there that are working for the DA and could care less about helping you out. So i highly recommend you find a top rated, top reviewed lawyer on avvo(dot)com, find the BEST REVIEWED lawyer on that site, never settle for a lawyer.. you better make sure that the lawyer is on YOUR side and not the courts side or say hello to that 12x12 cell because that's home for the next couple of months for you.


Medical Green, all that 'freeman' bullshit won't work in todays courts.. if you try that shit infront of a judge he will smack you down and will probably be more harsh on you than he would have if you just kept your mouth shut and got a good lawyer. But I agree with you that the court system is rigged in their favor, most of the lawyers out there who are representing people are actually helping the court system put people in jail, i agree with that. I've experienced this myself, i bought a shitty lawyer (who was a former COP/IRS BY THE WAY) and he tried to screw me from the very beginning. Long story short i found the best reviewed lawyer on avvo(dot)com and he won my case for me. Rules:

1) don't get fucked, do your research on lawyers and go to avvo and find the best one

2) don't represent yourself because you will regret it. All that freeman garbage won't convince the judge he/she will just get angry at you.
medicalgreen, i wish we were on the playground at this very moment... i'd follow you home from a safe distance and begin plotting

So you are the poor chap who got his ass beat over and over, huh?
Some poor pathetic soul has to get their ass beat to teach us not to be like him.

Thanks! :wave:
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