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pothead sleeping patterns


i dont work, and i keep pretty erratic sleep patterns. but usually go to bed about 7-9am, wake up 12-2pm...
i like seeing the sunrise and set. plus i find there are times when i feel fully refreshed after only 2-3 hours sleep.
am prone to have naps (30min) at random times tho...


Active member
In bed at 9pm up at about 5:30am
Plenty of short chair naps during the day, take a few bong hits, sit down for some TV, and wake up 15min later with no idea what's going on with the program I'm watching, luckily I can just rewind them on the DVR

Just noticed this was the Aussie forum
Maybe if I lived there my sleeping patterns would be different, I might have a hard time sleeping with all those Koalas screeching in the trees ; )


Kangaroos knocking over your plot and jumping down Queen St. Drop Bears and the back packers favourite the sucworth.
I sleep incredibly sound at times (wanted to say "sleeping like a baby" but that is erroneous as they can cry all night) but then have dreams of dead relatives or zombies trying to kill me! :D
I have huge problems with getting regular sleep patterns, luckily I work for myself and can make my own hours but if I held a regular job I'd be fucked.

Usually it's a few days of 3hrs or less a day sleep followed by a day or two of sleeping round the clock.

I love my heavy indicas but they still don't knock me out enough to sleep, just mellow me out.

I love trawling the forums at all hours, I learn so much and I feel like I'm at home reading all these great peeps advice and grow logs.

Jimbo :dance013:


I'm convinced that I have developed Adult ADD and forget to continue sleeping. HAHHA!!

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
If I started thinking of work at 2.00 am and not getting paid overtime, I'm leaving. I don't get paid enough to do that shit.

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