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Pre-Trial Diversion Drug Testing


Hello I was recently placed on Pre-trial diversion(apr 7) and was placed on the random color code drug screening program. Unfortunately i thought i had another month to pee clean but my color got called today.. I told my officer in april that i hadnt smoked in a few weeks but that would be just enough time for it theoretically to be out of my system. I have been smoking at least 2 grams a day for the past 3 years. Do you think it is okay to fail my first drug test or will it endanger my program? I dont go to jail over these charges but it is the difference between me getting my record expunged so I would like to take all the precautions necessary.



Active member
it mostly depends on your p.o....if he's cool and you feel comfortable with him i'd recommend just being honest. if he's not cool, well, you know best how to handle it.

good luck


ok Tr!angle, heres the scoop..
I am also on a random color coded screening process, by way of pre-trial counseling.
If this is your first test, they expect your levels to be positive and high. This is how they set the mark for you.
What you need to do is not smoke after that first test, so by the second test, your levels have gone down. I wouldn't try to fake it, they have all the bells and whistles to check for masking agents, specific gravity, bla bla bla..
I wish you the best of luck, and please keep us informed..


Everyone is different. It took me 2 months to start dropping clean. My PO was cool with me because I told him I would drop dirty and every week my levels were going down. Good luck!


Ok took my drug test wednesday. Failed...But the lady at the screening place was super mellow. She asked me if this was my first drug test for PTD and said it was kind of sort assumed i would fail because of my charge. She told me my PO was pretty cool and told me to call her the next day. Today i called my PO ; she was surprised due to the date of me starting my PTD ,that it wasnt out of my system. She asked me when my next appointment was but im on a system where i send in my evaluations through the mail. She also told me that i would have to keep calling the number which means maybe if i pass x amount of drug tests i can get of the color system. In the end she told me hopefully i will pass next time .

All i can say is thank you ICmag for quick replies. I went in there with a lot more confidence than i would have that is for sure. Everything you guys said was pretty much spot on thank you


now what is this all about sending evaluations through the mail???
Don't worry about not passing the second test, your numbers will be way down, and thats all they care about. Odds are, you'll pass anyway..just stay away from pot smoke, even if you get a whiff, it will show up..:fsu:


New member
I am on pretrial diversion program for an arrest of POM < 2 oz...will they ever do any hair tests for drugs or only urine tests??