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RooR HeaD



I will never smoke weed again with a butane lighter. i love the bee line i can taste my weed so much better and if u dont belive in it try tthe beeline for 1 week and then try a butane bic and youll see what im saying.

the only product ive used that works better is that glass rob that u heat up with a torch!>

Mr. Tony

Active member
i cant tell u how much i wish babooey posted that pic a few months ago when the roor/elhe argument was going on. cause that would of shut all u up to see a elhe owner use a german roor diffy with a elhe bong.

so babooey thought u hated roors but u use their diffueser talk about second guessing your self! im still waiting for a new pic rotten so i can at least laught at your roor hateing ass.

maybe they were out of the length ehle he needed?

I've owned at least 6 different de roor diffies. different strokes different folks. You know I'm not some newbie to the glass either....

RooR HeaD

I love the beeline. some people hate it others like it but i truely enjoy the better taste im getting out of my weed instead of useing butane lighters cause its such a big difference in my eyes. but like i stated i would use the glass rod over anything but i have not seen them any were around here only in amsterdam and in penn. but hey hopefullly one day soon ill have a new jason lee slide to post up waiting on the call. sometime headshops take to long to get orders in they told me 1 week then the owner last week tell me a month. so im pretty bumed out that its takeing so long. might just get a fro ashcatcher but dont know.


Horse-toothed Jackass
RH: You know, the only reason i think i bought the roor diffuser over the ehle diffuser is because the $15 price difference between their diffusers is way more palatable than the $100 price difference between their bongs.
I can get a 45cm, 5mm ice cylinder bong from Ehle for 172; the Roor equivalent is 270.
I think Roor's quality control might be better than Ehle's, so i figure if i was going to splurge on a Roor it would be their diffusers, not their bong.
But seeing how thick and solid the Ehle glass is, im pretty impressed.
And their diffusers look exactly alike: small holes around the end. i dont know if Roor's holes are any better than the Ehle holes...
Even their precoolers look the same.
I still might splurge for a Roor bong, just because I think i should have one. Whether there is any difference to the aspects of how they hit, i think most people would say they both bongs got them super high... :rasta:

About that beeline: those look interesting. i think those glass rods are just borosilicate rods and any pyrex like glass rod will do.

Roorhead, you might like this guy's youtube videos:

He's a Roor nut just like you, and it's only because of him that i would want a roor, not because of annoying douches like you, it's guys like you that make me not want to buy a roor. No offense.
But, I still like you Roorhead. You're funny, you're interesting, and as long as youre around i wont be the dumbest guy on icmag.
Seriously, Roorhead, much love.


Horse-toothed Jackass
MT: No doubt no doubt. Only about a third of his glass water pipes seem to be Roor.
And Hashbean is truthful when he says that he likes Roor because it just 'feels better in your hand while you're holding it' - he's not trying to say a hit from a roor is intrinsically better just because of who made it. in fact, his biggest hits are usually done with a roor bong and a nonroor precooler.
and i did like that roor shop video. they showed a broken roor being fixed. they used big torches and lathes to work boro glass. and they seemed chill as hell, you know roor has a lot of stoners working for them.
check out that roor shop video, Roorhead. i bet thatll get your nipples hard.

RooR HeaD

your to funny booey im still laughing at your post. hash bean is old school bro ive known about him for a yer or 2 now. i love when he goes to the roor shop in germany i would do anything to make it out their one day that viedo had some roor shit ive never seen before some of those bowls in that glass case in the center of the store r sick and the roor/shiva i think it is are just nasty. and no booey roor diffusers have about 5 more wholes then the ehle. ive seen headie elhes at heading to hertal and they are beat as fuck that black dot on the bottom of won looked so stupid. i personally would only buy a toro if i couldnt get a roor. cause toro actually has some sick shit. ive seen 1500 dollor toros and i wont lie they r hot. and the fact u would buy a roor just cause of hash bean is weird what do u jerk off tohis viedos or something. u r a freak man at least make fun of me like a man next time not like your still in middle school. and honestly man at the end of the day roor still is the number 1 company so no matter how much u hate like i said they will still b number 1. must suck knowing that.

RooR HeaD

Tony what is this hakko u r talking about ive nevr heard of it. were can i try some if u think it is better then bee line i def try it.. anything to get a better taste is up my alley.
Tony what is this hakko u r talking about ive nevr heard of it. were can i try some if u think it is better then bee line i def try it.. anything to get a better taste is up my alley.

