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I was given 8 clones, 2 OG kush and 2 blue dream, all a few inches tall. They came from, I believe, a 24 hour light cycle. I put them outside during the day and inside at night under low watt CFLs for about a week. On 5/20 I put them in 5 and 7gal smart pots in Aurora 707 and left them outside. I used pro blend with ph adjusted to 6.6 with chlorine,no chlorimines, removed with a small boy filter; the tap water ppm is 450(+-) and I was told not to sweat it, it would be fine since it was outdoors. I live in so cal so the days were long then and getting longer to the solstice(yesterday). On 5/30 they were topped to promote bushy growth.They seem healthy but never really kicked in with growth/stretch. They are now(6/21) about 2' but are starting to flower. This is not what I want. I may have stressed them by not giving adequate water but they never wilted. Why are they flowering? Will they revert to veg.? Is this the extent of the growth I will get? What can I do to prevent flowering now and revert to veg? I was getting ready to repot into 30gal smart pots when the flowering(if that's whats happening) was noticed. Would this help with the problem, or is it a done deal?

Thanks in advance for any help.
I am a Prop 215/SB420 grower in legal compliance


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Active member
You went from lots of light to enough dark for flowering. The only way to stop it is to give it more light after the sun goes down.


Thanks ibjamming. I'm in a residential neighborhood and any lights at night would not be good. It would be possible to put them in a shed. How much light? How long would I have to keep light on them at night (ballpark time frame),several weeks...?)Anyone else have any thoughts


Active member
All they need is a regular light bulb hanging nearby...use a CFL, it will cost nothing to run it a few hours every night. Nothing obvious.


So cal just hit 15 hours of light a day, very odd that your plants would be flowering. But some strains are like that, more Sativa based strains can flower with more light, but you said they were 2 feet tall and you dont want them flowering yet? They'll get good size still, like 3 1/2 - 4 feet.

Tom Hill

Active member
Hi Calstar, unwanted/early flowering sucks. I would top/prune them back, and maybe fairly drastically. Cut them back to where buds aren't forming yet, maybe a little further. This offsetting of above/below ground growth will result in an explosion of new growth above ground, and this new growth will be vegetative growth this time of year in your locale. The above/below ground growth will quickly balance out again and you'll be all caught up to where you'd rather be.

If you just let them sit there as is, they will eventually grow out of it, but being all stacked-up like that already this will result in a slow and wispy nightmare compared to the former technique.-T


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Hi Calstar, unwanted/early flowering sucks. I would top/prune them back, and maybe fairly drastically. Cut them back to where buds aren't forming yet, maybe a little further. This offsetting of above/below ground growth will result in an explosion of new growth above ground, and this new growth will be vegetative growth this time of year in your locale. The above/below ground growth will quickly balance out again and you'll be all caught up to where you'd rather be.

If you just let them sit there as is, they will eventually grow out of it, but being all stacked-up like that already this will result in a slow and wispy nightmare compared to the former technique.-T


Also to add, I have taken them off and then put them under 24/0, give them a shot of N...usually works for me.:tiphat:


Active member
I'm about to try the same thing except on purpose, I'll be bringing out some Bubba clones that have been under 24 hours of light to see if they will trigger into flower quicker and stay there until finish since we are now losing daylight everyday since the equinox. Hopefully they don't start to flower then snap out of it. NEVER bring your plants outside from being under 24 hours of light if you don't want them to trigger.

There's a guy from my area that claims he can finish pretty much ANY strain from my area which has a short growing season. He claims he keeps them under 24 hours of light until after the equinox, then he puts them outside and they start to bud a few weeks later until they finish with plenty of time before beginning/mid Oct. These are Sativa and Sativa dominant strains he's talking about which normally stand no chance here.

Last I talked to him a year ago he was going to try it with some pure Thai's and also some Haze, curious to see if it ever turned out for him.

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