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Pot for Pleasure



Tom strikes me as being a bright political player, if they don't touch it by the deadline, I can't see him allowing his hard work in generating support for this to be forced into having to be reintroduced, unless it would be a benefit.

4-3, that's not to shabby at all under the circumstances.

I agree here lets a take a moment and thank Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, with a moment of our full focus and thanks.

I say let's elect the man Governor.

Someone that has the balls to speak for our cannabis community gets my vote!


Rainman started this thread just to give blue dot a heart attack.....lol

Where is Blue Dot and is that the sound of paramedics in the distance?

Much respect Blue Dot.. I have been mad at ya but you will always be able to borrow an ounce from me.

When it's legal that is..


maybe he already knows it will not happen friday, but can use this stepping stone better through reintroduction.

though looking at the names in that committee, i believe he could stand a very good fighting chance if the can meet by friday. what kind of shit is that anyway, 72hrs, really, what a crock if you ask me.

What ad dollar effectiveness value would you place on it?

I say the man knows finance.. Governor Ammiano anyone?

He has my vote..


Freedom Fighter
Blue Dot/Flo...I enjoy his Banter-- Sometimes he pisses me off...but is good to have ppl that evoke your Passion--


Free Blue Dot!

I did ask if that last bit of blue dot postings was blue dot.. maybe the CIA has him?


this shit cracks me up:


The 5th amendment to the United States Constitution states: “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process.

There are two types of due process:

1.Procedural due process. It guarantee’s adequate notice before the Government can deprive one of life, liberty or property. It imposes procedural requirements on Governments when they try to impair Life, Liberty or Property. It also limits the power of states to regulate certain areas of people’s lives. It guarantee’s adequate notice before the Government can deprive one of these rights. Liberty can not be taken without procedural due process.

2.The second is Substantive due process. It is the requirement that laws and regulations must be related to a legitimate Government interest. In other words, it places substantial limits on Governmental infringement of fundamental constitutionally protected rights. To deprive a citizen of this right is in fact illegal. In Rochin V California 342 U.S. 165 (1952), the Supreme Court added behavior “that shocks the conscience” into what constitutes a violation of due process. We assert that marijuana legalization constitutes a violation of what “shocks the conscience.”
The 5th amendment states “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process. This right was extended to each state by the 14th amendment.

The 14th amendment not only protects our right to life, liberty and property, but it also guarantee’s our right to the pursuit of happiness.
Meyer V Nebraska- 262 US 309 (1923) [4] is seen as the case interpreting the “liberty” interest of the due process clause of the 14th amendment as guaranteeing among other things, a right to the pursuit of happiness. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are not inalienable rights as stated in the Declaration of Independence. They are in fact fundamental, constitutional rights, given to us through the Meyer V Nebraska Supreme Court decision.

Now that we have established beyond any doubt that law abiding, tax paying citizens, and other non users in fact have the constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are hereby establishing that marijuana use and the use of any other illegal, controlled substance is detrimental to our pursuit of happiness.

1.Whereas: The legalization of marijuana would adversely impact our constitutional right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
2.Whereas: An individuals drug use is not confined solely to the user, rather it rudely intrudes on the daily lives of law abiding citizens throughout the state.
3.Whereas: There is monumental evidence that proves the correlation between drug use and increased crime.
4.Whereas: There is significant evidence that proves drug use severely impacts the quality of life for entire neighborhoods and communities.
5.Whereas: Whole communities are working to shut down marijuana dispensaries that are simply fronts for criminal enterprises.
6.Whereas: All legitimate law enforcement groups oppose marijuana legalization.
7.Whereas: The FDA has declared that marijuana has no medicinal value.
8.Whereas: Marijuana use is against federal law.
9.Whereas: We are fully aware of the fact that marijuana legalization advocates have outright lied about their true intention from the start.
10.Whereas: THC levels in marijuana today are nearly ten fold what they were in the 1970’s. During the 70’s the THC content was around 1-3 percent, compared to 10-37 percent today.
11.Whereas: More people are in treatment facilities for marijuana use then for all other drugs combined.
12.Whereas: Nationally marijuana is the most prevalent cause of drugged driving, and 7 times greater than drunk driving.
13.Whereas: Marijuana use causes respiratory ailments, lowers immune systems, causes mental illness, and aversely impacts short term memory. 14.Whereas: Marijuana use contributes to California’s 24.2 percent high school drop out rate, which costs roughly 46.4 billion according to a UC Santa Barbara Study.

