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Pot size and shape?

Pot size and shape?

  • Plastic pot

    Votes: 24 40.0%
  • Air pot

    Votes: 17 28.3%
  • Smart pot

    Votes: 19 31.7%

  • Total voters


May I have your opinion?

Plastic pot vs. Airpot vs. Smart pot
..Square, circular, etc
..Taller or wider?

Which is better for you and why? :ying:


Active member
i prefer free pots which is why i recycle the shit you get from the nursery, use beer cups, and cut the tops off milk containers and juice bottles. im a DIY type a guy rather than a go and buy something i can make type of guy.
you know the secret to smart pots and air pots? the holes in the side of the pot. just get a drill and drill some holes along the side of your pots, or punch em with a screwdriver or awl. smartpots are the ones that are essentially those "green" grocery bags they sell you for $1 at the store arent they? problem solved

sorry got that backwards, airpots are the pots with a ton of holes in em, you can do that at home, and smartpots are the ones made of the material they use in the "green" grocery totes. simple solutions. no money spent, or very little.


I am indoors in tents. when I am growing in soil I like 2 gallon for zero veg clones straight to flower and anywhere from 3.7gallon (#5) to 5 gallon for plants from seed typically veg from 4-7 weeks. I also grow autos in 3 gallon pots. organic the smallest I've used is 3 gallon.
but wait there's more if you are in coco people seem to get more yield from smaller pots with frequent watering. for coco I like rose pots (1.6 gallon I think) with a couple weeks veg or very little.
and then and then, one time in band camp
I am just starting to use smart pot type fabric containers, everyone seems to love them but I am always slow to convert. mostly cause I hate buying all new stuff.

what do you plan to use as a media? soil, soil-less, or coco. or a mix?
plan to use irrigation or hand water?

if I was starting from scratch I'd read the thread on here about blu-mats and try coco with smart pots.
I am running the smart pots for two reasons. One they really promote lateral shoot growth. Reason two I ran into a serger for free, which allows me to sew them up myself.


Thanks guys. stihgno, I do the same :p but my focus is to find out out which method will produce the most rapid root growth. Air pots are more than just holes, their shape effects the root's growth pattern. I think anyone would agree that a wide pot produces a wide plant, and a tall pot produces lanky growth.

I am skeptical of smart pots and air pots, so I'm mainly just trying to find out if anyone TRULY stands by these innovative pots vs. free/conventional pots. Is the money worth the results? Regardless of growing media. Although, indoor soil would be appropriate.

I am tempted to just troll someones thread and say "hey your smart pot sucks balls!" ..just to hear their defense.

EDIT: lonely one, thanks for the response.. so you see better growth in the smart pots as opposed to a plastic pot?


smart pots are great. i like them. i will be using air pots next year for plants that are getting ready to go outside for summer season. if i do use plastic pots, i make sure to up-pot before roots ever spiral at the bottom.

i've noticed plants that are grown in plastic pots, roots that are allowed to spiral in the bottom of the container, never untangle, which outdoors results in a root ball that grows into a mess of constricting roots.
i've dug up massive root balls to find a root ball that looks like it's been tied in knots, i know that's not good/efficient for a plant's vigor. i will be using air pots next season so i don't have to worry about roots entangling themselves in the bottoms of plastic pots. although, this season i used plastic pots again, because i was lazy, and when i transplanted i delicately pulled the spiraled roots outwards, breaking the spiral, and watering in with a ton of thrive alive(kelp+b vitamins), no transplant shock! i love thrive alive, i'll always be using it.

indoors i use smart pots, when i know i won't have to transplant into a larger pot, it is sort of tricky transplanting out of smart pots, but can be done. the root mass in a fabric pot really is much thicker and healthier than one grown in plastic allowed to spiral and collect in the bottom, i've had experience with both.

advantage of plastic pots are the square ones, you can fit more square pots in a space than round ones. that's about it, imo.

i re-use smart pots for a long time, they supposedly break at the seam eventually, but you could probably sew it up, why not?


Thats pretty much everything I could have asked for and more. Those are some super thoughtful tips. Thank you.
For outdoors smart pots are a dream, yet depending on your substrate they can be a bitch indoors because the sides of the pot stay wet and fungus and mold can easily grow on the fabric.


Tropical Outcast
For outdoors smart pots are a dream, yet depending on your substrate they can be a bitch indoors because the sides of the pot stay wet and fungus and mold can easily grow on the fabric.

No, depending on your rooms RH, not substrate.

If you got mold ANYWHERE in your room the RH is higher than it should be in 1st place.

Use an adequate Dehu, set it to around 50% (or less) and you won't have that problem anymore. :jump:
Plus a lower RH will enhance plantgrowth due to a sped up metabolism within the plant.


Tropical Outcast
May I have your opinion?

Plastic pot vs. Airpot vs. Smart pot
..Square, circular, etc
..Taller or wider?

