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RooR HeaD

Pro sublime i have to say that 200 dollor bong is a great deal i dont think your gonna find a much better setup for that price. and idea on the blower or brand. im a big fan of big beakers myself im sure uve seen my Bling pin no need to post it cause ill have to here all these guys cry so if u havent just check out my thread roor heads nugs.


Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Its an Illadelph. Thanks for the comments on it. My boy just got the same bong but blown taller and w/o an ashcatcher, only a diffuser an bowl. He paid 100$ for it. O ya an his is clear not colbalt.


ICMag Donor
chicalyx said:
Damn nice for $20. Specially if gas station is your only source for glass...if it is, I'm sorry.

There's glass stores in all the towns here.But do to my careless friends and the yearly Bongbubblerbowl budget.I'm happier buying the cheap chinese glass,then the nicer stuff from Oregon and Cali in the head shops here.Ive broken 1 my friends 2 ........Its like a once a year tradition...


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RooR HeaD

Nice prosublime i didnt know that illadelphias r that cheap thats a pretty good deal. im happy i know about this now cause twice a year i go down to mybuddys out of town to pickup a good amount of bomby and we always roll joints cause he doesnt buy glass but i hate throwing sticky ass weed in papers so starting a year ago i buy a cheap bubbler every time i got their and just leave them with him when i go back but when i go bakc they r broken but if bought a nice bong he wouldnt touch it so thanks for the info. l

U guys know i swear by roors but today at hedin to hertel the nicest headshop in blo were i live right now has a few Toros and ive seen toros but recently they got these new ones in they r ugly as fuck but they were built for functionallity not looks any ways it has to perculator chambers one had 13 that was the middle one and the bottom of had 8 all together 21 percs or arms or whatever u call them. and the guy then let me and a buddy fill it up with water and honestly this tube had no drag what so ever it was like breathing. i have to hit it. ipost this cause im wondering if any of u have ttryed one of these cause my buddy is thinkin of buying one but hes not sure cause he a roor guy as well so hes a lil skethchy on it i told him to get it but will see.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yo roor head that bong is normally about 4-500$. I just know some people, notice theres not Illadelph stickers on it?


Horse-toothed Jackass
Johnny Rotten said:
Here's my german pyrex RooR. It was only 8,000 and it a one of a kind matching set.
You guys will never own something so epic.

Is that euros or dollars? Sweet deal either way.... :rasta:

Mr. Tony

Active member
RooR HeaD said:
U guys know i swear by roors but today at hedin to hertel the nicest headshop in blo were i live right now has a few Toros and ive seen toros but recently they got these new ones in they r ugly as fuck but they were built for functionallity not looks any ways it has to perculator chambers one had 13 that was the middle one and the bottom of had 8 all together 21 percs or arms or whatever u call them. and the guy then let me and a buddy fill it up with water and honestly this tube had no drag what so ever it was like breathing. i have to hit it. ipost this cause im wondering if any of u have ttryed one of these cause my buddy is thinkin of buying one but hes not sure cause he a roor guy as well so hes a lil skethchy on it i told him to get it but will see.

they are super duper ill. I just want an 8/8 cause i hate the buldge the 13 arm ones have. the up stem on the tree is insane.

RooR HeaD

yea tony thats what im talking about it looks like a chod in the middle i hate that. but it would rip like crazy. thats what the guy said he likes roors himself but this toro was built purely for funtionality not looks. im hopeing my friend gets it i wont ever buy another bong besides roor thats just cause i love roors but i wouldnt turn it down if i was able to use it all the time. they were 600 flat cash for me id rather throw a lil extra cash and get the ZIGGY i love this roor its my favorite custom id buy besides my own custom. Im gonna sooner or later just say the hell with it and buy it but i figure it will go down in price by this time next year. and i already own the ziggy slide so i could sell one of them when i get it and put that jam up on ebay and make a quick 300. ive had so many offers for that slide but i wont sell it cause their were only 66 made they say. but overall tony that toro is sick nasty i wotn lie that thing has to rip so nice. if u see a milk shot of it any where tony please link it cause i think u still go on TC here and their. .http://www.everyonedoesit.com/onlin...cemaster_50__Son_Of_Ziggy.cfm?iProductID=5142

Jhonny rotten is that the best u can do ive seen that picture more times on tokecity then weed on here. get some new material so at least i can get a laugh out of it. by the way what rotten stand for freak boy! thanks for the negative reputation post.

has anyone else realized that edit raised all prices on roors and some seed companys. if u have do u know why?

