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B. Self Reliant


My first Roor! I've always wanted one, but never had one until about 10 minutes ago. It's a Zumo 4.2mm orange Label. I still need to get the diffusion downstem, but I'm stoked it's finally here. This thing is super wide and of a decent height, so it should hit pretty hard when I need it to. Off to break it in. . .

B. Self Reliant

Thanks Ramius! I just tried it out and it hits hard to say the least. To turn that beast into a true cheeselog you have to be willing to sacrifice at least 0.5-1 grams to the Zumo God. There's just so much volume in this thing. . . it really needs to burn copious amounts of greens to get it thick and milky inside. It's also dangerously smooth.

A couple of ice cubes in the bottom with just enough water to catch all the ash and I'm set!

It was supposed to come with a glass screen I guess, but the glass screen never showed up. The hole in the bowl is absolutely HUGE, so to remedy the situation I just ordered a few roor glass screens, a narrowing bowl, & an 18.8 diffusion stem, so I should be set for a while once that arrives. For now I have to use a metal screen to keep my ground up buds from falling through. . . classic stoner situation to spend over $250 for a glass-on-glass bong only to break it in with a metal screen!

B. Self Reliant

Damn diggity, that thing's crazy. . . is it a bubbler or a pipe?

Also, the place the image was taken looks like a killer place to smoke a fat bowl!
:smoke out:


sic!:laughing: i just love this piece, hope I'll be lucky enough to see such a thing even once in my life :)

bless bro and K+


Feeling good is good enough.
Hippy Chick and Mother Superior

Hippy Chick and Mother Superior

Guess which is which...

MMJ so my shit is always dirty!
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Hi everybody

Some pics of my vape bricolage :D I'm running 100% of the time with my volcano but sometime I like to use a whip so..

here's my home made proto cooler to use with solid valve.

I simply used a 13/16mm (i/o diam.) tygon silicone tube who's sitting perfectly into the valve. :bashhead:

Vap is now so refreshing and don't hurt the throat when you vape a lot :bump:

bye bye & enjoy weeed ++ :)

You know tygon isn't silicone right? course you do.
These are the only pics I have of mine but its all finished and nice now :3
Im actually using two d5's in my rdwc grow right now, love those pumps man silent and last forfreakinever

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v603/maxspam/Pc build/
Oh heres a thread related post

Thats tygon tubing ironically XD


New member
I don't have any pic of it, and it's at my girl's house... but I made a bamboo bong that's about 2' tall and has an inline diffuser 100% organic except for the glue haha I'll get pics soon


My modest little piece

My modest little piece

Got this spoon not long ago. Haven't used it yet but I sure am ready to. I used to have a decent little collection of different glass pieces but ,well, that was then.



Oiled up good I am. Makes me feel right loose.

Also got this new chubbler from Soul Shine Family Glass, he works nearby so I picked it up in person. It was laying fresh in his workshop on the bench. Good stuff.
I recently picked up a new Toro 4 welded arm Trashcatcher and Urinal slide...


The slide came with a little pink glass urinal cake gauze

I will have some new slides to post soon...


New member
19" EVEREST Dual-Stage 10 Arm Percolated Beaker Bottom $270 OBO!


I'm selling it let me know if your interested! Got into a bad accident abd need my car fixed. $270 OBO Shipped to your home + Roll of Bee Line + EZWide pack of Rolling papers.
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