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pot for PTSD?


Well-known member
the feds today announced that trials using vets will be held in order to assess whether smoked/vaped cannabis is effective for combat vets fighting PTSD from their service to the country. the NIDA has already OKed the deal & will supply the weed. only thing stopping it now is getting the DEAs approval, which is expected to come in short order. personally, I aint holding my breath, but maybe, jus' maybe...


the feds today announced that trials using vets will be held in order to assess whether smoked/vaped cannabis is effective for combat vets fighting PTSD from their service to the country. the NIDA has already OKed the deal & will supply the weed. only thing stopping it now is getting the DEAs approval, which is expected to come in short order. personally, I aint holding my breath, but maybe, jus' maybe...

I know a vet in Oregon, about 70 years old, who tried many different Big Pharma products, trying to cope with PTSD, until he finally tried Cannabis.

With Cannabis, he is super-functional, works harder than a lot of thirty-somethings.

But I would guess that Big Pharma ain't none too happy about losing the VA as a big-time customer for their meds. I don't think they care if their meds work, as much as they care about the $$$ they get paid for those meds.


Active member
VA Directive Allows Veterans to Use Medical Cannabis in Clinics Where it’s Legal Under State Law


July 25, 2013

by TheJointBlog

[Editor's Note: This article has been updated to make it clear that this directive was issued in 2010; unfortunately most clinics have ignored it and disallowed medical cannabis use onsite, citing federal law.]

The U.S. Veterans Affairs Department issued a new directive in 2010 which effectively altered the group’s national va_sealpolicies in regards to medical cannabis. Under this directive, veterans are allowed to consume cannabis at clinics located in states which have legalized the substance for medical use; the policy was a major shift; prior to the change, veterans lost VA benefits if they were caught using cannabis, even if they were qualified patients under state law, and used the cannabis for entirely legitimate medical purposes.

“For years, there have been veterans coming back from the Iraq war who needed medical marijuana and had to decide whether they were willing to cut down on their VA medications,” states John Targowski, a legal adviser for the group Veterans for Medical Marijuana Access, who praised the change.

Under these rules, clinics aren’t be authorized to distribute medical cannabis, but veterans who are qualified patients are allowed to consume cannabis they’ve already obtained.

Despite this change veterans are still suffering with the dilemma of abiding federal (or in some cases state) law, or using a natural, nonlethal medicine which they find to be far more beneficial than deadly pharmaceutical treatments.

The answer? Legalize medical cannabis across the board, including putting a swift end to federal prohibition.

- TheJointBlog



I would like to know, which strains vets are using for PTSD? I have a friend that is a vet with PTSD with anxiety issues and new to mmj. Sorry, I don't want to wait for the Gov't results. thanks jpt


Good to see they are finally willing to allow it at the va centers. I know from personal experience that Mmj helps me with coping with those mental issues that have arisen. I will suggest however that any and all vets that read this talk to their primary care provider at the va about it "off the record". Do not allow them to make a note of your use in your file.


Registered Non-Conformist
Indica is better for PTSD. Works quite well. Sativa, or early harvested Indicas could possibly exacerbate the condition.


Active member
I think the idea behind using weed for PTSD is that herb helps you forget. In day to day life it just helps you forget the mundane details of your day, that your brain would ordinarily hold on to.

Here is an interesting speech on the subject by Michael Pollan author of "The Botany of Desire" on the subject.



Active member
the feds will do a 10 year study to find out what they could get from a poll that could be taken at the VA hospitals in 10 minutes.

it's progress government style

but at least they are talking about it


I think the idea behind using weed for PTSD is that herb helps you forget. In day to day life it just helps you forget the mundane details of your day, that your brain would ordinarily hold on to.

Here is an interesting speech on the subject by Michael Pollan author of "The Botany of Desire" on the subject.


Great video.
Thanks for the post!


Active member
Imagine that, studying it, now? ;-P Whatever.

I think this could well bite a vet in the ass, especially in the non-med states if they admit using any mj at all, ever. You must admit to breaking the law to get proper treatment?

This is getting just super stupid. The federal laws need to change. Either shit or get off the pot Holder and Obummer....or shit AND get off the POT maybe?


Active member
interesting. cannabis can defiantly help ptsd. i dont like , at all that they have a patent on it, but i do think its cool they are taking steps(baby steps)towards using it in the VA clinics which could lead to another federal medical cannabis project and the legaliztion of medical cannabis on a federal level. like i said, baby steps... it will take a while if ever so it will be interesting how it plays out. too much friggin politics involved in medical treatment. cannabis is a legitimate treatment for numerous conditions including ptsd. let people heal and f the politics. its a shame that because its a "hot potato" vets and other sick Americans living in a non medical cannabis state have to risk so much to reap the rewards of this truly healing plant. i would hope that the Hippocratic oath would protect patients but it reallly dosnt help, docs are to afraid of losing their dea license and/or practicing license and few will even talk about it let alone recommend it in sttes its illegal let alone the federally run VA clinics... as far as indica's and sativas go indicas will most likely be of better value for ptst but there are some really good sat dominate strains that work great for anxiety. and as always, people have diff body chemistry and what works for one may not work well for another. plus the new cbd strains show a lot of promise in anxiety related treatments,as well as advancements in anxiety therapy without the use of benzodiazapines or other tranquilizers (including amino acids, gaba, promising herbal treatments and synergistic herbal blends including cannabis therapy, nutrition,a holistic approach, cognitive behavior therapy and other relatively new knowledge about these and other newer treatments. its a brave new world as far as anxiety treatment, hopefully they eventually can figure this issue out:) unfortunatly there is no quick fix for any anxiety disorder including pstd and you still have to put the work in to reap the rewards. these supplements, including cannabis just help make the process less challenging with little to no side effects and the big one, little to no addiction potential, as compaired to benzodiazapine treatment. (which is a very good thing)


Active member
I'm very happy MI just added ptsd to the list of acceptable uses of medical marijuana.

I have a couple patient that are Vietnam vets, and know of countless other veterans that say the same thing, cannabis helps relieve them from stress due to combat better then any other pill they have tried.