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Prelude... To A Come Up


Active member
Trying to source some miracle grow bloom nutes n' Skoal spit (fine cut) to really get these girls to fatten up n' show me their colors in the last stretch.

Back to the drawing board as my carbon filter just isn't cutting it anymore. My backyard reeks of dope.

**Edit. Looks like chop time came early. I fucking hate growing in soil indoors.


Active member
Murphy's Law happened.

I was rushing to get scrubber measurements before lights off, got everything I needed. Then just chilled with those bitches until the lights went out.

During that time I'm looking at my soil and thinking about something I read here about perlite breaking down n' whatnot. I look real fuckin' hard down there at the soil...and theres thousands of tiny white larva crawling around.

So I start wiggin' the fuck out...how my gonna kill it if I dun know what 'it' is? No matter I'm grabbin' Forbid, Raid, hell I even grabbed ant traps.

So I'm collecting all this shit right...and the lights haven't went out yet....

So I pop open the cover on electrical side of things...seems my timer was making a dull clicking sound...and wasn't shutting off.

So I start looking upskirt on plants dontchaknow, and sure enough...I've the onset of nanners.

Only on plant 7 and just starting...but that was enough for me to make the chop.

I didn't even put the dirt in my compost pile, just threw it all in the fuckn' ditch.

Every other plant I have left will be in a hydro setup by Monday evening...or will be in the fucking ditch.


Señor Member
Sorry to hear it man. That sucks. If you want to give up soil but still grow "the soil way" you could always go coco. Otherwise, yeah, just do hydro. I don't like soil indoors either. Even my African violets are in soilless mix and I feed them aquarium water.


Active member
Yeah it should have been a no brainer. I never really have problems with hydro.

That being said...the cab kinda did what I wanted it to as originally planned.

I found a new mother plant. Her flowers are easily double the size and density of the other three. (Which is getting put into a DWC bucket as early as tomorrow afternoon)

I'll be continuing by AF's seed run in the cab...and because they aren't photosensitive lighting schedule isn't a huge deal. I will install a new timer however. But because I won't be keeping vegging (humid) plants near the electronics...I'm hoping that fixes the problem.

I got to the plants before they fully turned....granted it's gonna make for some harsh smoke...but the buds are smelly n' sticky....

fuck it....



Active member
Mechanical wild. Should have known better, did know better...ignorance n' laziness is a hellova drug.


Active member
That is true tleaf, that is true.

I'm gonna do a proper update when I'm done remodeling the cab...which is half done...I dunno before the weekend definitely.

Haven't touched my visa in three years. Broke down yesterday though. New ppm meter, ph meter, and nutes are in the mail.

K so check this shit out.....


Enlarge that n' give it a gander. Now picture those thousands of tiny white things wiggling around. In retrospect....I believe they were nothing more then "fruit flies".
In defense of my hasty decision however...I've only been growing indoors for a few years now...and I got mites once. So I run a slash n' burn policy. No exceptions. If its in flower n' has bugs on it...it can fuck off.

Heres some goings on about...well shit thats going on...


(they've been painted, just easier to see whats inside this way)


Got some fat healthy lookin' seeds out of a few lower bud sites.

And the reason I bumped this thing in the first place....

Took clones tonight off of the soil mom #8 I kept.


....better root....it's all I have left of this cut now.


Sorry to hear but good call on the chop. I just cut down 4 ladies about 7 weeks into flower because of nanners. Sucks.

On the plus side, the clones look right at home! Nice job man


Active member

Instead of throwing soil mom out in the snow filled ditch to freeze to death...I'm gonna try to drown her in a mixture of hydraulic oil n' water.



New member
Sucks about the crop man. Just read through the whole thread and I think a "fish tank" would be a good addition to my apartment.. no one questions a fish tank and no way anyone would attempt to move it for any reason should I not be home. Thanks for the ideas man. Best of luck to you brother. Definitely gonna stay tuned in.


Active member
Thanks Cardinal :tiphat:

The "fish tank" is in my backroom with my exercise equipment/weights. Family has been walking by it since yesterday and all I get asked is "when ya getting fish for it?"

All the plants in it are in mini-DWC buckets....so the sound of the aquarium pump running the buckets isn't an issue lol.

I'll do a proper update after the weekend.


Active member
Well I didn't see the point of an update as I'm using the cab for a small breeding project at the moment in the Auto Flower section.

But since this involves my beloved #8...figured I'd post it here.

The mom I stuck in the bubbler bucket didn't do anything for two weeks so it became one with the ditch. I really stupid move in retrospect as I only cut four clones off of it...and only one clone has roots showing.

Enough of the boring shit...lets get to the goods.



Been running the leak test for about an hour now. I'm gong to stick the one rooted clone I have in there and then go North for a week. (it isn't an option)

My plans for my OD this year look pretty much shot, won't bore you with the details.

I've 2x600's, an HPS and a switchable. 2x400w MH and 2x400w HPS (I might have more but these are what fired up when I plugged them in today)

I've just enough money to properly build a room around the equipment I have now (properly insulated/AC/dehuey)...hell and if I did that I still couldn't afford new bulbs lol...

If my 'beaster' clone dies when I'm away ...I'll be starting from seed again....lmao...what a shit show.

Tonights forecast, Whiskey, with a high chance of regret. :tiphat:


Active member
After the separation she got the car and the truck...leaving my ass with no wheels. ha, no anything really. So I was gonna take a partner, fuck it. Do all the work n' then split it with some ungrateful twat. Not happening.

I went to check on a guerrilla spot i used 9 years ago. Theres a subdivision there now. Fuck google earth.


Organic LED Grower

K so check this shit out.....

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Enlarge that n' give it a gander. Now picture those thousands of tiny white things wiggling around. In retrospect....I believe they were nothing more then "fruit flies".
In defense of my hasty decision however...I've only been growing indoors for a few years now...and I got mites once. So I run a slash n' burn policy. No exceptions. If its in flower n' has bugs on it...it can fuck off.

It looks like a Springtails invasion for me, but Springtails are harmless and they just eat decomposing vegetable matter. I have them in huge amount in my flower room and there is no worry about them (they could leave quite a mess behind when leave the pots and die on the floor).

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