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Preflower weirdnesss!!!!!!


New member
so i have two plants (both hasberry) that havent shown sex 10 days into flower or atleast the preflowers didnt grow pistils or extra balls. but it looks like one of them is starting to grow buds at the tips of branches and looks similar to other female HB i have, the other is looking similiar but cant distinguish if its new leave tips or pistil on that one. Has anyone ever experienced this. I went ahead and repotted them i know its late but i was figureing with my bad luck they would be males, but should i be worried about hermies i have just never seen any plants that didnt show sex with preflowers.


just give them some more time and they will start showing. i had some plants that didnt show for 15+ days so give it time..... they will show


New member
well i know they will show one way or the other eventually but like i said one of them is showing an actual bud at the top with pistils before the preflowers showed pistils. has anyone ever had this happen?


i cant really picture what your talking about can you take a pic and upload it to the site? we can look at in your gallery


New member
i will try to post pic tomm but i am new to the whole posting pics things but i will put one up but until then i will explain as best i can at the very tips of my branches and the very top of the plant where buds start to grow have a few pistils, but the preflowers at the forks of the stem dont have any pisils


Active member
You have females. Don't need pistils showing on the preflower to know sex. I've never had a plant not show sex in veg with preflowers by week 4 from seed. You just need to use a magnifier and know the difference between a male and female (plant) sex organ. Don't even think hermie, think girly.

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