Had to throw this up to show my glass friends the newest and biggest bud added to my statsh!
7.5 Grams

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me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
pack a bowl said:
<--- proud roor hater since the overgrow days.
cant say i hate any bong, but i do understand your hate. i ve never understood the roor thing myself. gimme some custom glass marbled out and now your talkin' !!!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Picked this up for 150$ today, wanted to support my local headshop. Its a Manifest 7mm beaker. Its nice and I like it alot. Sorry for the turned pictures, use ur imagination.

Milk shot for my homies :rasta:

RooR HeaD

See the funny thing about all the guys who say the hate roors r all the same. see i was a member of tokecity for along time so al the true german roor owners have heard,seen and anything of the above about haters on roors. and they all have the same excuse there to exspensive, their to plain for what they coast, i could get the same quality bong for cheaper do u want me to keep going or u haters get my drift. but the funy thing is more people all around the world know what a roor is compared to any other bong company and they r the number 1 selling company as well. so no matter what u say at the end of the day roor is number 1 u could hate alll u want but at the end of the day roor will still be the best. and i still have not seen any of u haters post a better diffuser.

and to the guys who say their to plain i want work i want marbles i want this i want that. what dont u get u can get that on roors u just have to spend the money to get it. when u buy a nice american headie bong it could break at any time but i have yet to ever see a german roor break so u get that headie b0ng with the best glass. so get off that stero type as well.

RooRs r number 1
and last but not least 90% of roor haters that hate truely hate cause they cant afford them. instead of being jealous just embrace see unlike most of u ive changed and if u read one of my latest post about toros u will see that. just get over it honestly how can u hate on glass at the end of the day its A BONG thats it.

pack a bowl

yea man, i hate the roor b/c i can't afford it.... even though my torch was $1700...

so b/c something is at the top of the market doesn't mean that it is the best. see, people buy the hope of roor; the hype so to speak. they think they are the best bongs ever, super amazing ultra perfect seals, mega spectacular joints, and precision that nasa needs for their bongs....
but it's just a joke. a joke that people will buy factory mass made production with a brand label on it that is no better than other NON IMPORT (china, india, and other sweatshop areas) bongs...

oh yea, and high school musical was "#1" for plenty of time, so apparently what the masses care about could means doesn't mean much.

and you say artistic bongs are more prone to breaking? well, i will agree. there are more areas of stress with the different COEs (coefficient of expansion) in the colors. thats glass, and thats just the way it is. a clear bong will be stronger but a roor is no stronger than an illadelph. and if you are really worried about breaking glass... maybe it isn't the type of investment for you because it breaks if arn't careful... but i've had my pieces for years and i don't see them breakin any time soon.
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Horse-toothed Jackass

this is the new toy i got over the holidays. it's a 45 cm tall Ehle bong from every one does it.com. 5mm thick borosilicate glass, so it's solid and resistant to thermal shock. 18.8mm joints, so it clears very fast. Has an Ehle precooler at the end. Both downstems are Roor diffusers.


A look at the bowl; this thing is huge, looks like it could fit 1.5 grams of ground up buds in there. At the bottom is the glass gauze, to prevent buds/ash from falling.


A look down the bong itself. you can just make out the diffuser at the bottom.


this is pretty much my standard dosage. yeah, i know im a lightweight...


PhilCuisine's schrom burns down to a nice, white ash...
This is my daily driver from now on. :rasta:

Mr. Tony

Active member
I'm considering Getting a simple ehle from edit or a friends toro straight.

Roor head- Yo I've been perma banned from TC for months now.

RooR HeaD

i cant tell u how much i wish babooey posted that pic a few months ago when the roor/elhe argument was going on. cause that would of shut all u up to see a elhe owner use a german roor diffy with a elhe bong.

so babooey thought u hated roors but u use their diffueser talk about second guessing your self! im still waiting for a new pic rotten so i can at least laught at your roor hateing ass.
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