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'Pot Cops,' 'Weed Country' Examine Marijuana


yeah he's not the sharpest tool in the shed ... dood should listen to what the scriptwriters are getting his girlfriend to tell him
I don't watch T.V, haven't in nearly ten years. Heard about this show as the others before it (American Weed, Weed Wars, etc.), and was intrigued to give it a go. The first episode i watched awhile back, and shut off less than half way through. The power of editing was to much for me. I watched it again last night (gf was bored), and again. WTF. This show negatively depicts, misconstrues, and misinforms. Shotwell, needs to be, well... shot. That fucktard, brought so much negative lime light, as well as the others that obviously insisted on allowing for misinformation to perpetuate. That the general public, are continued to be misinformed and indoctrinated to the point to where, cures that do exist, aren't fully explained as to what is what. Example: All cannabis use is depicted as "treatments" or "alternative medicine". When the fact of the matter is when extracted into pure oil, it can/does cure nearly all modern illnesses ( given it is used plentiful, and immediate). Just as Rick Simpson, Montana biotech, The SETH Group.Org, and numerous other independent scientists have concluded, CANNABIS CAUSES: APOPTOSIS: TO INDUCE PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH. It literally cures cancer, as well as a slew of other afflictions. "Treatments" are doctors, and pharmaceutical companies, way of being a viable company, and staying in business. Can't make money off curing people.
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Active member
What do you think about juicing the leafs of mj plants. Seen from a web site of top doctors doing research. That had good results treating a child with brain cancer, and others with illnesses. Sorry I can't find the site. They had all the compounds of what's in the leafs of mj. They recommended just two shot glasses of the juice a day. Very high in anti-oxygenates.
What do you think about juicing the leafs of mj plants. Seen from a web site of top doctors doing research. That had good results treating a child with brain cancer, and others with illnesses. Sorry I can't find the site. They had all the compounds of what's in the leafs of mj. They recommended just two shot glasses of the juice a day. Very high in anti-oxygenates.

Juicing as well as consuming oil ( although juicing the plant doesnt cause nearly a psychotropic effect as oil consumption) are the best ways to help battle cancer. In fact doing both in unison would be ideal and most beneficial. The compound in question are called cannabinoids. beside THC, cannabis has a plethora of other compounds that help maintain a healthy homeostasis. Look up "cannabinoid chart" or


Be well.


New member
I have watched and think is is the slickest production so far. However, it seems anytime one of these shows gets made the farmers are ripped off, raided or arrested. Always punished in some way. Makes me very sad to watch peeps opening their lives & lively hood up just to be stomped by jack boots and opportunistic f**k$.


Yes, it's better than 90%+ of reality TV today. I'm sure most find it very entertaining. However, I have alot of difficulty shutting off my "Bullshit Indicator" in my brain..and it ruins what entertainment value it may offer.

Better than most, just not for me.


Active member
Matt Shotwell has his head sooo far up his ass it's insane. This dude has a pending case in Solano county and seems just begging to get it kicked to the feds with how bad he's incriminating himself...on national TV... pending case... unfukinbelievable.
Yeah what that guy said...
And come on guys it's reality TV so it can't be scripted I mean look at the other shit that's on reality TV, it's so real...bahaha
I found my my-self saying "what the phuck are they thinking" through the whole show...Some throwback fer sure...


New member
WTF is strand???

WTF is strand???

These big time growers were talking about strands of weed. I must still have a lot to learn because all I grow is common old strains.
Matt Shitwell is an Idiot. The one qoute he says that pisses me off more than any is when he says "They got guns we got guns" WTF dude?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i enjoyed BE Smith flipping off the law enforcement helicopter

im me

Matt Shitwell is an Idiot. The one qoute he says that pisses me off more than any is when he says "They got guns we got guns" WTF dude?
Yeah he's quite the douchebag. the only place his dumbass and anyone foolish enough to deal with him will end up is prison.


Moon-grass farmer
Re: 'Pot Cops,' 'Weed Country' Examine Marijuana

As edited, scripted, embellished, and sometimes silly this show is, I still have been watching. Although, some of it disgusts me... the episode last night with the "neighbor feud" particularly made us look like trash. The way Matt Shotwell talks in these episodes is quite ridiculous. That guys' mentality is completely against what myself and many others in this industry stand for. Some of this show is really a shame, yet, I have to admit I have been watching and will watch the last episode haha.

What irks me most of all is the cops, obviously. Here's a roughly remembered, but good quote by one of the pigs:

"People say its 'just' a flower.... but how can it be just a flower if I have spent nearly my entire life fighting against it?"

Good logic there.


Active member
What irks me most of all is the cops, obviously. Here's a roughly remembered, but good quote by one of the pigs:

"People say its 'just' a flower.... but how can it be just a flower if I have spent nearly my entire life fighting against it?"

Good logic there.

I heard that and thought, "What a waste of his life"