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Pot, smoking, and hanging out....


LOL..someone complaining about potheads to other potheads...:dance013:

I can sympathize with the OP....I work an ungodly amount of hours also, and at the end of the day or on a weekend the absolute last thing I want to do is go back out and deal with the madness of the workd.

Up until a few years ago my life basically consisted of working and going out partying and hanging out several times a week.

End result ? I gained a shit ton of weight from doing nothing in my spare time but drinking beer, smoking pot, and sitting around with others while doing no physical activity except maybe for playing music. One day I had a Drs. appt and was basically told that with my families history of heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis that if I didn't change my habits Id have some serious issues in the future.

That was a year and a half ago...since that time I've dropped close to 40 lbs and in my non-working hours spend a fair amount of time not being sedentary...I've also cut out booze, and yes have drastically reduced the amount of time I hang out not really doing anything. Fridays and Saturday nights for me anymore consist of being in bed by ten pm so I can get up early the next day and enjoy a nice quiet morning before the rest of the world wakes up.

I lost some friends during this process, and at one point in the beginning was actually laughed for trying to get in shape by someone who spends most of their free time drinking and smoking..
Other friends get it, and there are some people from that era of my life that I may only see once or twice a year, (whereas before it was every single weekend), but they respect the decisions I made and aren't asses about it.

OP, it sounds like your "friends" are rather immature and have some growing up to do....

ETA: Just re-read the first post, i think i get whats going on. Like the OP I was slinging also to help make ends meet....one thing that I couldn't get past, and what prompted me to stop was the large amount of my time people coming by to pick up would consume, some people would stop by and not leave for hours. Eventually it got to the point where some of these people were trying to get me to hang out at their family functions and shit and essentially got offended that I would never come around...Like the OP, I liked them, I just wasn't down with spending loads of time with them..Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your POV), marijuana and hanging out pretty much seem to hand in hand...eventually the people that you hook up will want to become your best friend and will get offended and move on when that does not happen..Even though I was being generous to everyone, that didn't make up for the fact that I didnt want to socialize with them.

If they figure out you grow (and they probably will if you seem to have an endless supply of good herb), than that compounds the problem because so many people have the "its a weed, it should be free" mentality.


That's right, Dark star. it seems to me ... an over-50 ... that ... whether you're conscious of it or not ... it is quite common to act as if one is running out of time!

and that there is a need to rearrange priorities so that the important stuff gets done.

of course 'important' means different things to different people. for example, I gave up work instead of giving up smoking ...

stoned cheers from the Land of Oz!

"I gave up work instead of giving up smoking"

might have to put that in my sig sat classic


Active member
Times are always hard.

I find that less work, more hobbies, make me happier.

How much money do we really need? (course if your work is your hobby, fuck yeah.)


Active member
Maybe try and find one source to unload your product. Tell your friends your out of the game....but keep them in the loop...and try and hang out with them when you can.

You take care of business...you keep your friends...best of both worlds.

Stop nickel and diming!


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