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pot breathalyzer...


Kiss My Ring
Pot Breathalyzer Hits the Street

American police have for the first time used a marijuana breathalyzer to evaluate impaired drivers, the company behind the pioneering device declared Tuesday, saying it separately confirmed its breath test can detect recent consumption of marijuana-infused food.

more: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-13/pot-breathalyzer-hits-the-street

saw this coming a few years ago...guess they had to work out some details.
be safe out there kiddos...


Kiss My Ring
its bullshit. It's not even accurate.

They can drag me away in cuffs before I consent to this stupid shit
that's a real possibility tess...
i don't think they care if it is, if they haul you away in cuffs it's gonna cost you.
that, imo, is what it's about. dough-ray-me.


Rubbing my glands together
A "positive" pot breathalyzer test, accurate or not, is the hook to get you into custody where a blood analyzes can be preformed to make their case.


Well-known member
Premium user
that's a real possibility tess...
i don't think they care if it is, if they haul you away in cuffs it's gonna cost you.
that, imo, is what it's about. dough-ray-me.

Yeah thats all the porkers are there for is to fill the monetary court system with more patrons.

I want one of these to see exactly how fucked up I can get though it would be a great thing to have at parties to see who could get the most HIGH!!!!

Also to see how you can manipulate the results.

Hell just denying it will buy you enough time for it to no longer matter. What will they do then? Arrest and collect blood? Which they say isnt accurate?

I wonder what new protocol will be. Guess theyve been scrambling since smell of weed is no longer probable cause

Chances are since theyre going to sell them to all cops everywhere it aint gonna be cheap


Well-known member
Can you ask for a blood test if they have done the breath test? If they use a breath test for alcohol they don't also take your blood correct? This would mean then if they arrest you based on something that is not concrete enough evidence for a court case as reason to take blood for a court case this is unlawful search and seizure is it not?

If they use a test they know to not be accurate to violate your civil liberties, any evidence then collected based on that would no long be admissible, you should not need to administer a test to confirm that another test is accurate. You should be able to have a court case thrown out very easily with this type of bullshit.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Good questions Limey. I wonder what happens if you refuse the breath test? In most states if you refuse a breathalyzer (alcohol) you lose your license.

My advice is don't forget to put your visine in before you get behind the wheel!


pure dynamite
I can't understant how a breath test would detect intake of cannabis in the form of edibles?? Unless you ate a lot of edibles that contained a lot of volatile compounds that get airborne at body temperature, but even in that case THC is not volatile at body temp, so they would have to target other compounds..
Smells like bullshit.


Well-known member
Good questions Limey. I wonder what happens if you refuse the breath test? In most states if you refuse a breathalyzer (alcohol) you lose your license.

Yes, that is also a big loophole in the law. Not that I condone it, but you can avoid getting a DUI by simply refusing the breathalyzer and losing your license for a year.
It is much easier to deal with not having a license for a year than to deal with DUI.


Well-known member
I wonder also, would mouthwash then be able to remove the thc left in your mouth as it is alcohol soluble enough to avoid a positive result? Listerine then wait 20 minutes to drive?


I wonder also, would mouthwash then be able to remove the thc left in your mouth as it is alcohol soluble enough to avoid a positive result? Listerine then wait 20 minutes to drive?

biotente dry mouth mouth wash, coats your mouth = passes the saliva tests, allegedly,

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