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powdery Mildew



Thats what the enviroments like now lights on 24Hrs Plus extractor fan going constantly plus two large Oscilating fans blasting the plants. Did have everthing switched off for five hours a night the PM must have got a hold during this period. Never had problems with it before though. The main thing is it can be cured when I had fungus gnats instead of starting again I perservered and harvested almost nothing. When the spray comes will use it then see how it looks in a week or so if everthing is OK will continue. Thanks for all the advice and help.


Active member
I`m gonna invest in an ozoniser for the groom perhaps summat like this,


i would also like an ozoniser for the extraction ducting, just to make sure smell is covered



pm is a bitch, think it was invented by black ops biologists as a plant destroying bio weapon...:laughing:

but seriously it's very hard to get rid of totally once you have it on a strain. best thing i can advise is to look for other strains to grow that are not susceptible to pm. certain plants will get it every time even if you spray during veg and scrub the room down, a few weeks before harvest it will come back, even with windy, dry grow space. but if you don't mind spraying at key points you can get plants to harvest without any visible pm on them, but that requires a spraying at week 2 of 12/12 on a 9 week strain. the good thing is there are products out there that are made from natural ingredients. i was using some stuff made from fenel oil a while back and it worked very well, just not as a permanent cure. nothing i have found has lasted, so selecting strains for pm resistance too is a good idea if you find yourself in pm country.


Its funny you should say that one of the trainwrecks has shown no visible signs whatsover.
Sounds like your humidity is getting above 75% You need a combo Temp/humidity thermostat to monitor what it climbs to. I have one that remembers the high temp and humidity for the day (or until I reset it)

This is very helpful to know what humidity levels grow to during the evening. Humidity within my room rise the most in the evening when the lights are off.

Fans only help move the humidity around. You may need a dehumidifier.


the thing is pm seems to be able to survive on some strains even at rh 20% to 45% so even perfect climatic conditions will not be enough if you have a strain that is susceptible to pm. i was shocked to see pm develop at such low rh, but apparently this is known.


Sprayed the plants with systhane fungus fighter a few days ago not seen a sign of Powdery Mildew since, it cost £7 for a bottle of concentrate. Will have to wait and see how long it lasts but it seem like a wonder cure at the moment.


Active member
Sprayed the plants with systhane fungus fighter a few days ago not seen a sign of Powdery Mildew since, it cost £7 for a bottle of concentrate. Will have to wait and see how long it lasts but it seem like awonder cure at the moment.

hi marathanman.

i have been having similar issues as yourself and was wondering where you got the systhane fungas fighter? sounds like good stuff..




Its called Bayer Systhane Fungus Fighter concentrate ordered mine mail order off the net but they sell it in most garden centers its not specifically for weed hence the cheaper price.


Active member
Hey GM totally agree on the some strain being more susceptable (sp?) than others. Just found some in my grow room but only on one strain. Few patches on the stem near the bottom so I'm hoping I caught it early enough. Everything else seems fine and unaffexcted.

Alien kush by OGR I found to be some kind of PM magnet and managed to keep hold of it when no other plants had any signs of it left.

I use something called rose clear in veg and that seemed to get rid of all previous infections. I will be trying this canadian express PMT stuff though the write up makes it sound too good to be true




5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
The Systhane is the name for Eagle 20 this side of the pond, got it, it works.

Seen PM carrying on in plants with hot windy sun, outdoors here, when you would think it would fry and die, kill it early or it my well spread and slowly fuck the plant up


I had the lights on 24 hours a day the extractor fan going and several fans blasting the plants very low humidity but as you say the PM was still growing. Good news is the spray does work. Will also be using silicone in the future.


Active member
I find also that a big swing between day and night temps can help PM take hold. I use an evo temp and humidity control so that I can have over powered fans extracting and keep night temps from dropping too low by connecting up a fan heater.

This will also help prevent bud rot later in flower




Active member
Its called Bayer Systhane Fungus Fighter concentrate ordered mine mail order off the net but they sell it in most garden centers its not specifically for weed hence the cheaper price.

nice one marathanman..

i will be getting some very soon....has any one tried plant magic essence? read on a uk site that this was an excellent preventative...i have been using their bio silican too..a very good product.




Well-known member
The best preventative is still systhane, mainly because it works and secondly it's really cheap and goes along way.

As I stated at beginning if your in late flower then use Canadian express p.m.t.. Safe to use on day of harvest and will keep and outbreak at bay.

I am not just spouting internet info this is years of experience. To which I spent a while combatting and stupidly killing off plants. I have got plants that at some point have exhibitted pm but since my systhane regime, I have not seen pm in my grow tents for over a year.

It's All over my Pumpkin plants so a preventative spray of systhaneis required to stop it from taking hold. As trust if it's out side in your neiborhood it's likely to be drifting through your grow rooms just waiting to find a nice host.


wow but that stuff is expensive no cheap it seems.

found some :

Systhane Viti 240

but they want like a 100 euro for a small bottle.


Try Bayer Systhane £7 for a bottle of concentrate. Bad stuf that pm waiting, watching, ready to strike when your plants are thier weakest. lol.


PMT is a non toxic treatment for Powdery Mildew. It is part of Canadian Xpress’ Induced Resistance strategy and stimulates the plant to ramp up its own defences against the disease. Powdery Mildew is a fungal leaf disease which is common in commercial greenhouses and is becoming more common in indoor gardening all around the world. Left untreated, this disease will kill every leaf on a plant and destroy your crop.
It is first seen as white powdery looking spots on leaves. These spots grow and join together and soon the whole leaf becomes white. If you shake the leaf, you will see a white dust or powder flying around. This powder is the fungus’ spores by which it spreads. The parts of the leaf that are white are the main body of the fungal infection. The fungus grows on the leaf and sends root-like appendages into the leaf cells and suck out the cell contents. This kills the cell. As this process occurs, the fungus spreads, killing more and more leaf area until, eventually, nothing is left.
If you kill the fungus on an infected leaf you can see for yourself the extent of the attack. However, the damage is actually more extensive than you can see with the naked eye. Even though you have killed the Powdery Mildew with PMT you may still find that infected leaves may still die due to devastating damage caused by Powdery Mildew. Remember, Powdery Mildew damage is always more extensive and serious than it first looks.
We highly recommend using PMT as a preventative treatment. As already described Powdery Mildew causes a lot of damage so the best tactic is prevention. Just spray PMT as per the instructions and permanently safeguard your plants against Powdery Mildew. As the leaves are the plant’s food factory, any loss of leaf area means loss of crop. Don’t let it happen.
If you have never experienced the disease before, then start using it at the first sign, or even suspicion, of Powdery Mildew. If you’ve experienced the disease before, or you grow in an area that is known to be infested with Powdery Mildew, then you need to take preventative action right away. Use PMT as a preventative treatment from the second week onwards for guaranteed results.

As a bonus, PMT also has preventative activity against Botrytis or bud rot, so you can consider PMT as a double guard for your plants.

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