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Post-Legal UK....a thread for speculation


I remember when channel 4 had pot night, it showed that the big cigarette companies have already trademarked such names as Acapulco Gold,Red Len ect. for production of pre-rolled joints.
I think a lot will depend on how the government will license it. I think we will still have people who will grow more than they should (lets say each person can grow no more than 10 plants for personal) or bypass electric meters.
Unless you are in the south of England you can forget growing up North for commercial crops.
I think you will need a license to grow commercially & they will tax it heavily too.
Medical patients will end up paying more than they do now as i can see medical weed costing a fortune.
TBH IMO it will never happen.

El Toker

I love growing, but that's probably because I love cannabis and growing is the only way that I can get a cheap regular supply of the good stuff.

Once the market is in the open, then I expect that it will be dirt cheap and great quality. I can see the adverts now,

- Organically grown in natural sunlight, carefully dried and cured to perfection, lovingly wrapped in a high quality resealable lightproof packet. It's not just White Widow it's Mark's and Spencer's White Widow -

I'll be able to try different varieties, many more than I could growing my own. I'd probably keep one mother and make use of the summer to grow some in my back garden in dirt . But there's no way I'd devote space and money to a proper indoor hydro grow.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
given ken clarke's speech today and the possible influence of the libdems, i wonder if the need for government to save money may be the catalyst to some kind of softening of the cannabis law or at least sentencing.

cos it generally comes down to money when you've done and said all ;)


Take A Deep Breath
I doubt if there will be any formal review of sentencing......but I imagine that magistrates take on board what the Justice Secretary says in a speech, and that will affect their sentencing decisions.

But apparently Ken's little speech has gone down with the Tory backbenchers like a cup of cold sick.


ICMag Donor
Personally we think that:

- Homegrowers should be free to grow their own plants! Not criminalised !!

- There should be NO plant limits enforced outdoor / under glass... it's a plant!!!

- There should a 1000-2000 watts (per twat) limit in domestic / residential gardens or something IMO. This would allow ppl to employ Qualified Electricians legally to help install growrooms and the UK would be a safer place! We've all seen it, idiot burnt their house and the house nextdoor down because they were hiding plants in the attic(?)

- There should be open access for growers to apply for a commerciallicense' if that's how ppl wanna make loot. Then the sellers, dealers and buyers can all pay tax together if they like,, just like any other horti industry in the uk.

It would be nice if the little shotters on the blocks slinging damp flowers out in plastic-bags like tescos salad ,, could be replaced by local organic farmers that run their own box schemes sure thing... but that's still a pipe-dream on the horizon.

The UK needs to devolve itself before it can move forwards...

Peace n flowers

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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks for the direct link ilpon, EVERYONE should go and post a suggestion there or at least vote for some others. not often we get this opportunity and im sure a large amount of votes/ideas on this subject wont go un-noticed.



I hope it would be like california - lax medical licences that allow you to grow. Not for profit Co-operatives and dispensaries and grow colleges.

I think the reality is more like this new Sativex drug will prevent legalisation. Why allow people to grow it when the NHS can pay 11 quid a day to some drug company.

I dunno, at the moment there is the gvt initiative mentioned above where you can say what laws you want to be got rid of. Hopefully they will see this situation is bad for everyone.

So....Let's suppose that a miracle of some sorts happens in the next few years, and cannabis is legalised in the UK for adult consumption.

What does this look like?


I assume big business moves in big-time. Fields and fields of drug cannabis? Even with our shitty climate? All-fems? From femmed seed or clones? Massive imports? Or a huge greenhouse scene? Energy is expensive....

Will there be room for the smaller commercial cropper? Conneiseur bud and all that....like a micro-brewery?

Competition will be fierce.....it may not be the license to print money it is now.....


Is it a cigarette or an alcohol model that will be used? Do we have coffeshops? Again, big business will step in.....Starbucks or the like?
Or will it be over the counter, purely for consumption at home? Health & Safety and no smoke in enclosed spaces and all that?

What do people think would happen? How would it all work?