I believe the hakko is the name of a popular soldering iron that can be purchased at FRYS for ~25 dollars. You can see it here ---> http://www.google.com/products?hl=e...a=X&oi=product_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title. After you buy it, you can take the metal wand part of the soldering iron off and underneath it is the ceramic wand.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Lol, Roorhead, you are awesome.
Let me ask you something, do you generally feel better about something if it was more expensive?
I like Roor. I like the customization you can get with a Roor. And getting one is on my to-do list. So i can have one, use it, and know that fundamentally its no different than any other scientific glass bong.
Roorhead, when are you going to set up a grow? You seem like a hardcore stoner; get with the program and get down on some genetics! :rasta: then you can have all sorts of tasty things for your roors, and much cheaper than buying to boot.

RooR HeaD

wow central thats crazy looking i clicked on the second one on the link and it looks like tool or something. so u have to take out a certain pieace to use it. tony how do u use this pieace and were could i buy it any local hardware store. let me know ill try it like i said i love to taste top notch weed out my glass and anything to get a better taste ill try. u really like it better then the bee line? why didnt u like the bee line just wondering i didnt like it at first but then got use to it and started to use it more and more. then bought my own box for 20 bucks or something like that.

booey head im not even wasteing my time with your post they r just a waste of time i fell dumber after reading your post and ive already lost enough brain cells from drugs so i cant lose anymore talking shit with u. booey is hashbean your dream bf cause u seem to want to suck his hard nipples at the roor shop. and then u tell me to watch a viedo and make fun of me right after u say how much u love that viedo. im lost with your dumbness
yeah theres a certain model you are supposed to buy but i'm pretty stoned so remembering the numbers is not gonna happen but with that model it seems pretty self explanatory in what you do after taking it out of the box.


Ever heard of phedor? If not look it up. Hakko is basically a less elegant phedor.

They definitely do work nicely, but I keep going back to torch lighters no matter what else I try. More convenient and equal taste IMO. Plus, with a torch you can put it a lil closer to torch a snapper quickly, or hold it real far for melting a nice kif n oil bowl.

Hakko definitely is worth trying though, especially since it will only run ya bout $30, and last forever (far as I know) with no need to refuel.


Active member
high guy's and gal's, say high to Pepe' the skunk, lol. i just got him the other day.

btw, nice lookin' bong ya got there Prof Sublime! did you get to smoke any
o' your PPP in that baby?

this is a little somethin' i got for my almost 19 year old son the same day i got Pepe'.

i'm happy to say he likes it, lol.

peace all, stay safe and have a fruitful 2009!

Mr. Tony

Active member
Ever heard of phedor? If not look it up. Hakko is basically a less elegant phedor.

Hakko- $30- $40

phedor- $200 and I've heard of quality control problems with the phedor

wow central thats crazy looking i clicked on the second one on the link and it looks like tool or something. so u have to take out a certain pieace to use it. tony how do u use this pieace and were could i buy it any local hardware store. let me know ill try it like i said i love to taste top notch weed out my glass and anything to get a better taste ill try. u really like it better then the bee line? why didnt u like the bee line just wondering i didnt like it at first but then got use to it and started to use it more and more. then bought my own box for 20 bucks or something like that.

Well what you want is a soldering iron that heats the tip via a ceramic heating element. This is only found in high end soldering irons.

on the hakko there is three pieces you must remove, the tip , a sleeve, and and a screw on collar. once the collar is unscrewed the sleeve slides off then the tip slides off. super simple.

Idk I hated the fact that the bee line has to be lit and extinguished after every snap. with my hakko I can just leave it on my desk hot for hours at a time with no threat of fire.

what you want in the Hakko ( brand) Dash ( series) N454 25w

you can order it here http://www.tequipment.net/HakkoN454.html or buy it locally at an electronic store if they have hakko soldering irons.

fuck i hate the new photo gallery set up


Mr. Tony

Active member
and no booey roor diffusers have about 5 more wholes then the ehle. ive seen headie elhes at heading to hertal and they are beat as fuck that black dot on the bottom of won looked so stupid.

dude the number of holes doesn't matter at all after a certain point because, when your milking the tube you really only use like 1-3 holes.


Horse-toothed Jackass
MT: thanks for the link to the hakko. so does it make a noticeable difference in the taste?

here's a link to the posting pics thread:

it makes sense that most of the smoke would go through the holes at the very end of the diffuser. but you know Roorhead, he likes for all of his holes to be used. :moon:
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