15.Whereas: For every tax dollar generated on alcohol and tobacco, it costs $8.95 in societal costs. (Casa -Shoveling Up)
16.Whereas: The Model Drug Dealer Liability Act provides for monetary damages against drug dealers, in the following states Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Oklahoma, South Dakota, South Carolina, and Utah.
17.Whereas: Government Code section 37100-37200 states-The legislative body may not pass ordinances in conflict with the Constitution and laws of the state of California. Law abiding citizens can seek money damages against local Government for economic damages, loss of economic or educational potential, loss of productivity, injury, physical and emotional pain, suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment, and much more.
18.Whereas: The sale of marijuana for profit is illegal.

Individually, every California state legislator is required by law to take the oath of office.

“I solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, against all enemies foreign and domestic”…

Therefore, it is a direct violation for any state legislator to introduce, author or co-author legislation that blatantly violates the constitutional rights of millions of California citizens.

While drug legalization advocates may portray themselves as victims, often espousing that they have a constitutional right to use marijuana. We assert that our constitutionally protected right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is blatantly violated by marijuana legalization. Drug users can not insinuate that their right to use somehow trumps our right to live our lives, and bring up our children without exposing them to the shady underworld of drug use.

We assert that marijuana use, sales and legalization violates our constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness, under the 14th amendment. We have also established a legal, monetary recourse.

We further assert that the California state legislature is in direct violation of the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens, their own oath of office, and government code section 37100-37200, for permitting the ongoing operation of marijuana dispensaries, and we also assert that Assemblyman Tom Ammiano is grossly violating our constitutional rights by introducing and authoring legislation to legalize marijuana. (AB-390).

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano and all others engaged legislatively, in any capacity, to legalize marijuana, we demand that you cease and desist from any further actions to legalize marijuana.

Linda Taylor-Community and Anti Drug Activist.

Dr. Paul Chabot- Candidate for California State Assembly.
Brenda Chabot- Inland Valley Drug Free Community Coalition.


Geraldine Silverman
Chairman, Millburn Municipal Alliance Committee for Drug Awareness
Treasurer, NJ Federation for Drug Free Communities
Short Hills, NJ 07078

Ed Hills
Inland Valley Drug Free Community Coalition.

Ronald L. Kirkish
Gilroy, Ca.
Founder: Stop Marijuana Abuse Coalition
Member: Coalition for a Drug Free California
Member: Coalition for a Drug Free Youth
Member: Santa Barbara-No Dispensaries

Scott Chipman
San Diego, CA 92109
Co-founder SavePB.org

and many more concerned citizens

From a blog called the "stancoinsider" it's a silver mine of crazy.

If our State Legislature votes to allow marijuana to become legalized in California, as with Assemblyman Tom Ammiano's bill AB390, we could be forced to bring a lawsuit against the State of California for recklessly endangering our lives, our businesses, our neighborhoods and our communities. Durg legalization is also a violation of our Constitutional rights, Governor.



See the thread My Town here in the forum..

Oh it's real but off topic in this one..

I assume? :dunno:


It's a sad state of affairs that people are actually excited that the government wants to "tax and regulate" a freakin PLANT that anyone SHOULD be allowed to grow, smoke, or shove up their butt!!


Wow Linda Taylor and Paul Chabot are delusional.. Pot prohibition is against the liberty of the people.


I smoke for pleasure and I think the Joyce has a point. Can you imagine the horror of my life, you predatory growers? I get high all day while jerking off and playing playstation, occasionally sending a resume and reading a book. It's a disease. I have an illness.

How you all could inflict such pain and misery onto an unsuspecting citizen such as myself is beyond me. Shame on all of you predators. I am a menace to all of you hardworking Californians through no fault of my own, controlled by an evil drug. A problem child. A threat your family.

Up the hope, down with dope. Palin 2012! Keep DARE alive.


I'm surprised it's even possible to run on an anti-marijuana platform in this day and age. They are dusting off some truly moldy old reefer madness lies (testicular cancer, seriously?) and dressing them up in new trappings, complete with flashy slick web sites like jointcause.com and Save Our Society. And they have the nerve to call potheads "parasites". Has this man ever held a 9-5 job in his life?

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