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pot size


Hi all, i have a small space to grow in.i was thinking of using 6.5ltr pots,but can i expect a good yield with 2 wks veg and 8wks flowering in a 6.5ltr..im hoping for 2 zip per pot...any ideas ..cheers

lost in a sea

it depends alot on the strain..

or what type of strain your growing......generally speaking, 2 wks veg then flowering in a 6.5 litre pot will get you 1 oz a plant (1.5 tops) the vegging time is really important, but more veg time can be costly in small areas......thats with soil though...

in coco they may do better with such little medium...

but if you give me an idea of the dimensions of the box, and what strain/s your growing, i could advise you better on your best options......:D


Thanks lost in a sea !!
ive got ultimate indica cuttings,found out know its a good s.o.g plant,im considering around 6x6.5 litre pots in my 4ft sq by 5ft height space.,with a 400w hps.
i ve got a friend coming around this wk to give me a hand setting up,will consider coco,,thanks kindly..

lost in a sea

ok well like you said L.U.I should do well in a SOG....

i did think you were going to say your box was shorter in height than that though...

you may get a bigger yield doing 4 topped little bushes, in that space in 10-15 litre pots, and vegging for 4 weeks......there's more light to go around this way...and there's slightly less work and i would think the yield will be better..

or the other option is to do 6 in 6.5 litre pots, in coco..


The way i understood it was that, if i veg to long and get a big plant my light 400w wont penetrate all the way down the plant,only getting top bud.

my thinking was smaller pots,less veg time,smaller plants full of bud..but im considering your idea!! maybe will try both ways and let you know...cheers

lost in a sea

The way i understood it was that, if i veg to long and get a big plant my light 400w wont penetrate all the way down the plant,only getting top bud.

my thinking was smaller pots,less veg time,smaller plants full of bud..but im considering your idea!! maybe will try both ways and let you know...cheers

yea if you veg too long, your a bit screwed on penatration really with a 400w,and 6 bushy plants, 4 would do better...

what i would personally do is....... your box is 4ft x 4ft and 5 ft high...thats enough room to start em all in 4 litre pots... (flip the lights at week 4 after germination/potting in, regardless)...... then at flw onset, pot em into 11 litre square pots.....spread them out as much as possible and dont top em so they arent encouraged to bush out too much...they usually bolt up and then stop at around 2.5-3ft with a nice column of nugs...

i have found this the best way to get the best yields possible on the minimum amount of medium,the quickest...and in a space like that, under the same amount of light...

i use 400w's to veg with these days with a metal halide in, and 600's on flowering with hps's...

600 watters are a very worthy step up....but im sure you know this:)

my LUI's were really indica dominant, i dont think you will have to worry too much about penetration, but your cut could be very different to my experience of LUI.

coco is a bit more work than soil and im not yet a fan, although i prefer the outcome to hydro....i would check out REZ's "The Recipe" thread if your considering it.



Interesting info,
im gona try your method on a 2 plants, see if i can work it..i'll keep ya informed..
Good thread that rez recipe,im thinking hard on coco,may do a comparisson test on cpl plants.
Im very greatfull for your kind assistance,.good karma to you bud!!

lost in a sea

yea do do man....ill be interested to hear how it goes for ya :D

trying different methods with the LUI is the best way to find the most appropriate strategy for your space...


Even in Arcadia I exist
From "Marijuana Horticulture - The Indoor Medical Growers Bible"

Im thinking about doing something similar, I have a 3x3 tent, and am thinking about running 9 plants in 3 gal pots, and flowering under a 400 watt hps. Im also running soil. Im going to play around with seeing it lst works best, or supercropping. Kasp, keep us updated, or start a grow log. i'd love to watch, as i always like to see what other ppl are doing with similar setups.

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