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Pot Plane Gets Too Close To Air Force One



Best stoner story of all-time! Nobody will believe this dude when he tries to tell it later on down the road


Active member
one thing about this story is still unclear. did he not have a radio? don't they tell people to divert their course and all of that before scramblin jets to intercept? or do they just shazaaah! and show up at the last second without warning? how about all the other air traffic? surely that wasn't the only non commercial aircraft in the area that time or even that day.

just reread it again with accompanying sound from the video i didnt notice first time i read this with no sound. now it sounds even stranger. president about to take off, small plane wanders into flight path, f16, scrambled to intercept, forced to land at nearby airport.

ok so were the f16's at the airport with airforce one? were they at a nearby military base? were they already in the air and the report just says "scrambled" as a loose term and not the term we already associate with images of young tom cruise running to put on a flight suit and jump in his f14? i mean it's not like a plane needs miles to take off, just like a couple hundred yards, so for this plane to be close enough to sound an alarm and scramble f16's it must have been within like 10-20 miles. f16's are fast and would cover those miles in a couple of minutes, but thats assuming they were already with the president. if not then they would have to come from somewhere else and the small plane would have had to be even further away to provide more time to intercept, then we have to ask why they didn't just tell the plane to change course, and why the plane didn't comply when im sure the military aircraft identified themselves and asked for them to respond like you see in the movies and surely must be done in real life, unless pilots are all psychic these days and....

this rabbit hole is doing my head in.

i dunno, whole thing seems a little...fake? like a thin veneer that if you look close enough you will see there is nothing underneath.

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