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Pot size for limited growbox? (other questions also)


New member

I have Homebox growbox S (160x80x80cm). I decided to give up HPS 400w and plan to buy LED (Penetrator 84X-PRO) instead.

I recognize that I'd grow up about max 1 metre high plant due constrained size of growbox plus LED power :D

So the question is how large pot I do need to limit length of the plant. Let's say of typical 50/50 hybrid strain. I'll start with indica strain and see what happens.

Other questions:

I'm sold on Blumat, it was a while when I didnt grow since last time. Give me tips about it maximizing 1 metre high plants on 80x80cm.

Thanks for answers in advance!



1 plant in 5 gallons of coco scrogged will be fine. Train your plants for lots of tops through lst or by fimming them. Get the screen filled in nice and even, and flip them at about 1/2 the size you want them to finish at.
You're gonna love the blumats, they rock.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i would say to use as big a pot as you can, allowing pot size to be your limiting factor is pointless imo. bigger pot = bigger plants so you will have to use some form of canopy management like lst or scrog

eg i use 4 x 4 gallon pots in my 2' x 2.5' cab with 2 x 126x lights.

if you are looking for a hgl light to match up to a 400 hps i would go for a 189x pro at least. i am a fan of HGL but most if not all LED manufacturers will overestimate the equivalency of their lights ;)


ICMag Donor
Go with one large soil bed that fits the entire bottom of the tent. That will maximize root space and lead to a better, more full canopy...



New member
thanks for replies!

it looks like I have to wait with LED, if I have to use min 70% energy of HID in LED to meet efficiency according to VerdantGreen. I looked at your grows, that awesome!, Verdant.

Sky, I figured that'd be scrog. I sort of hoped for simple grow since im beginner :) It ill be fun to try out different things though.

dankfrank, thats great idea especially when one uses blumats without worrying about overwatering!

At the moment I want to play with coco and I will continue grow with big pots under HPS as before. Though I admit my first and single grow with coco was not successful but I try again!

Thanks again!

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