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powdery mildew


Active member
ive read og faq and a few threads on powdery mildew

but id like to hear what yall have to say about treating it outdoors


Cut it off.
Do it very carefully as not to spread spores.
If it's taken over the plant, toss it.
Maybe you can salvage enough to make some hash, but your risking your health.

In very early stages you can use Safer's 3-n-1, but I have found the mold will come back when the flowers mature.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Cut off all the affected leaves and then hose the plant down getting the spores washed off the plant ... if you are just in veg you should be able to get a handle on this before flowering starts. There are some organic sprays that might help ... try Serenade. I had a bit of mildew indoors and bleached the room down to get rid of it. Serenade will leave a film that wont let the mold grow . Work at this during veg and hopefully it wont be a problem by flowering time .


Cannabis Helper
cut off all infected material, and wash down your grow room with bleach, 10% solution...

any plants that have more then 50% damage should be tossed, do this far away from your grow...


Mary Mary

I'm so glad you posted this question! I have the same one.

I had heard that "Funginex" was a good product but when I went to my local Wal-Mart all they had was "Fungicide 3," by schultz. It says it handles powdery mildew and spider mites. I have both, but the spider mites showing is what got me off my ass and to the store. I tried it a few days ago (it recommends using every week when you are having problems) and the mites appear to be gone.

I have been around for a while and have heard that washing everything with a bleach solution is the only way to get rid of either of the problems. This product seems to be working, if anyone has other experiences, please let me know.

Parts of the Fungicide 3 label:

3 Garden Products on one
Fungicide: Controls Black Spot, rust, powdery mildew and other listed Fungi

Insecticide: Controls Whiteflies, Aphids, and other insect pest

Miticide: Controls Spider mites, red mite and other mite pests

Active ingredient: Clarified Hydrophobic extract of neem oil 70%

Good for roses, flowers, vegetables, trees, fruits, shrubs and houseplants.

  • Prevents and controls black spot on roses, anthracnose, rust and powdery mildew
  • Kills, eggs, larvae and adult insects.

Is "clarified hydrophobic extract of neem oil" just a fancy neem oil?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

All the best,


Mary I was thinking the same thing u were as i have some stuff that seems to be what ur using, the 3 in 1 stuff...hydrophobic just means it won't mix which isn't very surprising since its oil lol...i'm 4 weeks into flowering and was having some PM problems on the lower parts of my plants, I hit them with the neem two days ago and again today, i'll do it one more time and think it should be fine, almost all the PM was taken down the first application...i agree though if the plant material is nasty and soft just take it off and focus on the growth tips that aren't affected...


growdoc said it all...

growdoc said it all...

a garden hose will do next to nothing to rid an area of spores...actually you are activating the spores by doing that.

10% bleach is the only way, non combustable.. used in the medical industry, should be ok for your OP.

Growdoc, it's great to be in your presence (okok shadow lol)

Spores are invisible, less than 10 microns in size

indoor-bleach bomb or move, ditch all infected plants depending on severity of the case as a whole (a little may be trimmed off if near the end of cycle, good chance youll make it)

outdoor-take your chances removing infected leaves' whole branches and/or any plant material directly touching the filth. Outside there is enough airflow to control it if you take the steps in the right order...in low wind do the following..
1.do not disturb foliage, dont rustle things
2. cut clean cuts or clean the cuts up with a razor later to heal right
3. have contractor bag ready and PLACE pieces in there after cut off
4. dont touch any other parts of the plant now, your hands and clothes are spore-RIDDEN
5. after you've removed all infected tissue, check nearby plants for disease, if any is found repeat process.
6. THEN if you want to hose down feel free but i would spray a safer 3 in 1 or neem or something BEFORE AND AFTER HOSING!
especially after.

remember, fungus was here BEFORE us AND plants.. it will be here LONG after, and then again re-incarnated on another planet when the time is right..
scientists currently are researching spores found (lower fungii) on a rock from space... mars i believe
ever see jurrasic park? :chin: ...scary (they also just found trex tissue in new bones biggest discovery of 21st cent. but thats a whole diff. issue lol)
point is, they are always in the environment ALWAYS..in the air we breath, the food we eat, hell even all the fuck over your buds! they are just waiting for the right conditions to reproduce (shitting spores) ie: too high an rh

what to do as a general rule of thumb?

KEEP A VERY VERY GOOD FRESH AIRFLOW no matter where you are growing.

almost doused my prize od plant with pure h202 yesterday after mistaking the sun-baked slug goo at the leaf tips for mildew..lol cut it off and discarded as i had a scissor conveniently in my hand from taking a clone on the same plant , this was forced habit, not a good thing.
gotta get that copper wire on, im soo damn lazy and keep 4gettin to bring it with me to the plot, cant exactly go back if i forgot somethin...HIKE!!!!!!! :pointlaug

im rambling


Cannabis Helper
Nice advice CaptainJack, lol..you dont live in my shadow, we all stand together!!!



Active member
thanks guys

i went out and did some cutting gonna go out again in a day or two and see what else i can do


cap sure it works outside......... hang the sulfur vap 4 feet above the plant......unless its 2 windy, and in that case there should be no mold...... all you need to do adjust the sufur vap so the cloud hits the plant/plants......a sulfur will also kill grey mold......

you can always use the 1 part milk to 6 parts water and foliar feed to kill powderies....
if your not budding yet you can use C-Mite for powderies, but smell likes clove.....

also potassium silicate is one of the best ways to kill mold and is the old school commercial growers way


cool beans Draw

just learnt ..lets see...

thanks much for responding, i thought i had lost ya! lol

potassium silicate ey? got a brandname? Excuse my ignorance but is this similiar to Dynagrow's "Pro-Tekt" as seen here-- http://rosemania.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/page6.html ????
thx Draw and thanks doc, will try by bestest to stay up on the forums.


pro tekt will work great.... mildew can not thrive in a high PH environment, it's hard to find anything safe to use other than tap water when they are far along into flower, but that silica will work great in veg / first week or 2 of flower.

I've been battling that shit for the last month or so now, and those are the 2 solutions i've found.... but nothing will work as well as a full tear down and bleach cleaning.... but it can get a lil spendy to shut down shop for too long.



CJ .... looks like that may work in the nuits to prevent.... i have a commercial Kind called silotek from the company growmore........... talk to the old guys from thelazygardeners.com about potassium silicate i think they have a diifernt brand th0, these guys write for maximum yeild mag and teach growing classes........ i asked if they carried potassium silicate and they do..... they can help get what you need......... nicest guys in the buisiness......

ask about the milk and water 2 , i know they like to use it as well.

if you sulfur vap there is no need to bleach or there down anything. i grow in a green house so i was forced to learn about ways to prevent and kill full on mold.......


Very helpful THCaesar & DrawoH

Very helpful THCaesar & DrawoH

THC: I will be getting that product (dynagro protekt) when i place my order for mycorhizzae..thanks!
Danke. Lazy Gardeners ey? are they new? I believe i saw you mention them in another thread..hmmmmm


cap not really new...... i have mentioned them before and will again because of their insight..... i got tired of young guys who just want to sell me something.....i have found these guys at lazy known their stuff and are nice people to boot........ not just helium headed kid who never grew anything trying to tell me what to buy to fix my plants...... I have to stand by these guys for that reason.....service and know how, thats how i define quality........ i love those old guys...

They also build custom hydo systems to your spec for a good low price........