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Potential UK PMs admitting to earlier drug use


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Today we have another potential Prime minister admitting that ,
They have taken drugs in the past,,
Mr Micheal Gove minister for whatever has used Cocaine once in
the past lol,,lol,,
Earlier in the week ,
we had another minister and cabinet member by the name of Rory Stewart admitting to smoking opium at a party in the Middle East ,lol,,,
Are they clearing out the skeletons in there closets? Just in case they get the prime ministership? Or something much more nefarious? ,
Like trying to gain credibility with the younger voters and appearing
honest and open to the older voters?,, very devious,,
Interesting no mention of cannabis,,,
Also no outcry about the use of category A drugs,,,
I imagine a few other potential PMs to put there hands up to past drug
Indiscretions in the next week,,,
,like usually follows like,,,,s2


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just a quickie to say Gove has admitted not once but several times lol,,
Just gets better lol,lol


interesting how cultures are different.

obama openly admitted to scoring coke when he was lucky enough to have the money.

do people actually care if a politician has tried drugs?

Brother Nature

Well-known member
People still smoke Opium? He gets a point for originality at least.

"I did snort cocaine, only once and I never inhaled...at least it felt like I didn't."

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Cocaine.... once??

Vote for that guy. He's an obvious liar and that's what works in this day and age.

That's like saying that you discovered sex but didn't do it again.

Just that one time.


Oh my Gosh! They don't do they? Use drugs, I mean.

Oh shock! And here I was thinking 'squeaky clean' each time an image of a politician showed on my tele.

I 'm depressed now ...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I still think it was “ clear the skeletons” or a badly misjudged attempt at trying to prove
credibility to the younger votes,,,
Backfired badly for Gove especially putting forward a motion for harder regs on cocaine whilst later on in the same day he had a dinner party where coke was one of the main courses, lol
Not surprised and more to come I expect,,,
Vile,despicable hypocrites,,,s2


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
People still smoke Opium? He gets a point for originality at least.

"I did snort cocaine, only once and I never inhaled...at least it felt like I didn't."

IRC,, Iranian middle classes had a room in there homes where the chaps would get together and pass the opium pipe,,
If this is still practiced today?,,not too sure but imagine yes for the well connected and moneyed Persians,,s2:tiphat:


Oh it's all so silly. I'm a bit older than most of you and I 've been watching it for a while now. It just goes on and on. An endless Drama! These people, NO FUCKIT, all of us take drugs and just don't get fukn high enough to transcend the Drama.

There needs to be a Transcend-the-Drama party! They would keep very still and only speak words of peace. They might also take drugs, no one would care.

Well, fukn ooroo from the Land of Oz where it's just as fucked as where you are!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yep Teddy
Whole shabang is a big joke,,
Watching the five potential pms live in debate last night on BBC1 just reminded me of 5 very slippery eels,,,
Batting off questions from the public like world class cricketers,,
Now we’ll get a lying buffoon as a Prime minister,,,,,s2


I was talking about this with the Missus and surely the younger generation must see thru the sham that 'politics' has become?

I mean most of us will always be followers but maybe soon there will be enough of us who want a different way of doing things. A critical mass so to speak. The hundredth monkey idea, if you get what I mean.

One needs to remain hopeful but it is very hard because things seem to go round and round, changing pace (zoom zoom) but not direction.

On the subject of remaining hopeful though: I suppose the social scientist Eckhart Tolle is old-fashioned nowadays but he makes the point that it took many millions of years before the first flower evolved.

Tolle points out that when ancient man saw the first flower and smelled its scent s/he would have been in awe. AWE! For the first time s/he would have paused from a focus on the deadly daily round of survival. That pause gave the opportunity for new feelings ... and feelings translate eventually into thoughts and ideas.

So I guess we need to hang in there and work with whatever we have.

Peace ...

St. Phatty

Active member
JFK needed morphine to do his job as President, some days.

It shouldn't matter, but if some politico is being bludgeoned because he took a medication on some asshole's black list ...