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pot size


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
hey, i have 10 master low seeds germinating now. i'm wondering if they all germ.......would a 15 gallon tub be enough to grow all the plants until the males are picked out?


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
I am sure it would work but if you have any issues with one plant it is easier to then have problems with all the others.


Denial N Error

I like 7L minimum per plant in soil/soilless. Probably half that in coco.



My girls love to cuddle up.
I use multi-potting all the time because of my grow conditions.

there were about 10 in a 40 ltr tub here..
(only 2 males..which were cut out)
but I grew 10 JEM fems in a 20 ltr tub earlier on in the season and still got a decent yield.

As S_a_H says..watch out for beasties..


ICMag Donor
We've been experimenting with planters this season...




they seem to work ok,, but yield is slightly reduced :canabis:


The bigger the better...pretty much anything over 2 gallons will do fine. Iv never had the best results with multiple plants in a single pot, good for space saving but drainage was an issue for me last season. The big mass of soil tends to hold onto water for longer and with all the rain I had last year I found myself holding off on watering with my nutes because the thing would always look and feel saturated.


a 5 gallon pot for a small auto flowering plant? that's crazy. i use them for regular plants

No its not. Just allows for better opp. for them to get big. AFs are small plants but have massive root system. Sometimes you have 2-3 times as much root as you do growth above the soil line.
im growing approx 15-20 autoflowers each in 15 gallons of soil in rubbermaid tubs. i had a peek at the root system from the sides when i flexed the tub and its huge, already reaching down near the bottom of the tub. im expecting to cull at least 50% males to free up some space and they really need it cause they are overcrowded already at 2 weeks. if you go for the tub system remember that you need to be careful watering. i watered approx 3 gallons for each tub almost 2 weeks ago when i seeded the tubs and haven't had to water since, and i don't think i will need to for another 4-5 days!!!!! don't use alot of water and you can water more frequently!!! its like growing outdoors, the soil holds alot more moisture in such a big mass


Yeah..I'll go with that...^^^^^

1 girl in a 40 ltr..(10gall?) pot..and she is OFF season..

1 girl in a 20 ltr pot...
what ever you give..she will Try to fill it
so go for the biggest you have got.


my :2cents::

I have some Poison Dwarfs, LR#2s and Solid Ryders in 2-3 gallon buckets growing in greenhouse.

I have mold problems with couple plants I transplanted very late(my mistake).
I believe the root system is not big enough to use water from everywhere in the bucket > soil is wet all the time = budrot.
AND its impossible to give any ferts, teas or other goodies to plant because soil is wet all the time.

So big buckets is not always good with these tiny plants. Speacially when growing outdoors/greenhouses.
+ it look likes these AF plants are not too thirsty after they start flowering stage.


Doing what we do because we are who we are
my :2cents::

I have some Poison Dwarfs, LR#2s and Solid Ryders in 2-3 gallon buckets growing in greenhouse.

I have mold problems with couple plants I transplanted very late(my mistake).
I believe the root system is not big enough to use water from everywhere in the bucket > soil is wet all the time = budrot.
AND its impossible to give any ferts, teas or other goodies to plant because soil is wet all the time.

So big buckets is not always good with these tiny plants. Speacially when growing outdoors/greenhouses.
+ it look likes these AF plants are not too thirsty after they start flowering stage.

just a guess but i dont think the pots being wet have very much to do with the bud rot.... id be venting out your green house every day as a better option.... the green house is the perfect conditions for mould
im 4 weeks into some bluestreaks, and I had them in 2 gallon pots, i saw some roots starting to show through the holes in the bottom and just picked up some used 5 gallon pots from the local gardening store ($5 each). When I transplanted the root system was pretty much throughout the whole 2 gallon pot, so I'm thinking that the 5 gallon one will allow for more root growth and thus bigger bud as the plant can more effectively use the space. I've got another 4-6 weeks to go on these bluestreaks, but the females are looking good and smellling sweet.


just a guess but i dont think the pots being wet have very much to do with the bud rot.... id be venting out your green house every day as a better option.... the green house is the perfect conditions for mould

Only plants that have been transplanted late to big pots have mold.
Of course I try to keep greenhouse as dry as possible, but outside is also very moist so venting makes things worse if not done right time...


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Only plants that have been transplanted late to big pots have mold.
Of course I try to keep greenhouse as dry as possible, but outside is also very moist so venting makes things worse if not done right time...

fair call

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