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Pre98 Bubba X Chem D, Pre98 X WHite, Chem D S1 "the barking dawg"


yeh man, i got a gang of pics, not one nanner or sac. i will dig thru them all and label the budshots, i have pix thru all stages, like i said in a fitty pack of fems i got one that had sacs...i cut them off..she never made a bean..none of them did...thas why im surprised to hear.......:joint: altho i bet i do have an explanation for why all the actual testers i been friends with for yrs... but i know they are good to go, thas why im here. anyone could easily replicate this combo and im saying...its worth it atleast for stableness....like a r0ck.

Moving on, i never kept any of the Bubba Doms, they were too chocolately taste wise..produced well, but not as chemy. so i chose a even keeled blend of dawg/bubba to try for a bit and try to coax a different high than what im used too..i luv em both, but after a while i get immune,, so far i chose a chem dom pheno to play with. vigor is top notch, not worn. never a nanner...so far i can attest..hence a second making of this exact lineage considering the extensive testing. Gonna get the others on board, our pal selected his own Bubba/Chem pheno to preserve as well, his white Bx1 is whooping ass which he used a Stardog male that was white dom...fun to trapes around and see all the magic happen between these folk. im just the messenger but i like to fandangle here and there when i can.:dueling:

Mostly Deebo in this group.


Not to beat a dead horse but I believe that Skunk Va has or at least had the original CD cut as Chem himself told me years ago he traded cuts with him and chemdog hooked him up with the original chem. Unless he lost the cut that chem gave him he does indeed have the original 91 cut. I don't mean to go off topic but there is more than enough confusion about chemdog genetics. JB didn't pop the sister either, chem did. He turned me on to some before he ever got back in contact with JB. There is no doubt that the west coast boys got the real deal d either, I remember when Chem went out there. I know these are piddly little details but it would be nice to see the history of chemdog not get too confusing.

i nevr said JB popped the sister..ever. yes confusion from the clouds of smoke i see it all the time bro.

my point is...how do you know skunk VA passed a legit 91'? you dont.

other point is...people do have access to his supposed 91..labeled the skunk VA.....it was run side by side and was clearly not the same..this dont come from nowwhere bro. these guys aint online no more but still talk with them an thas what they say...pls dont shoot the messenger.:1help: tough crowd tonite, g-nite folk.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
staxxx......nice development......debo'..nucca'......pm me when you have enough post's...

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
anybody talk to m.steelers in awhile?
good dude and he is missed.
if your out there buddy, hope all is well with you and yours.

sorry bout the hijack


ICMag Donor

i hope you are ,,,,this will be a buzz


Active member
stax i was sent 3 of bubba chem and 3 of white bubba now im from oz and my beans got iradiated all something as the ones i put down all germed fine got 2 to 3 inches high and all died for no reason mate i was so pissed off was really looking to grow them out for sure awesome pics bro


ICMag Donor
id say put the ChemD into an A homozygous seedline.......ya know what im sayin bro!?...im sayin this because,,,,,,a plant containing the following alleles: (RR) an (rr) etc. will breed true with another plant containing the same homozygous allels [RR] an [rr].......so if you isolate the pollygeneric trait that makes Chem D "the best plant ever"....all you have to do is get the sequence of alleles identical in an similar framework, an then traits WILL BREED TRUE....

all you have to do is

1)identifi the Quantitative trait locus , for the manifested trait you love
2)isolate the sequence ......ie find the "Quantitative trait locus"
3)input or just identifi the sequence in a carrier
4)outcross the 2 carriers with the isolated Quantitative trait,,, and the Quantitative trait will breed true

then you have the essance of Chem D in seedform!!

ya know what im sayin bro?


ICMag Donor
i theroize and this is just imo,,people hate me for this,,,,,,

that aslong as the 2 carriers have the same Quantitative trait an loci,,,,it makes no difference if the genes are homozygous or not,,,,,aslong as the Quantitative trait is identified in the 2 carriers , the trait will breed true!


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
i theroize and this is just imo,,people hate me for this,,,,,,

that aslong as the 2 carriers have the same Quantitative trait an loci,,,,it makes no difference if the genes are homozygous or not,,,,,aslong as the Quantitative trait is identified in the 2 carriers , the trait will breed true!

"i theorize and this is just imo,,people hate me for this.."
im soooooooory that was funny as shit rick!.........LMFA0....:laughing:
it's not hate bro.....your consistant.......


sup guys, heres a couple pix i dug up of the cutting thats making her rounds. she was selected from 10 beans of the bubba D's and is the perfect blend of both worlds. think member fred norris is flowering one out rather soon.



frank no worries bro, yeah man, alot of folk seemed to have moved on, i remember your sick-ass panel at NJ...holy smokes is all i will say. thanks for stopping by.

Dogsnob, im sorry to hear they mysteriusly up and died.

englishRick..all and only fems in this thread. i really do recommend tossing a hand at it for anyone, i have yet to find one seed in any of these fems, nor has any of the pals. alot of other folk are doing the same thing with CS lately, seems pretty solid.

MM- u da man', glad to be kindly welcomed..good to see ya's still got it goin on round here. stoked to be abroad.:hotbounce


ICMag Donor
englishRick..all and only fems in this thread. i really do recommend tossing a hand at it for anyone, i have yet to find one seed in any of these fems, nor has any of the pals. alot of other folk are doing the same thing with CS lately, seems pretty solid.

im not sure what your sayin?.....can you explain again bro

are you doing a Reverced Backcross in 1 of your projects?


put up some pix man! pls, i was gifted some i got outdoor and the beans are sm0king everything else growth wise. luv the smoke too and love to see all the phenos. think i smoked a few kinds b4...one super chocolate, and 1 just like pre98 with chemyness to it.

danny karey

Sounds killer Stax, can't wait to get my hands on some.

Nice f'n pics too, looks sic

Keep up the good work



BubbaD S1's from Brother stAx

BubbaD S1's from Brother stAx

i have a few pics of the BubbaxChedD's some are great, and some not eo purty!!lol!!1But here goes....I had two phenos to show up,One Pheno was very bushy with low yields....This one when dried and cured had a taste of chocolate with a sight diesel undertone....The second Pheno had a main stem dominant growth pattern, and the driede and cured smoke was sweet Coffee Diesel, with a slightly floral undertone to the smoke!!!I loved them both....I have two of the main stem dominant pheno clones that will give me a spring harvest soon!!! Here are a few pics of them both....Holla!!!!

1 week flower
Pre 98' Bubba Kush X Chem D @ 1week into Flower Stage 003.jpg

51 Days Flower
Bubba Kush x Chemd @ 51 Days Flower 004.jpg

51 Days Flower
Bubba Kush x Chemd @ 51 Days Flower 002.jpg

Dryed @ Cured Heavenly Nuggs!!!!
Bubba Kush x ChemD Cured Pics 002.jpg


hang the sonofabitch anyways
ICMag Donor
Sounds like some kickass crosses ! . Is the BubbleChem still around ? , haven't heard of too many peeps working with her .