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Pot Forum Pet Peeves


What are some of your pet peeves that have developed from reading pot forums?

When 5 randoms say something has worked for them and then one member you follow/respect comes along and says "That's shit." lol

It seems like people do not Fn read threads on pot forums. Most of the time it seems like most get through at least most of the OP, but forget the rest of the thread. This makes 1000+ reply threads even more tedious. (this might be the saving grace of this thread as all replies after the tenth will be redundant. :D)

The ancestral stories of the different varieties. All of them make perfect sense yet they all contradict each other.

People who agree with each other and yet they find a way to bicker somehow.

What bugs you guys about pot forums?


My number one pet peeve with this site are those damn pictures that you hover your mouse over and then it enlarges the pic. How damn hard is it to just post an image tag that displays the damn pic at the right size to begin with?


That is a method of posting pics without having pics hosted by the site.Some people feel more comfortable that way.

My number one pet peeve with this site are those damn pictures that you hover your mouse over and then it enlarges the pic. How damn hard is it to just post an image tag that displays the damn pic at the right size to begin with?


That is a method of posting pics without having pics hosted by the site.Some people feel more comfortable that way.

You can still post the pics from an off site storage without doing that. The pic below is just some random pic that comes up when I did a google search for the word "weed". It is not on this site.



Active member
nothing at all .but remember i am always really stoned and find alot of things amusing .i dont get irritated much when i am baked.if the pic aint hosted here i cant see it.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
one of mine is when people make useless posts in threads that are just one or two words, and when someone quotes another post with lots of big pictures. Those things clutter up a good thread with useless garbage.

Zen Master

one of mine is when people make useless posts in threads that are just one or two words, and when someone quotes another post with lots of big pictures. Those things clutter up a good thread with useless garbage.

yeah this

quoting 4-5+ big pix right after they were initially posted is annoying.

oh and I am 100% positive I've seen that big ass pile of weed picture before. I kinda sorta wanna say it was L0ugrew? (wtf it censored that without the 0) I know others remember him... pretty sure it was on this site I saw it.


one of mine is when people make useless posts in threads that are just one or two words, and when someone quotes another post with lots of big pictures. Those things clutter up a good thread with useless garbage.

Yes! This annoys me as well. I think one reason that pot forums suffer from this is so many pictures are taken in the first place because the camera never, ever, does our plants justice.

I also hate when someone points out a shitty post. That post, by definition has become a shitty post as well.
people who blow up over anything stupid maybe its just cause they forget what it was like to be a noob. i mean really if ya dont want to answer the questions then why post and talk shit about how the person is or isnt searching blah blah blah so either tell them your opinion and then a friendly suggestion on how to search them selves. or just shut up click on the back space button and find a different thread were you can actually help some one. for the record some people either arent computer savy ,have slow connection speeds or use there phone to surf web or just to impatient so either help them or just skip the thread instead of being a prick. with that being said i can understand some times but alot of time its uncalled for


OP said:
It seems like people do not Fn read threads on pot forums.
The problem you mentioned is human nature. Visit any other type of board and you will see the same thing. I was reading a thread on a different type of forum and the OP had been banned since 2008. People were still directing questions at the OP.
... and when someone quotes another post with lots of big pictures. ....
Friggin' lazy ass quote whores. Hate 'em! 50 pictures and the reply is, "Nice grow dude."

Most of the guesses in the infirmary

Threads lickin vendor balls


The way commercialism and greed has triumphed over free speech.

They way people are so quick to insult each other the minute they have a disagreement.

Moderators who close threads then reopen it to have the last word, unless of course they are reopening the thread to explain why it was shut.


When I log off a weed site and delete all history, passwords and COOKIES..... :(


ICMag Donor
1. kids
2. forum gangsters (see #1)
3. immaturity leading to an even more negative outlook on this community (see #1, #2)
4. airing personal business (see #1, #2, #3)
5. politics
6. racism
7. breeder bashing
8. technique bashing
9. any bashing
10. posting any information on shipping techniques. why let the public (read LEO) know what you are doing to fool them???


Cautiously Optimistic
In "New Posts" you see the title of a thread (in English) that seems REALLY interesting then when you click on it, it's a foreign language post. :dunno:


Active member
Being able to read and see all these beautiful plants that people post and not have it be legal almost anywhere in the world.
