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I would like to buy some insect to control my spiders!

I have a 20 squares feet room!

I don't know which one to take...maybe the Green Lacewing! I don't know if this one eat everything or only the adults?

What happen with them when the grow is finished?

What happen with the eggs my predators let on my weed? Do the larvea die on dry weed?

thank you!


Do you mean spidermites? I had those once, nothing worked well cept shutting down for a month. I guess you could try lady bugs or lacewings, but they will not get the eggs and probably not get them all since they can hide deep in bud.

If they are actual spiders, I would just clear them out with a broom etc. Predators will have a tough time with actual spiders.

If its spidermites which I am assuming it is since you want predators, I would do what you can (I think there are 1000000 threads on spidermites) and then shut down and kill off all plants in the area. Get houseplants far far away from your grow, I got mites from my houseplants being in/near my grow.


Yes I will control them! I harvest in 1 month.

I don't have a lot of spidermites...I can't see any web. But I can see the marks on the leaves.

I spray Spinosad
The week after I spray water everyday and more
And I spray spinosad again
With this I will not have any problems!

My houseplant don't have any spidermites! I can't see any trace on the leaves or any web anywhere.

I have 2 mothers that I will treat furiously.

They can survive in carpet?


No they can not survive on carpet, they have a life cycle that requires food. If you have NO plants for one or two life cycles they will all be gone forever, unless they get reintroduced.

My houseplants had no sign either, I don't think they liked eating them but they did survive on them and were not visible to me. I'm not saying kill them but be careful and put them in another room entirely.


ICMag Donor
Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure !!!

Once established unwanted insect pests can be troublesome to combat without applying un-natural methods. like spraying

Simple Pest Spray :

x1 hot pepper (crushed)
x1 cigarette (without filter and paper)
x1 glove of garlic (crushed)
x1 litre of water

leave for 1-5 days to ferment, depending on strength. filter and spray liberally, with focus on the undersides of the leaves.
Apply every 5 days for 20 days.

Ladybirds (ladybugs) are great prevention,, but it is a case of managing the ladybug/birds larvae which eat the mites,, and plants in the same environment ,, before the spider-mites invade. However you should NOT spray the lady larvae with the spray used above.. so always check the plants first!


Hope this helps