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Post your soil mix!



Post your soil mix, both for holes outdoors and for containers indoor or outdoor. List amendments and how much/percentages of each, etc.

I'm curious what everyone's method is since there's probably hundreds of different mixes for people with different local resources, climate, etc.

I usually just grew in bagged potting soil but this year me and my cousin ran a custom soil mix for our indoor along with the regular bagged:

50% garden compost from the hydro store
50% perlite

Then we threw some dolomite in, can't remember how much but the plants are thriving really well in this mix.



Active member
4gal washed coco coir
2gal stagreen(lowes) veg & garden soil
2gal perlite
1.25gal castings
6tbs bone meal
6tbs bulb food(foxfarm, good stuff in there)
6tbs indo guano
3tbs lime
8tbs silica rock ground in blender
6tbs azomite

Pre-charged with calmag, roots excel, superthrive, 1/2 strength bloom, then watered in with compost tea(few tbs castings,guano,soil, -molasses,kelp and fish fert.)


4gal washed coco coir
2gal stagreen(lowes) veg & garden soil
2gal perlite
1.25gal castings
6tbs bone meal
6tbs bulb food(foxfarm, good stuff in there)
6tbs indo guano
3tbs lime
8tbs silica rock ground in blender
6tbs azomite

Pre-charged with calmag, roots excel, superthrive, 1/2 strength bloom, then watered in with compost tea(few tbs castings,guano,soil, -molasses,kelp and fish fert.)
Pretty sick mix, I wanna pick up some azomite sometime.


Active member
coco nuts

coco nuts

Coco coir, 10% perlite. 10% worm castings. Hand full of dolomite half hand full of trace elements. Give it all a good mix & Bobs your uncle.:tree:
Alright, I haven't really been measuring everything. It's been more like add as much as I think they will like of what I have. So far it's going great. I've been using:

Sunshine Natural and Organic Mix
worm castings + compost
crab shell meal
kelp meal
Dr. Earth 4-4-4
bat guano 3-10-1
bat guano 13-12-2 (or something)
dolomitic lime


Coco coir, 10% perlite. 10% worm castings. Hand full of dolomite half hand full of trace elements. Give it all a good mix & Bobs your uncle.:tree:
Seems simple enough. Coco coir as in similar to peat moss right? Cheers.

And do you use that in pots?
60% Roots soil
20% ewc or compost
20% coco coir chunks
amendments per gal:
11/2 tbs dolomite lime
1 tbs greensand
1 tbs kelp meal
1 tbs alfalfa
1 tbs Happy Frog 3-8-8
3/4 tbs soft rock phosphate

Works like a charm, I recycle my mix and add back all the amendments everytime along with a good amount of compost and coco chunks. Perlite can be used instead of the coco chunks but I don't like the stuff.

60% Roots soil
20% ewc or compost
20% coco coir chunks
amendments per gal:
11/2 tbs dolomite lime
1 tbs greensand
1 tbs kelp meal
1 tbs alfalfa
1 tbs Happy Frog 3-8-8
3/4 tbs soft rock phosphate

Works like a charm, I recycle my mix and add back all the amendments everytime along with a good amount of compost and coco chunks. Perlite can be used instead of the coco chunks but I don't like the stuff. I'll add two tbs of unsteamed bone meal at the bottom of the pot if I have it around. Some people may need to bump up the dolomite if using R/O water.




Active member
6 liters of universal potting soil
2 liters of perlite
2 liters of cocopeat or peat
(you can also just add 4 liters of perlite or 4 liters of peat)
4 soupspoons of lime
2 soupspoons of organic npk pellets
500 ml wormcastings
500 ml compost

this is for young plants

for bigger plants i do 4 to 6 spoons of organic npk pellets

For flowering i add 1 spoon of blood meal , 3 spoons of bonemeal and i also use other npk pellets with less N and moe P and K

For outdoor holes i make em deep enough and fill the top half with the veg recipe(6 spoons) and the bottom half with flowering mix

If the plants are very young i make a round hole of about 3 gallons with weak soil mix

Then i only add water and once before flowering i topdress with 8 spoons of NPK pellets 3 spoons of bonemeal 1 spoon of Kali and 1 spoon of bonemeal and cover it up with compost

Then again only water
3 parts compost from two sources (includes locally harvested kelp, kitchen scraps, horse manure, etc.)
1 part vermicompost w/ worms from two sources
1 part local top soil
1 part peat
1 part calcined DE
1 part rice hulls
1 part charred rice hulls

To 60 gallons of this I added:
5 lbs of Greensand
2 cups of Azomite
1 cup of various guanos
FoxFarm POM F&F (5-8-4) @ 1/3 strength

In the future I will top dress with Espoma Bio-Tone (3-4-4) as well as homemade compost and vermicompost mixed with biochar.

This mix is probably a little heavy on the compost, but it is still cooking. If it ends up being too hot I'll cut it with some coco.


I mix soil in batches of 120+gallons. I basically mix up fresh soil then cut it 50/50 with recycled soil from the previous run or prior.

The base mix is

50 gallons my recycled soil,
40 gallons sunshine growers organic. (peat, coco coir some perlite)
10 gallons earth worm castings
10 gallons local organic compost
7 gallons medium grade pumice
5 gallons perlite

This is all screened for consistency mixed and remixed

I add the mineral mix every other batch or so (approximate)
THis is one product that contains equal amounts of
3 cups azomite
3 cups glacial rock dust
3 cups soft rock phosphate
3 cups NJ greensand
3 cups Limestone

To this I add the following (approximate top of my head)

10 cups alfalfa meal
10 cups fish meal
8 cups fish bone meal
10 cups shrimp/crab meal
4 cups feather meal---
4 cups flaxseed meal -- this is one product
4 cups kelp meal
4 cups phos seabird quano
4 cups sup-po-mag
4 cups dolomite lime
4 cups oystershell flower

Thats it I think

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Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
3.8 cf bale peat
2 cf perlite
4 cf mushroom mulch
9 cups bone
9 cups dolo lime flour
4.5 cups kelp/blood/greensand



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
heres what i do

-go outside
-find some good soil
-amend with compost
-amend with crushed lavarock
-a little rock powders if they are already not in the compost
-go smoke a bowl and call it a day


Living with the soil
It's in my sig...

Not exactly a soil mix but more an evolving living soil with the continual addition of new and different materials. It gets better and better if you treat it like a pet.


Thanks so far everyone, nice thread btw capt. I see some of you got a lot of goodies added.

@jaykush that's for in ground planting right?

btw guys coco coir/peat is basically the same thing as peat moss right? if i understand, peat moss is more acidic though but both have similar properties right?


Living with the soil
Coco is similar medium to peat. The fibers are larger and the ph is higher. I use both mixed at 50/50...more diversity in the medium.
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Here is my current mix.

3 parts organic grow medium (I use a local companies mix)
1 part mushroom compost
1 part earth worm castings
1 part perlite
1 part Boost it (composted poultry litter)
1/2 cup green sand
1/2 cup azomite
1/4 cup blood meal
1/4 cup feather meal
1/2 cup bone meal
1/2 cup kelp meal
1 cup alfalfa meal
1/2 cup fish meal
1/2 cup high N bat guano


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
@jaykush that's for in ground planting right?

nope, both, pots and in ground. the key to it all is high quality compost. the best you can make.

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