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Posting from the Dam


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
How do you guys do it ?

I do not know what % of web cafe's run keyloggers or store/snoop your info but I am not too keen to sign on here under my usual login... if I even get a chance to .....and I really do not like bringing computers past Customs men [they like looking in your hard drive....]

.... so, is it a good idea to create a new handle for your posting in the Dam or am I being too paranoid ?


When in Rome....

I dono is there some fear

I´m not planning on breaking laws of this fair city or my own country.

I´m a medical person at home.. I´m a free man here AFAIK.

And so far I have not given out any of my financial information to anyone..

Okay maybe they send spam from my email account... I´ll fix that.

Just adding the bit to keep your credit card and other financial data strickly off any computer you don´t know.

Common sense.

No not too paranoid and thanks for the focus this morning. Ahh Expresso does so help..



better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
It takes around 2 weeks for a new account to get approved still? 420 finishes when?


LoL.. I really wouldn't worry about it that much.. unless that guy sat behind you in the internet shop is DEA.. or is it? :fsu:

Trust noone.. :laughing:


The cafe's themselves don't run keyloggers, it's people who come in to use the computers who are up to no good that do that nonsense.

I'm sure the owners run security on the computers regularly to keep that from happening.

Too paranoid man :joint:

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