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pot sizes for growing in soil...



Sorry if I pissed in your cheerio's "pal". I really was wondering how that worked, especially since in another thread you stated that temps are 86 at night????? Which is weird since that is hotter than your day temps w/ the lights on???
But that's ok, I didn't say you were "giving false info", I just asked for clarification, since up to that point you hadn't mentioned it, and I had used a similar setup, it made me wonder about it, that's all. I wasn't bashing you, simply asking so just in case it was an issue, I didn't say you were it was nor did I say you were lying about anything. I am happy for you, sounds like you are at about 80 while running your lights, good for you man. You are luckier than me. Without AC hoods and I couldn't get mine under 85. With the AC hoods, I got to 78, consistently. I really was just trying to be helpful, sorry you took offense to it apparently. But really, hows your temps go up to 86 at night w/ no lights? (As you said in a previous post on another thread w/ regard to humidity?)

I guess I don't understand, but whatever, good luck "pal". Hope you get it figured out.


hi there m8 here is a link to my humidty thread where does it say 86c as i said read the thread i said 86 - 95%humidty if you look my temps are 26c sorry m8 you read it wrong..i have no more to say to you pal
except read the threads properly before you go shouting about other peoples threads you havent read properly...all thebest shogun


Overkill is under-rated.
The thing with transplanting is you are also giving the plant fresh nutes in that new soil, not just more room. I like a gallon per foot of vertical height, and smatpots to avoid rootbinding. Just my $.02


thanx for the info lazyman i dont think we can get smart pots here in the uk...all the best shogun


The Mad Monk
good luck w/the beans, shogun. fyi, I used to do 3 transplants and it worked very well. start beans or cuts in a 16 oz cup. up to 1 gals to finish veg. then into 3 gals at flip, sometimes a week or two of veg depending on strain.

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