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pre flowers in veg..what does it mean?


Trying to have a good day
Your wrong.You should do some more reading.Im am not trying to be a jerk at all,but there is so many things that arent right in your two posts im not even gonna pick them apart.I would erase them.

Good luck though.


Active member
Originally Posted by luvtogrow
All strains show sex in veg with preflowers, 90% by week 3 the rest by week 4. Have to post when I see this topic. I started posting this around 10 years ago and generally the reply would be as above that some strains do and some don't, usually they would say hazes or sativas would show later. Not true!! All of em show brothers/sisters, swear to ya. You need a magnifier, i use an eyelupe 7X, start looking when you have at least 6 nodes and by the time you have 9 nodes there will always be at least one preflower somewhere along the main stalk, above the fan leave behind the stipule, in front of the emerging new growth. What? I mean between the stipule and the new growth. i'm thinking people aren't sexing until they see pistols and that's when they think it's showing for the first time. You can see the preflower and it's sex, sometimes weeks before they show a pistol or a male cluster. i always catch them the day/night they pop out (preflowers), as a bump and within a day or 2 at most can discern the sex. You can too.

and this quote is a crock of shit. PLANTS DO NOT HAVE A BRAIN!, what in gods name were you smoking when you actually thought this was true?
chances are your lights were on for too long and your plants got tired....
plants get tired my arse ive grown both ways 24/0 and 18/6 ive done it with multipul strains and it doesnt make a shits worth of difference in my experience. read any grow book ask any1 who has grown and they will tell you light does not affect preflowers they are natural its how ive sexed my plants since day one. please inform us where you get this mad fact from?


Active member
Short Ryder- Nonsense posts like the ones you posted here are not fair to the community. Actually only read to see you said plants don't show sex in veg. Sad! Just shows all knowledgable growers that you know nothing. Very sad!:tiphat:
That behind me- One of my SSH just showed sex (male) at day 18 from seed popping above soil. Was at 24/0 light schedule and just changed to 20/4 and it showed next day.


Active member
what size pots are you in? some strains start preflowering when they get rootbound in veg.


Active member
ALL PLANTS PREFLOWER AROUND THE 6TH NODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please listen.,.,.,.,.,., if you was to just grow a plant naturally without topping bending or fucking about with it it will show preflowers.


I think the confusion is what exactly is a preflower?Is it a pistil or "ball on a stick?Nope,and once you get a good magnifying glass you will learn to sex in late veg easily.I havent had to carry a plant into a flower photocycle to figure out the sex in many years,it just comes with time.A female preflower is normally smooth in appearance and kind of teardropped or pointy look to it where a male preflower is normally very round and sort of rough on the exterior.Nothing can be accomplished though without a good magnifying glass
Some do, some don't. I had Nirvana Misty which showed its sex just after 3rd pair of leaves and also had strains that does not show until in 12/12.


I agree that all strains will show preflowers during the veg phase,eventually.Its just not possible for the plant not to become sexually mature after a time.People that think some strains wont preflower during veg really ned to get a good magnifying glass and learn what the the preflower structures look like,not the pistils and pollen sacs that eventually emit from the preflower structure.As for taking pistil free cuttings you have to remember that preflowering is a part of the veg stage,not the flowering stage.You can feed them plenty of nitrogen but much less lush green growth will occur while the plant is using some of its energy producing preflowers.You dont want preflower growth you want leafy vegetative growth,and thats why taking pistil free cuts turn out so much better than cuts that start out with pistils


Active member
ssh is a lush strain luvtogrow i bet it would of showed if you would have stuck to 24/0
I don't doubt that at all. Just that in my grows, after @week 2, i give them some dark, usually 20/4, because they have always appeared to like/crave a bit of lights out. I didn't see where i referenced light cycle/preflowers this thread, but, often speculate as to why i'm apparently seeing preflowers before earlier than most, and wonder if it's light cycle or what. Even topped(actually fimmed it) my big Medman and it still showed at 3 weeks, with the preflower right at the cut junction. I do believe they show earlier with some lights out, but have never tested that. Anyway, thanks for chiming in with your knowledge of preflowers. Great to hear!!

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