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potentional prices after tc2010?


Its a buyers market atm in the Bay Area. Probably will drop in prices again at harvest, esp if T&R 2010 passes.
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If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Its a buyers market atm in the Bay Area. Probably will drop in prices again at harvest, esp if T&R 2010 fails.

y would prices drop if it failed?

i would assume a slight increase if the ballot fails b/c many are speculating a pass

Grass Lands

In theory they should go up...each branch of the gov will see to getting as much tax revenue as possible, this alone will cause the price to go up as the cost and taxes will be passed along the consumer.


Active member
If you're going to bring the of corruption people then you should apply it to everything in life....

If the Gov wants us to fix the roads ourselves (which I haven't heard) it's BECAUSE we don't have enough tax revenue to pay for everything; don't you see that's the direction we're are currently going? I'm thinking of solutions to problems but you are not offering any yourself....

Cannabis tax revenue is not going to fix anything. Hell even if you gave California all the nationwide tax revenues generated by alcohol, they'd probably still have a deficit... The gov. has plenty of revenue already. The problem isn't money, but what they spend it on. The spending path were on is not sustainable, either in california or the feds... doesn't matter how many theoritical dollars weed can bring.