Which is better for you and why? :ying:

Check the grows in my sig (if you haven't done so already ;) ) and you will notice >>> same strain @ the same vegging time > the material of pot will not make a difference as long as the size has been chose accordingly for the roots NOT getting a chance to either/or fill in the substrate they are growing in not to mention the plant not getting a chance to get root bound, but that's common sense to every one...I hope. ;)


Active member
sorry got that backwards, airpots are the pots with a ton of holes in em, you can do that at home, and smartpots are the ones made of the material they use in the "green" grocery totes. simple solutions. no money spent, or very little.

air pots are the best - fact.
And if you want to save money on a POT then where do you live? Malasiya? China? how poor a man with an internet can be not to spend say 3-4 euro on something that really works and does a job better than ANY diy? make a DIY airpot? haha lets see how you can manage it :) I wonder if many ppl can...


Active member
there was a video somewhere on youtube where a dude did side by side airpot vs smart pot and airpots did show a superior growth rate

i am sorry I tried to find it but couldnt... ill try agian


Active member
well that's not entirely my fact you know... although I do have my airpots currently going and the plants there are thriving like never before! going to post pics soon.
and I did make a huge research project on best pots available before I ever bought them. spent maybe a whole day reading on them and other alternatives. that's what I usually do before buying anything.

i am not promoting airpots or anything, but my own experience backed up by experience of other makes me state a fact that airpots seem to dominate the market with quality.

and I see nothing about a question or two where my knowledge is not extended enough that would make me incompetent to answer a given question. everyone absorbs information in different rates and portions. and it's not like I am stating that by my knowledge and experience everyone should listen to me.

and if you ever shall bring such a weird argument of someone ever asking a noob question - think twice, because not anyone can know it all... neither can you ;) this is a forum for learning and teaching and trust me nobody here ever does only one thing purely.
well some do - but that's just the same as using only 50% of opportunity given.



Tropical Outcast
ecuses excuses excuses....

Come back with your experience after you have had a few grows under your belt using both types of pots.

Until then may I suggest you don't state something being a fact you picked up by reading somewhere. :rolleyes:

What may work for others...does not necessarily (always) work for you but it seems you have to find out that one first... ;)



Tropical Outcast

Plastic pot vs. Airpot vs. Smart pot
..Square, circular, etc
..Taller or wider?


thing a good way to find out is to try out what works best for you.

Just because ABC pot works great for "Joe Shmoe" doesn't always mean you are going to be happy with it as well.

So if you get one of each and do a parallel grow you'll be able to tell if this pot works better for you than the other one does.


Active member
thing a good way to find out is to try out what works best for you.

a flexible advice isn't it? :) works anywhere :p

Can't argue with it though - those are words of wisdom.

Yet still I don't see why u imagine that I lack a couple of grows you speak of. I have managed to grow in 6-7 different pots of almost same size. I have done clay pots, plastic pots, ceramic pots and even glass untill I finally decided to hit the pot market, once I moved to organics and threw my DWC DIY bubbler to storage. Not in single one of those pots have I seen the results that I get in an Air Pot. By results I mean growth rate and not the final yield sadly yet. Growthrate in an air pot is SUPERRIOR without a single doubt. About the end results - I am pretty sure too though, after the research on them airpots that I did.

And also I don't see why you have to come against Air pots and attack me.
Have you yourself had a chance to try those wonderful things?
If not, then what are you even talking about?
If yes, then Wtf are you talking about, mate? :D

Seriously there is no need for you to come at me with that attitude. After all the word "fact" that I used does qualify your meaning of that word(my own experience, couple of grows on diff pots, and exp of others)
Nobody of who I know ever got back to smart pots after using airpots. I have not heard of a persone that would say that smart pots are superrior to air pots. I have heard many though stating the other.
everyone is happy with them and so am I :)
Are you happy? :jump:


i'd recommend smart pots to anyone. that way if the individual is new to growing(or even someone familiar), the variable of a plant becoming root bound and spiraling in the bottom is avoided and not as much stressed upon. if that makes sense.. i.e. less things that could potentially hinder the success of your grow.

i've not done a side by side grow with plastic vs fabric(had lots of experience with both though). but i like the ideas behind fabric; air pruning, more oxygen entering the medium, biodegradable. if your really interested in fabric pots, do it, it's not like you'll be disappointed. if anything, i'm sure you'll just feel better knowing you using smart pots, placebo or not, hah.

outdoors, i think it's important to not start with plants that are root bound in any way. that is a scenario where i would stress smart pots or air pots more.


the shit spoon
Have used ~48 floz cups for veg, 3 gallon plastic pots for flower. I avoided vegging them long enough for root-binding to be a problem.. any loose swirls at the bottom were fat white hairy and easily unwound.

Now I want SOG and super-low maintenance, so I am thinking a bunch of plantlets in rubbermaids with Blumats.

But if these SO CALLED smart pots prevent rootbinding to a degree I may keep my mommas in them. Good to know..

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